Ladies in the 200+'d you stay motivated?

pensfan1 Posts: 45 Member
I'm looking for some advice. I started trying to lose weight about 18 months ago and did first. After I lost my first 20 lbs or so (I started at 227), I totally lost motivation and quit just about all of the good habits that I had started. No more exercise, eating bad foods ALL of the time, etc. I'm now back to where I started, around 227.

My question is, with having some much weight to lose, how did you stay motivated to succeed? When the scale stopped moving, I gave up and I have no idea how to work through it when it happens this time around... When I plan ahead and see that I won't possibly reach my final goal weight for quite some time, I start to doubt myself and give up.

Thanks so much for your advice!


  • ChelleA65
    ChelleA65 Posts: 23 Member
    Don't ever give up. For me, I started two years ago around 290#. I lost to the low 200s, never went under 200# however. Went through many life changes, divorce, children leaving house, remarried a wonderful man, got breast cancer, surgery, infections...... Needless to say, I went back up to 252. I decided enough was enough. I know now, how precious life is, that you only have one chance. I am determined that I will do it this time. I have an amazing support with my new husband. We are on this journey together. I am looking at very little goals, hoping one day I can reach my goal of the 140s. Until then, I look at the smaller goals, log onto MFP daily, read the success stories and am amazed at how people can change in the course of a few short months. Not sure what a few months will do to me, but I have been given the chance to see. That in itself is a blessing and I will make the most of it. If you work hard, six months from now, you will look back and be amazed at the changes and accomplishments you have made.

    Don't ever give up... Keep going. Feel free to friend me if you would like. I am always good for some motivation.
  • 5Btieden
    5Btieden Posts: 189 Member
    I started at 249 and am down to a little over 209. The scale completely quit moving about 210.5. For a month straight. I was hard hanging in there but after about 2 weeks I started getting more and more comments. Even though my body weight wasn't body still was. I finally lost a pound this week after really kicking my butt with exercise. I have had tons of comments so now I know that even if it comes to a stand still it is still coming off. And I started at a 24 (almost ready to go up a size) and this weekend I went and bought a size 20 and 18 and can wear both. WOOT!!! You can do this!!! Just remember that even if it doesn't show on the scale keep at it and you WILL be losing it elsewhere!
  • pensfan1
    pensfan1 Posts: 45 Member
    Thank you both so much. This is exactly what I needed. It's nice to know that other people are going through the exact same thing that I'm dealing with :smile:
  • ReinaLorenz
    ReinaLorenz Posts: 88 Member
    I am convinced that small goals are the way to go.....I have one hundres pounds to lose...but I am breaking it up into smaller goals which I am achieving one by one.....never give up, find a friend to help you with this makes all the difference
  • 5Btieden
    5Btieden Posts: 189 Member
    I agree about the smaller goals too. My first goal was 10, then 25, now 50. I am working hard to reach that one. Ultimately I would love to lose 100 but baby steps. Even if your goal is to just stay under calories one day. Keep at it :)
  • tammyandzach
    tammyandzach Posts: 922 Member
    I think the biggest thing for me is being realistic. When I started I had 96 lbs to lose. I planned on 1 lb a week which put me almost 18 months out. So I knew from the very beginning that it was going to be a long time. I keep a spreadsheet that shows me what I have lost. What I should have lost to be on the track I set out on. So I am encouraged that I am about 10 weeks ahead. I calculate the amount I need to lose each week to reach my goal my the date I set for myself. And when I will actually meet my goal based on the average I am already achieving. I know I am a geek but the numbers keep me motivated. One little step at a time. And if I gain one week I look at the last 4 weeks and average them out. Then I can usually tell myself look you are still losing an average of a lb a aweek it just isn't coming off evenly.

    I also let the people on here motivate me. I am a part of the FAB FOUR Group. It really helps.
  • LeellenMack
    LeellenMack Posts: 141 Member
    I started my weight loss at 287lbs and lost the first 37lbs in 6 mos and have lost the last 6lbs in the last 6 mos :frown: When I step on the scale to see no change even while eating at or under my calorie goal, exercising and drinking way more water than ever before in my life I ask myself: What's the alternative? Start eating unhealthy again and get back the inches I've lost? Stop exercising and lose the strength and endurance that I've gained? Basically am I going to quit and gain back the weight, back to 287?? No thank you I'd rather work hard and stay the same then to gain it all back.
    I understand wanting to quit but ask yourself if that is really who you want to see in the mirror?

