Tracking 1st 30 days on DNA-customized supplement



  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    I finally have the name of someone to ask questions to at the company that customizes the DNA-supplements. I have some questions from earlier posts on how the DNA is used to customize the supplements.

    Anyone have any questions you want answered? I won't call until either tomorrow on Wednesday so please post some questions.

  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Today is Day 15 on supplements ... didn't take them yesterday ...

    Had a very grumpy day yesterday, am PMSing big time, gaining weight too ... overate wrong things, didn't take supplements ... not my best day.

    Today I am counting again, also took the supplements.

    Scale went up on weigh in today ... boo hoo, think it's my period due any day now.

    Could use some encouragement right now ... know calorie counting works, know exercise works, know supplements help ... was definintely hungrier yesterday and also was up part of the night.

    Must not forget to take supplements even if grumpy.

    Husband is waiting for non-grumpy girl to make an appearance.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Hi all - Happy Columbus Day.

    I'm making today Day 16 (although I have taken the supplements on and off in the last 5 days, but not consistently and was too busy to record calories and post info ... not a good excuse because I probably overate when not seeing the calorie count)

    Last few days have not been the easiest, have been PMSing big time (more than usual for me), saw family, all sorts of things that make eating right more difficult for me. (My Mom today told me unsolicited that I should reduce my carbohydrates ... whenever she makes comments it throws me in the wrong direction, so I promised myself I'd write and maybe get some encouragement from friends here not to do that ... please send some encouragement. Do you have family members that push you in the wrong direction with their comments? Even if it is well meaning?).

    I have been keeping up my exercising though, in the pool every other day (is the plan to avoid itchy skin reaction). Need to start something else on the off swim days. Got the new Wii Fit update, so hope to begin on yoga and strength training on that again.

    I did notice that I was not sleeping as well when I did not use the supplements consistently last few days, also I was hungrier (could just be PMSing). But sleep issue was definitely back, and it was better on the supplements. I will let you know if that gets better again.

    I submitted the DNA methodology questions to someone at the company that customizes these supplements, I will let you know when I hear back. Nobody had additional questions, so I asked only those regarding how they customize for my unique DNA based on prior postings on this thread.

    Time for me to write down what I ate today, and to mark down my exercise.

    I did 30 minutes aqua jogging with resistance booties on. Followed that with 8 laps swimming. Followed that with about 10 minutes aerobic exercises in the water. (I am pleased to say that on Saturday I also used the flippers in the water, and boy did my muscles burn).

    My friend commented the other day that I am looking better from behind (that is my largest area ... my rear end, LOL). Was happy it's looking better.

    Have a great day.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Day 17 on supplements ... back on track, feeling better on them, more pep, less hungry, better overall feeling of wellness. My knees have only hurt once since starting on them, and that was a very rainy, bad weather day. Overall, it is successful.

    I have not heard back from Genewize regarding DNA-methodology questions, looking forward to an answer from them ... the question was pumped up the chain from the original name I was given (who I think is an affiliate who sells the supplements rather than a scientist who would understand methodology).

    Yesterday on Dr. Oz he said that overweight women he was teaming together to lose 2 dress sizes in 90 days had a big lack of Vitamin D (I think he said) ... which is being stored in the fat instead of helping as it should. So how do we get more Vitamin D? He said there was an aswer but I don't recall hearing it. Frustrating.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Addendum to Day 17 ...

    successfully used Wi Fit Plus today ... haven't used Wi Fit in a while but it's good.

    I did 35 Fitty credits (or time, though I think I was on over 50 minutes total). I did 10+ yoga poses, pretty good posture, think the pool has helped me there. Did hula hoop, step aerobics and then advanced step aerobics. Not bad for the first time in a while. All I can tell you is I like the yoga poses linked together, and I was dripping when I finished it all.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Day 18

    Today I achieved my personal best in the pool. I swam 40 lengths, half freestyle and half breast stroke. I can definitely feel a difference in my muscles and the power I am beginning to bring to the movements. I had to talk myself into doing the last 10 lengths ... forgot to bring water to the pool and my throat was very dry from using the snorkel mouthpiece. Must remember water in the future. It took me 50 minutes to swim the 40 lengths (with very little down time).

    I do think the supplements are helping me achieve optiminal performance and general feeling of wellness.

