Ladies in the 200+'d you stay motivated?



  • pferde01
    pferde01 Posts: 16
    Even if I never lose another pound, I know that I've changed my life and I am healther now than I have been in many years. I look better and feel better. Sure I'm still 50+ lbs overweight, but i know it's going to continue to get better because I'm dedicated to eating healthy and getting lots of excercise. I may only lose a pound a month, but it's still better than gaining. Good luck to you and try top remember that being healthy is the most important thing!

    Awesome way to look at it!! Something I really needed as I'm looking down the long road to the "finish line".
  • GodsGirl37
    GodsGirl37 Posts: 348
    what kept me motivated was two things:

    1. the support of all my friends on my fitness pal and my family

    2. taking the photo of myself at my heaviest I didn't want to go back to being that girl again.

    most important of all my daughter Rylee telling me how proud she is of me.
  • I started my weight loss at 287lbs and lost the first 37lbs in 6 mos and have lost the last 6lbs in the last 6 mos :frown: When I step on the scale to see no change even while eating at or under my calorie goal, exercising and drinking way more water than ever before in my life I ask myself: What's the alternative? Start eating unhealthy again and get back the inches I've lost? Stop exercising and lose the strength and endurance that I've gained? Basically am I going to quit and gain back the weight, back to 287?? No thank you I'd rather work hard and stay the same then to gain it all back.
    I understand wanting to quit but ask yourself if that is really who you want to see in the mirror?

    "A year from now you will have wished you started today" - I think this every day...

    I needed this today thank you so much!!!!
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    I definitely agree that you should set small goals for yourself rather than focus on the big picture. Even if the scale doesn't cooperate, I tell myself that my body is getting stronger and healthier regardless of what the scale says. And giving up won't get me to where I want to be so I keep at it. I started at 332.4 in January 2011 and am currently 230.2. It is possible. You just have to be willing to put in the work. Good luck.
  • patkterry
    patkterry Posts: 50
    Started in February 2012, at 330 lbs, I am down roughly 50lbs. Scales are not your friends, water retention, and all the other reasons the scale doesn't move. Don't worry about the scale. I have been up and down 10 lbs for the last 2 months so I haven't changed my weight on MFP because I can't get it lower than what is recorded already. And that is ok, because I am a patient person, and its a journey. I feel better about how I look, and how I feel. I have more stamina, my body FEELS so much better. This is actually the longest "diet" I have been on- but the kicker is it really isn't a diet. I do not eat junk anymore- low fat, low calorie choices. I can have anything I want within reason. When I eat stuff that I was craving- it is not satisfying. And I go to the gym 3 and 4 times a week, and keep moving on the other days.. Good luck to you!
  • keenamurphy
    keenamurphy Posts: 3 Member
    That is a very good idea!!
  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    I started at 299. Went down to 221...right now back up to 241 (19 months). Feel off the wagon here and there but ended up gaining 20 back. The reason I gained?? I lost motivation. I grew very tired of fighting the fight. The most disappointing thing was the scale. So I stopped getting on. I believe our bodies have to catch up (don't care what the experts say) to the weightloss which is why *I think* we plateau. Whatever the reason for plateauing, don't give up! Your body will catch up. And remember to eat. If our body goes into starvation mode, it will shut down the weightloss. Don't think by eating less than you calculated calories will help; it won't. You may see an immediate drop but it will come to a screeching halt.

    My remotivation:
    I love the way I look and feel today even with an extra 20lbs
    I never truly gave up...MFP was always in the back of my mind
    I knew I didn't want to be sad all the time because I failed
    Water Water Water
    Stopped looking at the end gaol (150lbs)
    Re-started looking at small goals again...1-5lbs at a time
    And most importantly....Reengaged with MFP! Started logging again

    This is for a life time...not for a moment in time.

    You can do it! I know you can.

    Motivational quips I posted on my News Feed:
    Success is achieved and maintained by those who try-and keep trying

    When you get to a plateau, think of it as a landing on the stairway to your goal. And maintenance is a lifelong plateau, so a bit of "rehearsal" for maintenance isn't the worst thing in the world.

    Rather than aiming for being perfect, just aim to be little bit better today than you were yesterday