    "A year from now you will have wished you started today" - I think this every day...
  • 20shan08
    20shan08 Posts: 219 Member
    I started my weight loss journey August 2011 at 247lbs. But, I'd diet for a month, then like you, when the scale quit moving I gave up for a month, and it went on... I started MFP in March 2012 at 225 (roughly) and stuck to it, until I got pregnant and misscarried and I took 3 weeks off, and gained 8 lbs. I am now back on the wagon, after my 8lb gain, I started a week or 2 ago at 202 and I'm now 194. What motivates me mostly is my daughter, I don't want her to struggle with weight all her life, like I did. She's 4 now. Also, I am just SO sick and tired of being overweight!! I am very determined! I've lost 50lbs so I know it is possible! I just started the 30 Day Shred, but before my misscarrage, I was just using an elliptical every day for 20 mins or so. Personally, I don't want to excersize 7 days a week for 2 hours a day. I want to do something efficient, and something that a can continue after I reach my goal (currently 170). I'm a single mom, I work full time so I don't feel I have time to be at the gym for hours on end.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Started at 232 in November, I'm now 182.6. Sometimes I think about giving up. Then I remember that if I do give up, it will take me less than two months to regain every pound I've lost (I gain weight much faster than I lose it!). And that keeps me going when nothing else does.
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    Don't ever give up. For me, I started two years ago around 290#. I lost to the low 200s, never went under 200# however. Went through many life changes, divorce, children leaving house, remarried a wonderful man, got breast cancer, surgery, infections...... Needless to say, I went back up to 252. I decided enough was enough. I know now, how precious life is, that you only have one chance. I am determined that I will do it this time. I have an amazing support with my new husband. We are on this journey together. I am looking at very little goals, hoping one day I can reach my goal of the 140s. Until then, I look at the smaller goals, log onto MFP daily, read the success stories and am amazed at how people can change in the course of a few short months. Not sure what a few months will do to me, but I have been given the chance to see. That in itself is a blessing and I will make the most of it. If you work hard, six months from now, you will look back and be amazed at the changes and accomplishments you have made.

    Don't ever give up... Keep going. Feel free to friend me if you would like. I am always good for some motivation.

    What an amazing story of survival and triumph!!!! You are such and inspiration. Thanks for sharing your story :love:
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    I started at 233 in February and am now 197. What keeps me motivated? Lots of things - God, kids, husband, desire to be healthy, etc.

    But I think what you might need to hear is another reason...... I am stronger and healthier than I have been in years! I started working out lightly and briefly and have built up to 5x a week for hard 45 mins each. I could go longer but I have time restraints. I have 22 pounds to my goal but I could hold my own with someone who weighs way less, because I have learned that it isn't ALL about the numbers. So I'm not in my skinniest clothes yet, but I'm getting there. "Feeling" stronger and healthier really keeps me going when the scale isn't cooperating.

    Also, I realized that exercising can be like sex with my husband...... in a way. There might be times when I don't really feel like doing it, but I have NEVER once regretted it when I was done. :-)

    Find what motivates YOU and just keep going!
  • nrd2212
    nrd2212 Posts: 128
    I started at 272 in August 2011. Now, I'm down to 168. Everytime some clothes that used to fit get too big, everytime I can do a new move on a Jillian Michaels DVD it pushes me to keep going. While I was losing most of the weight, I would post a status on Facebook everytime I lost 10 pounds, so I was usually just thinking about posting the next status. Being accountable and hearing encouraging words from my friends was very motivational. Don't give up, you can do it!
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    Results are what motivates me. I'm a 100% result driven person.

    Unfortunately for me I didn't see the difference till I reached 30 plus pounds.

    What it comes down to is you have to want it from deep down inside. You have to want it badly enough to say no to that piece of cake, that fast food stop...or whatever it is that tempts you.

    My fave motto that I read her is "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" It is so true and I repeat it in my head everytime I am tempted!
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    I'm looking for some advice. I started trying to lose weight about 18 months ago and did first. After I lost my first 20 lbs or so (I started at 227), I totally lost motivation and quit just about all of the good habits that I had started. No more exercise, eating bad foods ALL of the time, etc. I'm now back to where I started, around 227.

    My question is, with having some much weight to lose, how did you stay motivated to succeed? When the scale stopped moving, I gave up and I have no idea how to work through it when it happens this time around... When I plan ahead and see that I won't possibly reach my final goal weight for quite some time, I start to doubt myself and give up.

    Thanks so much for your advice!

    I started at 218 at my highest weight and my motivation is Victoria's secret!!! lol. I used to be able to go in there and get whatever i wanted but now I only go in the makeup and perfume section. Which I hate. I hate that I let myself go like that. And I need that control back in my life. In the beginning of this journey I quiet several times put back on more weight and repeated that cycle a couple times until the begining of this year and decided I didnt want to be fat this summer (i am though). I a m15lbs lighter however and the lightest ive been since trying to get back to 160. You have to fight for it. Unfortunately it isnt easy. And it wont get any easier. you just get stronger, both mentally and physically. every day you will notice you have gotten stronger and that will motivate you. everyweek your body will be smaller. that will motivate you. every month the scale will be minus pounds. You will be motivated. Just MOVE and eat right, add weights when you're ready. YOu fight for your goal, for your health and that body you see for yourself. YOu can do it. :wink:
  • AbbsyBabbsy
    AbbsyBabbsy Posts: 184 Member
    I started at 252 and am now down to 212. The scale has been rough on me since late May. I try to focus not on having to lose 100+ pounds, because that can feel overwhelming, but instead on each individual pound. I pretend I need to lose no other weight than that one pound and give it my all. I also never let myself get too cocky about having already lost 40lbs. I'm proud and happy about it, sure, but I refuse to allow myself to get complacent. If I congratulate myself too much, I'll start to soften up on my focus.

