

  • portalm
    portalm Posts: 201 Member
    I am all for turning into a zombie....
    As for preparing, I practice being a zombie to the best of my alive/human abilities.
    Like, I don't eat humans..... But I'm capable of catching neighborhood runners, assuming zombieholly keeps human hollys cardio-endurance :p

    Under this sort of thought, id say if zombies can practice cardio we are pretty much all in trouble!!! OHHHH NOES!

    Well based off the original Zombie movies... Zombies are constantly in pain. Its the reason they require brains and human flesh.... There is some sort of chemical produce in the brain that reduces thier pain... in that world it would totally suck to be a zombie imagine when there is no more food... you would constantly be in pain... Also Considering zombies are only reanimated. your flesh would still decay at a normal rate. what would you do after there was no more sustenance for your body? you would decay and when all your flesh and muscle is gone you would just be bones. and no one believes that a skeletal zombie could exist. you need a brain!

    Then in recent times zombies just like flesh because they are going back to thier base functions... well even in this world you would be a mindless beast. no sort of evolution for that.. no higher thought process.... just aloneness emptiness until ultimately you decay... again not an existance i would enjoy

    #take that to the bank

    I don't think being zombies would be a bad thing....
    I mean at first it will be pretty brutal, until everyone is a zombie, then it's like a whole new world...
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Probably be in Kentucky, I'm hoping that they will be the slow kind so I don't have to run fast. I can travel a long distance carrying weight but speed is not something I was blessed with. I would like to use a crossbow, shotgun, baseball bat. Whatever I have on hand. I'm creative!! Gonna hightail it to Colorado or Wyoming where the population is lower!
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,955 Member
    This bandwagon is getting to be as stupid as the bacon one.....sheesh.

    These idiots out there are the ones that give legitimate gunowners, hunters, and outdoor survivalists the shivers....
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    Where will you be when this occurs? California

    Will you be able to out run them? As long as I don't trip/ they aren't coming from every direction

    What survival skills do you have that will allow you to outsmart/outlive a zombie crisis? I can hide, climb, and use weaponry. I'm pretty sure they can't.

    What is your weapon of choice after your ammunition runs out? A long range weapon with an edge, like an axe or halberd

    Those are mine.... What are you doing to prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse!? Circuit training
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    Where will I be: Toronto, Ontario.

    Will I be able to outrun them?: Well I don't think they run very fast, do they? I mean, they're all limping and working with missing parts of limbs and heads and stuff. lol But, from walking through Halloween scary houses I know that, in the face of perceived danger, I stop, scream and cover my eyes. So I will likely not be in a good situation in our highly populated city.

    Skills: cooking, baking and general craftiness. lol

    Weapon of choice: I have a big butcher knife in my kitchen.
  • jealous_loser
    Have you seen Walking Dead? I would want to be Daryl with the cross bow.
  • jmcdaniel0
    jmcdaniel0 Posts: 130 Member
    Where will you be when this occurs?


    Will you be able to out run them?

    Why run? Kill them all!

    What survival skills do you have that will allow you to outsmart/outlive a zombie crisis?

    former SSG, with the United States Army, 101st Airborne, 1-502nd Air Assault. I can survive in the wild indefinable, I can run, jump, and shoot with the best of them.

    What is your weapon of choice after your ammunition runs out?

    Primary- .22 caliber rifle, semi auto. Holds up to 17-20 rounds depending on make, believe it or not, one of the most deadly weapons ever, it is a favorite of assassins. The rounds are super small, and readily available everywhere... You can carry thousands and not take up too much space or weight. Put a decent scope on it and you are accurate up to nearly 100 yards.

    Secondary Any hard blunt abject will do. If I had my choice maybe a mace from the middle ages... If not a goof sized metal ball bat will do.
  • PeaceCorpsKat
    PeaceCorpsKat Posts: 335 Member
    I am going to just try to get to Suriname. I think it is a good place to ride it out. I also have a machete beside my bed.
  • SammieGetsFit
    SammieGetsFit Posts: 432 Member
    Where will you be when this occurs? MD/DC/VA

    Will you be able to out run them? As long as I don't trip/they aren't coming from every direction, and I'm working on that. :drinker:

    What survival skills do you have that will allow you to outsmart/outlive a zombie crisis? I can hide, climb, and use weaponry. I'm pretty sure they can't. Plus I watch a lot of those survivalist shows. I know how to purify water and ways to grow/find food.

