Ladies in the 200+'d you stay motivated?



  • PonyTailedLoser
    PonyTailedLoser Posts: 315 Member
    Looking in the mirror when I was over 200 motivated me. It's sad to say but sometimes hating the way you look is the motivation to change.
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    I have trouble remembering my motivation when temptation hits, but my motivation is that I want kids. My husband has waited long enough and with each year that i put off losing weight, he is just getting older, as am I. I don't want him to be in his 60's when our kids graduate. It's not fair to him. He will make an amazing dad. I have given myself 10 lb rewards to look forward to. So when I lost my first 10 lbs, I got myself some scrapbooking supplies free of guilt (we don't have much money to spare right now and I :heart: scrapbooking, so much so I believe I have an addiction to it). When I reach my next 10 lbs lost, I am getting myself 2 novels that I want. When I reach the next 10 lbs, I am going to get myself a new cookbook that I want. and so on and so on. All together, I will have 16 rewards, the biggest being a Caribbean cruise and new wardrobe. Talk about motivation!! (btw, I hope nobody thinks that I want kids just because of my husband. believe me, I have the clock ticking and it is getting louder and louder. I want to be a mommy)
  • tammi42
    tammi42 Posts: 62 Member
    I have a cute dress I REALLLY want to wear again so I keep it visible in my closet and try it on from time to time to see my progress. As I lose weight and inches, it fits me a little better every time. :smile:
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I'm looking for some advice. I started trying to lose weight about 18 months ago and did first. After I lost my first 20 lbs or so (I started at 227), I totally lost motivation and quit just about all of the good habits that I had started. No more exercise, eating bad foods ALL of the time, etc. I'm now back to where I started, around 227.

    My question is, with having some much weight to lose, how did you stay motivated to succeed? When the scale stopped moving, I gave up and I have no idea how to work through it when it happens this time around... When I plan ahead and see that I won't possibly reach my final goal weight for quite some time, I start to doubt myself and give up.

    Thanks so much for your advice!

    I started hitting a wall around 30 lbs lost, I would lose 1 lb, next week gain .5, then lose 1 lb, gain 1 lb. By the end of the month I managed to probably go back and forth so often that the total lost for the month would be like 1/2 a lb. So I started researching different ways of eating and I started on Leangains and I am now pulling 1.5-2 lbs a week (except the week before my period I always just maintain) however, before leangains I'd always gain about 3 lbs that week, now I'm just even the week of my pms.

    I love this way of eating and I think it's really helped with a lot of hormone issues. I'm still over 200. I'm right at 206 right now. Not too long before I am in Onederland. Also I measure every week when I do my weekly weigh in, I almost always see inches lost even if the scale doesn't move, so it always keeps me motivated, I also pay attention to how my clothes feel, my sizes on clothing. Sometimes the scale doesn't want to move especially if you are lifting weights. But the body composition changes and that's what you want, after all people don't see your weight, they see your body, so if you are working out, losing inches, that's the dedication that is going to be seen by you in the mirror and everyone else in the world.
  • Songtothesiren
    Songtothesiren Posts: 388 Member

    I've been up and down on the weigh front all of my adult life. With me I've finally realised that as soon as people start making positive commenting on my weight loss, something happens in my thought process and I somehow believe that I've "done it" and just stop trying. For me it's like the moment someone else recognises my slimmer appearance, my motivation and focus say "bye bye" and I start eating. The weight goes back on.

    I've grown older (matured???), I've come to realise that there are good days and bad days and ..... inbetween days when you're not sure where your motivation went but you just keep going. This time I'm finding the mobile app is helping, I'm trying to ignore any positive comments about how well I've doing and I just keep, keeping on.

    The thing is you've returned, ready to carry on with your weight loss.

    So I'd say, remember all the good habits you had and bring them back. Accept all the different motivation fluctuations and each morning start anew.

    You've done really well and you WILL do really well again.

  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I started at 227, in may this year, I am now 201 and still dropping. After 26 pounds people are noticing. Even though I have another 50 to lose, I don't feel fat. I have new muscle, I can hike for hours. My cloths fit better.

