Five random facts about yourself



  • illuria
    illuria Posts: 24 Member
    1. I play all sorts of computer games despite being over 30 years old.
    2. I got diagnosed with EDS (Ehlers-Danlos) when I was 30.
    3. I can't live without music.
    4. I love cats
    5. I am scared of/revolted by cockroaches. I hate them the most out of any bugs. Flying bugs are the second worst. Big flies, centipedes with wings etc. Freaks me out! :-p
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    1. It's a must that I have freshly shaved legs before painting my toenails a new color.

    2. I laugh at the most inappropriate times...think funerals etc..

    3. I'm 28 and still have no idea what I want to be "when I grow up".

    4. I'm addicted to historical romance novels and this is probably why I have high (and false) expectations of men and relationships.

    5. I set my alarm at least 5 different times before I'm convinced it's set.
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    1. I am a licensed Realtor in Central Texas, and I was awarded the honor of Rookie of the Year for 2011!

    2. I am related to Pat Benatar

    3. My husband's cousin played the catcher in the original Bad News Bears

    4. I went to school with Fergie, Octomom and Tina Yothers

    5. I have never been to Vegas :(
  • SandraD89
    SandraD89 Posts: 809
    1. I am obsessed with crosses, blood(not real blood that makes me pass out), and eyes.
    2. I have a bit of an Asian Obsession. (Mostly Korean)
    3. I love History, one of the reasons i named my daughter Maya.
    4. I love learning interesting things.
    5. I am pretty vain. Ok probably very vain.
  • SandraD89
    SandraD89 Posts: 809

    2. I laugh at the most inappropriate times...think funerals etc..

    I do this too or when i am being stared at.
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    1) I have 3 black cats - Chubaka, Moose & Abu

    2) I played the Bassoon in high school band

    3) My apartment is haunted.... seriously lol

    4) I am allergic to the sun (yes, I am serious again lol)

    5) I was adopted :)
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    3) My apartment is haunted.... seriously lol

    I lived in a Haunted apartment years back too. Pretty cool!
  • moesaid2
    moesaid2 Posts: 67
    I love maraschino cherries (I'm eating them now)
    I'm not a singer, but I opened a concert for Aretha Franklin
    I love going shopping alone
    I don't like going to the movies alone
    I used to have an inferiority complex, but now I"m quite friendly
  • judsywudsy
    judsywudsy Posts: 44 Member
    1. I am obsessed with being Jamaican, i think we are one of the most eccentric, happy, aggressive, personable persons around.

    2. I love dancehall music ( you guys should have a listen)

    3. I wish to travel to Paris in the near future

    4. I wanted to become a doctor and instead i am a botanist

    5. I wish i had closer friends
  • Vincentsz
    Vincentsz Posts: 407 Member
    1. I am Austrian like Schwarzenegger and Italian like Gambino

    2. My shoe size is 15 1/2

    3. I drowned when I was 5

    4. My older brother saved my life and brought me back.

    5. I love the smell of a woman as they put on make up in the morning.
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    1. Huge fan of the Steelers

    2. I was born in Moscow and lived there for several years. Have an apartment there.

    3. If I'm putting on shoes then I have to put the left one on first at all times. Not sure why. I'm right handed so don't know where it came from.

    4. I have 3 tattoos all on the left side of my body.

    5. I used to volunteer with a local hospice. It was really fascinating for me.
  • Octopies
    Octopies Posts: 157 Member
    1) I play the ukulele, and I'm relearning how to strum since I actually have fingernails now (stopped chewing on them)
    2) I'm learning Russian. I have family from all over Russia and ex-soviet countries and I'd like to visit someday.
    3) I have problems processing speech. I have trouble watching TV/movies or playing games without subtitles. I sometimes have trouble conversing with people because it sounds like they're speaking another language. Movie theaters are usually okay because they're so loud
    4) I was on a FIRST robotics team in high school, we made it to the finals a lot but never actually won :(
    5) I played rugby for two years until my knee didn't like it anymore.
  • ChristinaBarnhouse
    ChristinaBarnhouse Posts: 274 Member
    1. I love music.
    2. I am a major "clean-freak" LOL
    3. I have been married for over 10 years and have 2 boys.
    4. I'm obsessed with lipstick! LOL
    5. My favorite store is JCPenny.
  • helencita13
    helencita13 Posts: 76 Member
    1. I am the only blonde/fair person in my family..My ethnicity is Hispanic & Greek.
    2. I only have 1 kidney - I was born without the left one and didn't find out until I was 20.
    3. I am learning to play the guitar..and have been for a year & a half - it's hard! I am doing too many other things too..
    4. I am quite hilarious in real life but it doesn't seem to come across in the virtual world.
    5. I love animals more than people... subconsciously even, back in May a fire burned down a local animal shelter & I had a private organization I'm in do a donation drive to help out. In the past few weeks people have lost things in local fires and it didn't even occur to me to do a drive for them until I saw that someone else was doing one. What's wrong with me?? lol

    love reading these! I too am obsessive about my shoes being tied tight!
  • MurphTurph5
    MurphTurph5 Posts: 21 Member
    1. I still like coloring, but only with markers, not crayons...I hate crayons...

    2. I still watch The Little Mermaid and Aladdin when I'm feeling like a kid again.

    3. I only like 3 ice cubes in my glass of water, but dislike having ice cubes in my soda. Unless it's fountain soda.

    4. When I say 'I'm fine'...that's the key phrase into telling you that I'm not really fine.

    5. I don't like peanut butter with my chocolate.

    Just a few random things :)
  • crazy_indeed
    crazy_indeed Posts: 138 Member
    1. Clowns scare the heck out of me.
    2. I work in a psychiatric hospital; I am responsible for staff training and patient complaints.
    3. If I could be a superhero, I would be Wonder Woman.
    4. I love people watching.
    5. I trip over invisible things or either I am just clumsy.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    1) I'm terribly aware of my own intelligence level and I'm always self conscious about it. Which is probably a good thing because I'm always trying to learn.

    2) I've been biting my fingernails for the majority of my life. To the point where my hands bleed.

    3) I'm probably more in love with my wife now than I was when we met...I think about her pretty much all day long. 50% of the time its about how much I love her...50% of the time its fantasizing about things I'd like to do to/with her. I also don't think I've ever really told her that.

    4) I listen to hip-hop music constantly. I like other types as well but I've loved hip hop for 20+ years. I can talk about it all day long if I needed to and I would enjoy every single minute of it.

    5) Sometimes I feel ok with being fat. Like I'm satisfied with it. Other times I hate myself for it.

    Call your wife immediately and tell her. All wives would love to hear this.
  • ChcolateLady11
    1. I like even numbers ( and if I am able will do things evenly)

    2. I keep a dream log

    3. My best friends are all on line and live far away from Me

    4. I can almost do the splits....6more inches to

    5. I love chocolate :-)
    Off subject- your eyes are crazy AMAZING!

    Thank you :blushing:
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    1. I am really good at salsa dancing
    2. My parents managed reggae bands when I was younger. I was often the designated driver after a show.
    3. I have a physically disabled son who is trying to learn how to walk. Humbling.
    4. Christmas is my favorite time of the year.
    5. I was just told I have vittaligo- which is that disease that makes you have patches of skin that lose their pigment. Tough news for a girl who likes to be tan.
  • TheUglyFriend
    1. my butt isn't proportioned with my body :/
    2. I tend to chew on my fingernails when nervous or bored
    3.I hate tan lines
    4.When I give blood I almost pass out EVERY TIME. But always go back
    5. I have a weakness for younger guys (no not 11-17 year olds lol)