    What is your weapon of choice after your ammunition runs out? I would actually prefer to use a silent, long-range weapon like a cross-bow over a gun. Guns are too loud. So hopefully I'd have spared some ammo for emergencies -- like humans who've become @$$h0les.

    Those are mine.... What are you doing to prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse!? Actually preparing for it. :wink:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    It depends are we talking fast zombies or the slow zombies?
    If its fast zombies then I want to be one of them - those things scare the crap outta me

    They would totally be Fast zombies! the ones that strike out of no where, and are super scary and quiet. You dont notice them in the dark because they are nibbling on some end trails and as you pass the dark alley way trying to get to the next building all of a sudden you are faced head on by zombies! You turn and run they give chase! GOGO

    I've never heard of a fast zombie! :huh: I thought slow and stupid was the standard characteristic. OMG! Now I have to rethink EVERYthing! :laugh: :laugh:
  • AnotherHolly
    Ehh I don't think they are in constant pain,
    Who is to say what they are like before it happens?
    I mean zombies may be capable of evolving..... Once humans are gone.

    Haha I don't know, I don't think it's much of a life either way....
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    I am not sure if I would be able to keep up an 11 min mile and a half, but will find out tomorrow. I am doing the 5K obstacle course run for your lives! It is a zombie infested 5K and I am soooo excited!!!!

    Here is the website if anyone wants to check it out www.runforyourlives.com

    Anyways-my weapon of choice would be a machete, hedge clippers, or even a banjo (Zombieland anyone?)
  • ndmain1977
    ndmain1977 Posts: 69 Member
    I'll be in Texas.... but here's my plan:

    I'll have someone duct tape me to a running, fully fueled ATV (4 wheeler), since it's inevitable I'll be bitten and turned. I figure I'll have a leg up on the other zombies, since I can run down survivors on the 4 wheeler, and hope to end up King of the zombies.
  • mathiasg
    mathiasg Posts: 32
    Where will i be? Ohio, though I will likely head west for the mountains.
    What skills will I need? The obvious, wilderness survival, stealth, alertness.
    Can I outrun them? Really will depend on their speed, but I hope so!
    Weapons of choice: Mossberg 590a1 12g shotgun and a little league sized metal baseball bat.
  • Roseanna1017
    Roseanna1017 Posts: 37 Member
    I will be in Arkansas...
    I'm hoping they are slow, so yes I will be able to out run them...
    I will have an advantage since I leave in the country ( I probably won't have too many zombies to take out) I will also will be using my common sense skills, most of the time that will get you farther than anything else....

    My weapon of choice would be a gun, but if I run out of ammunition, I will go with a spear :)
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
    You kids keep your noses clean, you understand? You'll be hearing from me if you don't! We ain't gonna stand for any weirdness out here!
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    This bandwagon is getting to be as stupid as the bacon one.....sheesh.

    These idiots out there are the ones that give legitimate gunowners, hunters, and outdoor survivalists the shivers....

    Umm I am a hunter and gun-owner. I'm not hurting anyone by entertaining myself with the prospect of humanity losing out to it's own machinations. And hey, if it really does happen this "bandwagon" will be the ones surviving and shooting the ones that didn't want to prepare in the forehead with their crossbows!!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I liked the answer "Why run? Kill 'em all!"
    I'm on his team! lol

    Where will I be:Headed out of Kansas City to south-central, Missouri.

    Will I be able to outrun them?: I think so.

    Skills: firearms, first aid, finding my own food, cooking what I find, thinking quickly in stressful situations, staying calm

    Weapon of choice: Will definitely have my pistol, rifle, and shotgun. If the ammo runs out, I'd like to have a machete (need one) and an metal baseball bat. ALSO!!!!!! Maltov cocktails when you run into a herd!
  • jmilian825
    jmilian825 Posts: 193 Member
    as of now florida and dang it I can't out run them yet but I have ninja swords that may buy me some time until I die :(
  • guapogringo
    guapogringo Posts: 201
    I will be in the hills of Georgia and i aint worried about running out of ammo.