    Biggest way to stay committed. Celebrate all the victories along the way. I could moan about how I lost these ssame pounds 2 years ago. Instead I am using my old stats to compete with.

    Reward yourself, set goals you can reach. I am shopping today for my hiking sandals, as I am breaking that 200 barrier.

    Keep positive, consider your past attempts as educational. You are learning how to stay committed.
  • Katanthus
    Katanthus Posts: 348 Member
    Last year I injured my knee (cartilage damage) through a fall, and every step was pure agony... couldn't walk without crutches. I was determined to get the weight off my knees. I saw the orthopaedic surgeon, and started physio in about October last year, still in agony. On March 31st of this year, I started MFP...105 days ago, today. I was 238.6lb, and a size 22. I started swimming each day, knee pain permitting, and I started hobbling a few steps each day... continuing with my physio exercises. Each day, I added a few more steps.

    I now walk about 4-6 miles a day. I still have some pain, but hopefully it will get better as more weight comes off. I have lost 34lb and 60". I now can fit in a size 14 jeans.

    You CAN DO IT. Just log every single day..every morsel that passes your lips. Drink plenty of water, and choose quality MFPs over quantity! It does make a difference.

    Good luck
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    I struggle with motivation every single day... It's something that you just have to figure out how to keep going... Find something that motivates you... For me, my motivation comes from wanting my knee pain to stop... and be around for my nieces and nephews. I'm tired of being out of breath walking up stairs and I'm sick of not being able to fit in roller coaster seats. That's what keeps me packing healthy lunches, watching what I eat everyday and exercising 5-6xs/wk. Just keep going! You will get there. It will take time, but you have support here :) Feel free to add me, if you wish!
  • jmorrisof2
    jmorrisof2 Posts: 108 Member
    Wow, I feel like I am in your exact same shoes. I have been thinking the same thing. I am so glad that you posted this question. I am pretty sure that there are loads of people who feel the same way. I do. I have been on this weight loss roller coaster forever it seems. I have been on every diet imaginable. I realize now that the only thing that works is tracking calories and exercising and planning. I have been in a funk lately because I had gotten down to 190 (the lowest I had been at in years) before spring break and while on spring break with the kids I ate out 3 meals a day. Needless to say, all that hard work went out the window. I even had stopped going to Curves and walking. I knew it was bad a few weeks ago when my clothes felt really tight. It makes me wanna cry because all my work pants I have to leave them unbuttoned and put a longer shirt on to cover it. I just feel so disgusted with myself like how did I let myself get up to 230 pounds. I don't ever recall being at this weight. So I am guessing this is my AHA moment where I feel so gross. I also feel the side effects of not eating right and not exercising. For instance: I am starting to have lower back pain (never had that before), my stomach gets in the way while working out at Curves (to the point I feel I can't breathe), I am easily winded. So these are the motivations for me to lose weight this time. I guess you have to finally decide this is it. I feel like my weight is holding me back from living. I want to date. I want to get married again. I want to be happy....So I guess what is motivating me right now is all these things because I am so uncomfortable. They say pain is the best teacher...I guess I am hard headed. Lol. We can do it. It isn't easy. It isn't fun. But it is so worth it in the end.
  • acawle00
    acawle00 Posts: 28 Member
    Also, I'd like to add something I just did. Using a photo editor app I did a side by side of me looking good about three years ago and one from about three months ago. The difference is incredible. I set it as my background on my iPad and I'm considering printing and taping it to the fridge/pantry.
  • sunnymel126
    sunnymel126 Posts: 359 Member
    bump for motivation
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    I started around the same place as you. And my attitude is I'm not doing this short term, these changes need to stick. So stopping is not an option for me....even if the scale doesn't move for over a month, I'm going to keep on doing what I am doing. Whole foods, exercise. Good luck to you. Oh and having to keep buying smaller clothes motivates me and feeling happier and being healthier motivate me :)
  • Soltari675
    Soltari675 Posts: 21 Member
    I am working through the 200's now. For the last two weeks I hovered around 226 and only in the last couple days has it broke and I am at about 224. For me, it was a scare. I checked my blood pressure one day and was one stage short of a heart attack and scared myself. Like you, I had tried to lose before, did great, and then somewhere I fell off the wagon and was back to old habits.