    I am sleeping better, but not consistently yet

    I am less hungry when I consistently take the supplements, more hungry when I take it only in the morning. I need to work on taking the second 5 pills with dinner (sometimes I forget)

    Most days my joints don't hurt, have had only one real day when they ached and that was a very rainy day. That is an improvement for me.

    I do have more consistent energy with the supplements

    I have never felt as good on just vitamin pills as I do on these DNA-customized supplements.

    Still no word back from Genewize on DNA methodology questions submitted. If I don't hear by next week I will follow-up.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful Wednesday.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Well, I never did succeed on this. I got sick so many times the last six months that I saddly gave up. I did receive a reply to the questions about how the DNA was gathered and will post it below. I am now back to counting calories again but it is my first day back in a long time. My asthma has been awful the last six months which made me stop exercising for a while but now it is much more under control and I am beginning again.

    Anyway, I have no definite conclusion on these supplements. I have delayed my next shipment for a while, so time will tell if I start them again.

    Here's their answer to questions about DNA is collected ... some very smart people on this site asked very specific questions. Sorry for the delay in getting this on ... was too busy coughing away with bronchitis, then a cold, then another cold, then the flu (even though I got the shots) ... glad to be enjoying health again.

    Genewise DNA reply:

    The GL testing does not examine expression levels of mRNA or protein.
    Rather, the tests examine polymorphisms or SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) in the DNA that can affect protein stability, cell localization or transcriptional promoter activity. Most importantly, these SNPs are associated with certain physiological conditions, e.g., making the encoded protein (e.g., SOD or GPX) less effective in eliminating oxygen free radicals or hydroxyl radicals.

    In all cases, there is a direct (known) association between the particular polymorphism (SNP) and a biochemical pathway. For example, the SOD polymorphism is thought to affect the leader sequence of the protein, making SOD less efficient at entering mitochondria. TheNQO1 polymorphism affects the stability of the protein, creating, in essence a “null” mutation. The TNF polymorphism resides in the promoter of this gene, making it more transcriptionally active and heightening the immune response. The value of the DNA testing is that the DNA is constant from birth to death (random mutations that occur to individual cells excluded). In essence, SNP testing provides information about specific cellular machinery components through examination of the DNA blueprint. Metabolic testing, while direct, has the pitfall of needing to be well-controlled and repeated in order to make a valid conclusion. Thus, concern over fluctuations in expression levels of mRNAs and proteins, as seen in metabolic snap shots, becomes a moot point. The DNA defines variation in the machinery (enzymes, cytokines, etc) that can either advantage or disadvantage an individual. The beauty of this approach is that for a disadvantaged SNP, specific nutrients can be provided to compensate for the effected biochemical pathway. This is a rational approach to customization of nutrients and skin care. In particular, this approach has been validated for skin by an outside laboratory in a double-blind half face study and is bolstered by issued Patents.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    One last update .... turns out I am allergic to something in the supplements ... it kicks off my asthma very badly so I have cancelled taking them.

    Positive note though, the DNA testing was fascinating, showed me that I have a variant gene in Vitamin D Receptor which turns out if you don't have enough of it contributes to be overweight. So I have upped my Vitamin D3 to what they recommended and the weight is coming off easier.

    Overall, it was an interesting experience.
  • DesertCowgirl
    DesertCowgirl Posts: 42 Member
    Just wanted to say that I read all your posts on this DNA customized supplement and found your reports very interesting. Also was impressed by the information that was given by other members of MFP. It was a very expensive experiment for you, and I am sorry that you are allergic to the supplements.

    The good thing is that you were able to determine what part of the supplements were helping you and add just that to your food intake. Now you should be able to do better at the weight loss without the expensive supplements. Keep up the good work.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I'm interested to see your results. OMGOD, Reliv. My parents made my siblings and I drink Reliv when we were younger and omgod, bad memories. I'm sure you could put it in smoothies and make it taste better but ugh, we tried everything & they tasted horrible.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    I can say that having the DNA testing was very helpful and then buying at least one month of the customized vitamins is good because although you don't learn the base formula breakdown in terms of vitamins, minerals and ORAC values, you do learn what extra they suggest you take because of your DNA results. It definitely overall helped me, even though I ended up allergic to the formula. I do recommend the products. My sister in law has a website should someone be interested. Mine was provided to me but I have had them cancel it, I wasn't looking for a business, just to feel better.

    Look into Vitamin D and it's relationship to weight loss, it's worth the reading up. One good website is The Vitamin D Council.