Bob Harpers Skinny Rules

Anyone read Bob Harpers Skinny Rules and followed his rules? If not I highly encourage you too! My friend read the book and had great success at it so I had to read the book. I was about ready to go back to WW because I was so discouraged and needed a little help. But I really didn't want to pay money to lose weight. So I got the book followed his rules minus a few mess up's on the weekend and in 3 weeks i have lost 9lbs. My husband has lost around 13lbs. I ate healthy before but had to change a few things. Just curious if anyone else has read it and had some good results. And to tell everyone to go get the book and read it. very easy read and helps a TON!


  • shnewell
    shnewell Posts: 14
    I read it last week and started following the menus in earnest this week. I have lost 5 lbs. in 4 days and I'M NOT HUNGRY! That is the key thing for me -- not feeling deprived. So far, I'm loving it, though it does take some time to think through each day and get the food ready ahead of time so I can grab everything and go when I leave for work in the morning.

    As I write this, I'm having a roasted eggplant and yams salad, with apples, cucumbers, and cheese (today is my meatless day -- Rule #12!).

    Edited to add: The rules are mostly not new information to me, but I really needed help with recipes and menu planning, which is, to me, one of the biggest benefits of the book.
  • MauC25K
    MauC25K Posts: 40 Member
    Just read it yesterday. I think I can take a lot of the rules and incorporate them into my life. Especially the one about drinking water before every meal. I drink tons of water, but I'm thinking maybe not at the right times. Not sure if I'll be able to stick to all of them but we will see. I really liked his approach and the layout of the book. Going to pass the book along to my family, I think it's worth a read.
  • LittleNicci
    LittleNicci Posts: 284 Member
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
  • Em_runs_away
    Em_runs_away Posts: 194 Member
    Please could someone outline the rules for me? Thanks.
  • krisann27
    krisann27 Posts: 26
    These are the rules that I saw on a picture file going around on Pinterest:
    1. drink a large glass of water before every meal--no excuses!
    2. don't drink your calories
    3. Eat protein at every meal--or stay hungry and grouchy
    4. slash your intake of refined flours and grains
    5. Eat 30 to 50 grams of fiber a day
    6. Eat apples and berries every single day. Every. Single. Day.
    7. No carbs after lunch
    8. Learn to read food labels so you know what you are eating.
    9. Stop guessing about portion sizes and get it right--for good.
    10. No more added sweeteners, including artificial ones.
    11. Get rid of those white potatoes.
    12. Make one day a week meatless.
    13. Get rid of fast foods and fried foods.
    14. Eat a real breakfast.
    15. Make your own food and eat alt least ten meals a week at home.
    16. Banish high salt foods.
    17. Eat your vegetables--just do it!
    18. Go to bed hungry.
    19. Sleep right.
    20. Plan one splurge meal a week.

    This is all I have to go by right now, and I'm trying to follow them as well as I can. I put my name on the list for this book at the library, so I'm looking forward to reading more about some of the rules.

    Really started trying to follow these this week--skipped extra sugar on my oatmeal, letting the peaches be the only sweetener. Had a meatless day yesterday. Limited myself to one cup of coffee (I drink mine with sugar & half and half). It will be tough, but I guess trying (and missing some of the rules) is better than not doing any of it!
  • abbylg1983
    abbylg1983 Posts: 177 Member
    I just want to add that, according to someone who read the book (not me), in rule #7, he is not referring to fruits or veggies when he says carbs. There was some confusion on that the last time this list was posted.
  • JudyL5305
    JudyL5305 Posts: 215 Member
    I read it last week and started following the menus in earnest this week. I have lost 5 lbs. in 4 days and I'M NOT HUNGRY! That is the key thing for me -- not feeling deprived. So far, I'm loving it, though it does take some time to think through each day and get the food ready ahead of time so I can grab everything and go when I leave for work in the morning.

    As I write this, I'm having a roasted eggplant and yams salad, with apples, cucumbers, and cheese (today is my meatless day -- Rule #12!).

    Edited to add: The rules are mostly not new information to me, but I really needed help with recipes and menu planning, which is, to me, one of the biggest benefits of the book.

    OH MY GOD! You had me at roasted eggplant!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Bob harper and have been thinking about getting the book. I just have a million others to read first. I belong to his online fitness club and love it to death but this salad I may just buy the book now!
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Bump to research some more
  • shnewell
    shnewell Posts: 14
    I just want to add that, according to someone who read the book (not me), in rule #7, he is not referring to fruits or veggies when he says carbs. There was some confusion on that the last time this list was posted.

    Yes, he's really talking about grains of any sort. For example, last night I made his "Signature Stir Fry" recipe with chicken. At lunchtime, you can have this served over some quinoa. At dinner, no quinoa -- just protein and veggies.
  • CajunNino
    CajunNino Posts: 269
    Read it.
    Followed it.
    Dropped 30 lbs in a month.