    Also, really stressing to those close to you how much this means to you helps. I love my fiance to death, but he really just doesn't get it. He buys me ice cream and fried foods all the time and I think he thinks I am just overreacting when I say I want to lose more weight. I had to sit down and have a serious talk, to the point of telling him he was literally killing me with that stuff. I can't resist it if it's here. He still doesn't believe me I don't think, but he does back off and take me serious now.

    I also have my scuba diving. A hobby I absolutely love. I trained to become a rescue diver, and it was really hard! I was so out of shape! I am able to do it well now, but it was another motivation. I want to be good at diving, and safe. Which needs me to get in shape and lose some weight.

    Look for little things around you. There is motivation if you seek it.
  • 20shan08
    20shan08 Posts: 219 Member
    Also, I'd like to add something I just did. Using a photo editor app I did a side by side of me looking good about three years ago and one from about three months ago. The difference is incredible. I set it as my background on my iPad and I'm considering printing and taping it to the fridge/pantry.

    I do this too, my last summer/this summer photo is my iphone wallpaper :) Works great!
  • 20shan08
    20shan08 Posts: 219 Member
    Also, I'd like to add something I just did. Using a photo editor app I did a side by side of me looking good about three years ago and one from about three months ago. The difference is incredible. I set it as my background on my iPad and I'm considering printing and taping it to the fridge/pantry.

    I do this too, my last summer/this summer photo is my iphone wallpaper :) Works great!

    PS. Picstitch is a good app
  • espruell
    espruell Posts: 12
    you just made my day!
  • sammiliegh
    sammiliegh Posts: 86 Member

    "A year from now you will have wished you started today" - I think this every day...

    That^^^^^ it's exactly what goes through my mind everyday!
  • mphlab
    mphlab Posts: 187 Member
    Hi - I started at 235 back in January - my loss has been about a pound a week and yes I get frustrated! So I am planning for a long haul! 7 montghs & 33 pounds.
    1) Mini goals
    such as:
    under 200
    Overweight instead of obese
    2) I friended someone who is my height & starting weight and is now smoking hot & 2 pounds under my goal-for motivation. When I get down - I look at how far she has come & it is a more tangible way to see where I want to be (I will never be a size 2,4 or 6-I don't want to be!!). Of course genetics have something to do with it but my looking at her bigger self, there is no way to predict how beautiful she would get at a nice healthy weight. If she can do can we! Hang in there!
  • keenamurphy
    keenamurphy Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there dont give up weight loss is always a challenge. I have started my weight loss goal of loosing 50 pounds plus. when I first started this site I weighed 220 I am now down to 205lbs. What is motivating for me is when I can feel the difference in my body and of course when I see the numbers drop on the scale the first set of pounds is always the hardest to loose and I dont pay to much attention to the scale because I lift weights as well and muscles add weight but muscle weight though. A few years ago I went from 200 to 150 and I am going to give it a go again I know I can do it I should of stuck to my plan the last time but with my diabeties and my blood sugars all over the place I lost focus. But now I am on a mission to achieve my goals with my health. So please keep at your weight loss goals you can do it!!!!!!!!
  • KBoddu
    KBoddu Posts: 237 Member
    I started at 340 pounds October 2011. I fell off the wagon HARD after getting down to around 319 and I started back in January 2012 at 329. I am now down to 270 pounds as of today. There are weeks at a time that I won't lose anything and it is VERY frustrating, but I just sit back and think to myself that it's working. I may not see the scale moving, but it's working. Sometimes it takes your body time to catch up with your losses. I take measurements to keep me on track if I don't lose for a week or so and that seems to help a little. Also, I eat what I want to eat but in moderation. I still have pasta and I still have ice cream just not in mass quantities. Most importantly, don't think of it as a diet because when you think of it as a diet you feel more trapped and like you just can't do it anymore. I try to eat a portion size that is relative to the size that I want to become, but I still eat what I want. If you think of it that way it might help a little bit. Good luck honey! =)
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