    I've had some bad days, but I keep chugging! I figure time is going to pass no matter what. Might as well lose some weight while I'm at it.

    Also, I'm buying myself treats as a reward. At the 6 month mark I get a pretty new purse! I react well to bribery, lol.
  • mmtrnr
    mmtrnr Posts: 25 Member
    Ahh.. motivation.

    1) Myself, my husband, and another couple are losing weight together. We still do a dinner & game night frequently. We take turns making dinner or bringing dessert. It helps to have other people support you and to share ideas with.

    2) I have a spreadsheet listing my weekly starting weight, BMR, BMI, and daily calorie intakes. I am an excel junkie and I love seeing all of those numbers right in front of me. I even color code my BMI. I love seeing it change! (I just recently got into the "overweight" class).

    3) I make quarterly goals. I have lost a significant amount of weight today, but nothing was more exciting than when I reached my first mini-goal.

    4) This is an odd motivator: I'm not cutting my hair. I hate how long it is. HATE IT! It drives me nuts during workouts and just gets in my way. But I told myself I will not cut it until I reach my goal. It keeps me moving forward. Plus, when I reach my goal, it will be like a little make-over to reward myself.
  • Meloyelo2010
    Meloyelo2010 Posts: 171 Member
    I'm on day 25 of truly taking responsibility for myself, my health and my fitness. It's a constant choice, as much as I've been reading from others and taking it consideration. It is a choice we make everyday, that we care for ourselves and we being honest and forgiving of our limitations. Whether they be mental, emotional or physical limitations we admit to them and find what works for us to overcome them.

    I know logging everything is working for me, I see my choices and am already online (too much). I've also found a love for kickboxing, getting out of the house with my two sons and seeing how my choices now are affecting them. My 9 year old is sharing his own awareness for physical activity (he never had an issue before but he's verbalizing it now), his food choices ("I need more fruit because fruit is good for me! Okay, I'll try the sugar snap peas. Oh, they're not too bad!")

    In the beginning of June I realized it will be 5 years this December since my mother died. Soon after she had passed I began making better choices because I did not want to put my own health at any more risk for cancer (she had breast cancer twice and fought pancreatic cancer the last 18 months of her life). I did really well for awhile but depression overcame me, I forgot how to cook dinners and ate out too much. So, realizing this, seeing my kids and wanting to one day see my own grandkids (my mother loved her grandbabies, any babies really she worked on a labor and delivery unit for 25 years). I digress.... I stand to lose a lot of weight, a lot of baggage but I stand to earn more self respect (I've had a pretty fabulous outlook on life and myself. I don't self hate or talk badly of my weight issue.), ability to feel stronger and accomplish even more in life when I shed these unnecessary pounds.

    So, in turn I think each person has to really look inside themselves, set those goals, find those motivations of why you wanted to lose weight (maybe why you gained) in the first place. Find supports (on MFP or your friends and family (hopefully), plan out your days meals and get your booty up moving as much as possible.

    I do hope that helps <3 Friend me if you'd like :)
  • ladymember
    Age 57 and 200# here. Just quit smoking, gained too much.
    I just started and cannot really exercise yet, but starting therapy for my back next week.

    I have learned through the years, motivation slips away when you hit that platau of not losing any.
    You gotta stick it out.

    Exercise really is the key and it "should" be done your whole life.

    Because I did not exercise, now I am having major back problems.

    Be sure to exercise.......even if its just walking.
  • star0207
    star0207 Posts: 21
    I just started (beginning of july) in this weightloss journey at 239 right now i am 228. my problem is that as soon as I start seeing the numbers on the scale drop... I starte feeling "all badass" i get sidetracked and let that small goal get to my head. This has happened to me before.... and its very annoying. I know I need to stay on track and focus on the bigger goal but sometimes i just cant help it.
  • moonspells
    moonspells Posts: 126 Member
    I have a LONG way to go (SW 300, first GW 180, CW 264) and I am staying motivated by not looking too far ahead...just putting my energy into doing the day-to-day things like logging and getting out for some exercise as often as I can. I don't weigh in more than once a week and sometimes not even that often because I don't want to focus too much on the numbers. This journey is about more than that for me and I want to keep focussed on the positive changes I've seen in my health so that if the scale doesn't move for a while, I don't get too discouraged. And I do an indulgence day once a month as a reward IF I stay under my calories every day the rest of the gives me a short-term goal and something I can look forward to, based on behaviours I can completely control (and not based on whether I lose pounds, which I can't always control)!
    Make small changes that you can live with in your diet and add in little bits of exercise that you don't mind and that you will do. Don't try anything too drastic because you may not be able to maintain that and failing is very discouraging. And keep reminding yourself that it will take time...this IS a journey to a lifelong change NOT a race to some finish line. **Edit: The next 18 months or so are going to pass whether you make these changes or not...if you don't do anything different, next year you'll be looking back and realising how far you could be if only you had started now. Instead, do it now and next year, you can be looking back at how far you HAVE come!
    Best of luck! :o)
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