    I'd say it's pretty helpful. Although there is a whole chapter dedicated to each rule, so just knowing the rule doesn't give you much to go on. You really need to read the book to know the rhymes and reasons.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    While I can see people having success with this, as they are pretty common thinking; #7 and #11 are a little ridiculous IMHO. I eat carbs late and yes gasp I even have white potatoes from time to time. Some don't need so many rules to lose weight.
  • cherylsmiles
    cherylsmiles Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 3/4 of the way through week 3 of this plan. I have to say that yes, a lot of this is common sense, but it was the smack upside the head that I needed. I had been yo-yoing on WW for 10 months (lost 10 lbs total during that time). I know that the "right" way to lose weight should be slow, but for me - I needed some motivation to keep even trying.

    I like having rules to go by and that the book gives you specifics on what to eat the first four weeks. I'm down 7 pounds so far following the Skinny Rules to a T. At the end of the four weeks I want to take these principals and return to counting my points and use the new knowledge I have to keep going.

    I will say that last week (week 2) I wasn't losing anything and was ready to get discouraged. But nothing comes without hard work and perseverance and I kept going and its finally coming off again :)
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    My comments:

    1. drink a large glass of water before every meal--no excuses! I like this one
    2. don't drink your calories (pwnt, I drink too much protien)
    3. Eat protein at every meal--or stay hungry and grouchy (totally agree)
    4. slash your intake of refined flours and grains (I'd actually say limit all grains)
    5. Eat 30 to 50 grams of fiber a day (ok to go a little over as well, but too much fiber can inhibit nutrient absorption, but don't worry unless you're constantly overshooting 50)
    6. Eat apples and berries every single day. Every. Single. Day. (berries are great. apples are in the ok range of already good)
    7. No carbs after lunch (lol wut?)
    8. Learn to read food labels so you know what you are eating. (good advice)
    9. Stop guessing about portion sizes and get it right--for good. (good advice)
    10. No more added sweeteners, including artificial ones. (uh, ok)
    11. Get rid of those white potatoes. (occasional non fried is fine. try to learn to like sweet potatoes though IMO)
    12. Make one day a week meatless. (not necessary)
    13. Get rid of fast foods and fried foods. (you can eat healthy fast food, but I agree. I do eat an occasional meal fried in peanut oil that fits into my macros though)
    14. Eat a real breakfast. (define "real breakfast". )
    15. Make your own food and eat alt least ten meals a week at home. (good goal to shoot for)
    16. Banish high salt foods. (I'd personally rather compromise sodium than eat "empty calorie" foods if the choice between the two presents. for example I like to grab a beef jerky on road trips)
    17. Eat your vegetables--just do it! (definitely)
    18. Go to bed hungry. (not necessary, just make sure every meal fits into your goals)
    19. Sleep right. (good advice)
    20. Plan one splurge meal a week. (splurge doesn't mean eat whatever you can find and stuff)

    As if I am any expert to modify, but here's my comments on those as "one liners".
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    These are the rules that I saw on a picture file going around on Pinterest:
    1. drink a large glass of water before every meal--no excuses!
    2. don't drink your calories
    3. Eat protein at every meal--or stay hungry and grouchy
    4. slash your intake of refined flours and grains
    5. Eat 30 to 50 grams of fiber a day
    6. Eat apples and berries every single day. Every. Single. Day.
    7. No carbs after lunch
    8. Learn to read food labels so you know what you are eating.
    9. Stop guessing about portion sizes and get it right--for good.
    10. No more added sweeteners, including artificial ones.
    11. Get rid of those white potatoes.
    12. Make one day a week meatless.
    13. Get rid of fast foods and fried foods.
    14. Eat a real breakfast.
    15. Make your own food and eat alt least ten meals a week at home.
    16. Banish high salt foods.
    17. Eat your vegetables--just do it!
    18. Go to bed hungry.
    19. Sleep right.
    20. Plan one splurge meal a week.

    I follow all but 6 of these:
    I don't drink a glass of water before every meal as I drink water all day long. It's simply not necessary for me.
    I don't eat apples every day. I eat berries about 5 days a week and other fruits every day.
    I eat carbs whenever I want. I don't belive in restricting them to certain times of day.
    I add stevia to my morning tea. Someday perhaps I'll ween off of it, but I'm not there yet.
    I rarely eat white potatoes but I don't belive they're inherently bad for you. Do amercians eat too many fried potatoes? Sure. But I don't. All things in moderation.
    I don't go to bed hungry, but I'm not overful either. If I went to bed hungry I wouldn't sleep, I'd be up snacking.

    And I'm always meatless, not just one day a week, but I think the point is to reduce meat intake overall.

    Overall a good list, but a few things I don't agree with.
  • candice382
    candice382 Posts: 60 Member
    Bump Many great rules. Gonna have to buy this book.
  • Great book. You can't just take the list and run with it. You really need to read the book to see the meaning behind the list. Go to bed hungry? He doesn't mean your stomach should be growling. He means stop eating approx 3 hours before bedtime. Everyone takes from the list what works for them. If some rules work for you and others don't, you don't need to begrudge someone else's way. Everyone's body is different. Maybe someone can eat a high carb meal at dinner and be fine, while someone else may pack on pounds doing that. That's the beauty of YOUR body - learn what works for you and follow it. And everyone needs to stop being so judgmental when someone else does something different.
  • cevans_rr
    cevans_rr Posts: 44 Member
    Interesting info!
  • Csitri
    Csitri Posts: 132 Member
    Sounds like I have a new book to get. :)
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member