Does Anyone Workout at Home?



  • snowkarla
    snowkarla Posts: 7
    always! more comfortable, I have many dvds.. p90x, biggest loser, those are my favorites. I motivate myself to work out because I know I will have more energy. I work with pre-schoolers and they take alot from you...
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    I do my lifting at home. We put a smith machine, power rack, dumbbells and treadmill in the basement and it was well worth it. I can usually get my workout done in under an hour and the closest gym is 20 minutes each way. I go to the Y for classes like zumba, yoga and pilates.
  • Skeena4
    Skeena4 Posts: 209 Member
    I workout at home exclusively. But my husband has a home gym (universal set) and we also have free weights etc. I have completed a C25K from an iPhone app and I also use iPad apps like Nike Training Club for workouts.
    I just can't see myself wasting 20 mins driving to and from the gym when I can just pop into the garage and do insanity (currently on the last day of "Recovery week") I also did the 30 Day shred, that was cool.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I recently ordered Turbo Fire and having a workout system that has so many different workouts (strength, yoga, cardio) AND a calendar telling me what to do each day really keeps me going. When I'm home I'm bad about doing my own thing and get bored doing the same DVD over and over so this has been great for me. I'm doing 6 days a week and in 5 weeks have yet to miss a day, even while traveling.

    Also I have to be in my workout clothes when the baby goes down, otherwise the siren call of the couch gets me!
  • phillips529
    phillips529 Posts: 195 Member
    At the beginning of the year I joined a gym...cancelled 3 months later. I reinvested my membership money into several DVD's JM, various Beach body and Collage Video products. I have never regret my decisions. I have 5 children and no matter what I get it in...I'm a better Mom for it. If you want can have it... you don't have to have the latest equipment...all you need is a TV, DVD player and a good pair of running shoes, don't forget your HRM and your in business.... You will save a ton of money and have a variety that most gyms could never offer..... You can reinvest that money as you go into weights and whatever you see fit. Build it slow so you don't waste money with things that will be collecting dust later on.... Have Fun!!!
  • littlewhittles
    littlewhittles Posts: 402 Member
    When I work out at home, I keep it interesting by varying what I do. I have a roller derby workout vid, a Carmen Electra stripper aerobics one, Boot Camp... I also have a Jillian Michaels Wii game, and a Wii Fit. And I have Just Dance for the Wii. Lots of options, keeps me from getting bored. :)
  • amnski
    amnski Posts: 251 Member
    I have for years now. Find or design a program that works for you, eat well and invest in some good equipment like dumbbells. Good luck!!!
  • treromano
    treromano Posts: 38
    Yes I do. I get up early and get my workout in. I have a treadmill for running 3 days a week and weight on the other 2 days. During the school year I get the kids out the door and then get it in. In the summer I get up before they wake and do my workout. It is my ME time.
  • Plentiful_Tentacles
    I have on occasion when I can't go to an actual gym. There's this specific girl on youtube who makes a looot of home workouts that work really well. Most of it is circuit training if you're into that. Greg Plitt I think has a home workout video somewhere. He was doing crazy things like climbing up and down stairs on your hands for a shoulder workout and things like that.
  • sassyredgirl
    sassyredgirl Posts: 162 Member
    i work out at home find different places I can walk or bike at just dug out an old DVD I never opened hip hop ABS fell in love that I did it 3 times now sore lol. Have several wii games.
  • fallonrhea
    fallonrhea Posts: 388 Member
    I bit the bullet and got p90x - just an at-home fitness program. I will occasionally run on the elliptical at the gym or go to a class or two here and there, but for the most part I work out at home. It is literally the only thing that has ever given me abs. I'm shocked! I was never an at-home believer until now!!

    Don't think that p90x is the only program that works though. There are tons out there. You should find one that you really enjoy, really make a commitment to your diet (SO SO SO important) and you will see results.