    Today is about keeping the faith

    I'll send you a friend request.
    I seriously started using MFP in January this year 2012. My starting weight was 220, I am now as of today down to 156 lbs. I would have never believed I would be at this weight back then. I remember when I started exercising couldn't do a lot to begin with but gradually I was able to do more and more. And the weight began to move slowly but after maybe a month it began to come off like it should. I didn't give up even though there were times I felt like it because wasn't seeing results. And with losing weight and especially with exercising I can wear sizes that I would not believe with the weight I still am. I only started out with walking. I haven't been on a diet, I practice portion control and exercise now. I can't even tell you how much better I feel. YOU can do this just stick with it. I have people at work that admire the way I have stuck with my walking and I also use an eliptical machine at work, I don't go to gyms so I use Leslie Sansones walking dvd at home and think that has helped alot. My weight has been at a stand still for a few weeks now (frustrating) but PTL the scale moved 3 lbs this week, boy did I need that because it was hard to stay motivated. I have about 20 more lbs to go and know it will probably be slower than I will want and will be hard to stay motivated but WE CAN do this!!! Best wishes.
  • JimieLou
    JimieLou Posts: 273 Member
    I started this journey at 314 pounds in February of 2011. For the 8 months I saw "steady" results. I loved stepping on the scale and seeing the number be lower than it was before. I'm a teacher and once the school year started up after an awesome summer of losing, the numbers stopped going down. I've been stuck between 230 and 240 for the past 6 months, but I'm not giving up. I still am careful with what I eat. I don't deprive myself of anything or I know I would utilmately fail, I just watch portions very closely. I love how I feel after a kickass workout so that helps too. I know that even if the number on the scale isn't going down that I'm still doing things right and eventually my body will respond.
    In January I started dating a really great guy who had a great body without even trying. Eventually I let on to him the journey I was on and he was very encouraging. We would go on walks together and everything at first. But eventually that went by the wayside because we got too busy doing other things and he loved my body the way it was. Well, a month ago, he left me to get engaged to his ex. I've taken my "anger/agression" towards him out on my punching bag and other workouts. Other than kicking his *kitten* -lol- my biggest motivation right now is getting to Onderland. My ultimate goal is 180 or lower (I have a large frame and may look gaunt if I lose any more) but I am gonna be estatic the day the scale says 199.9. That number is my intrinsic motivation. Proving to myself that I have what it takes to lose 100+ pounds and be a success sotry. I've got a little bit of extrinsic motivation going too right now. In February of 2013, my parents are taking my siblings and I on a trip to Hawaii. I won't look Top Model-ish and I damn sure won't be in a bikini (I've got two gnarly footlong scars from gallbladder surgery) but I'm gonna look damn hot in my tankinis and sundresses!
    My advice to anyone would be this. DON"T EVER GIVE UP! Even on the days you feel like the world is against you, keep on going - The end results are gonna be so worth it!
  • AlicynH
    AlicynH Posts: 201 Member
    As Dori would say, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming". When I started over 6 years ago, I weighed 396 lbs. I had gastric bypass surgery and lost 160 lbs. I ended up gaining back 60 of that. Last October I started at 300 again. I am now down to 227. I have had a really good incentive though. My 25 year high school reunion is next weekend and my goal was to weigh less than I did when I graduated from high school. I graduated high school at about 250 lbs. I compared pictures the other day and I'm actually thinner now. I still have about 60 lbs to go to my goal weight.

    You can do this. We are all here to help you along.
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    It's a day-to-day struggle. I just try to celebrate the small victories, whether it's buying my first size 12 dress or eating really healthy for a week without binging.

    Celebrate what you can and eventually we will get to where we want to be.
  • amyreafleng
    amyreafleng Posts: 69 Member
    Surround your self with supportive people...I started at 231# in mid January. The first time the scale didn't move I was devistated! Felt like giving mind was saying "look at how hard you worked...and you got NOTHING to show for it" was my support system of family and friends that pointed out the accomplishments that I had achieved and kept me pushing forward
  • 120weeks
    120weeks Posts: 242 Member
    Several women have said what I was going to say. For me, it was finally being realistic with myself. (Yes, my new found realism actually became my motivation. My realism is helping me become tough).

    1) It's going to take a long time get there. A LONG TIME. (I don't have to be perfect, I can take my time and I can make this enjoyable).
    2) When I get there, dealing with my weight will not end so I need to plan and start preparing for a LIFETIME right now. (Personally, this includes eating like I am maintaining my future goal weight, exercising the amount that I plan to exercise when I get to my goal, and dealing with all the mental stuff otherwise it will just keep popping up).

    The MFP diary, my written goals and lots of checklists have helped me thus far. I love to cross things off my list. I feel very accomplished. Other than that, I take each day one at a time. My main focus right now is to make every single decision a "stronger choice". I know I can eat anything I want in moderation. I know I am physically capable of doing all sorts of exercise that I want to. I just like to frame things in this way ("stronger choice") so that I generally make better choices. For me, everytime I make a stronger choice (to skip the fries, to do my planks even when I don't want to, to remove myself from drama around me) each choice is a building block to make me stronger and inpenetrable. Over time, these building blocks that I am stacking will lead to me making something great of myself. There have been times that a few blocks fall off but the whole structure hasn't collapsed. I just get to re-building. Hopefully others with lots of weight to lose will see that building the YOU "you" want is much more pleasurable than eliminating foods, obsessing about the scale, etc.
  • Erihppas
    Erihppas Posts: 121 Member
    I am not in the 200s now but was exactly a year ago. I was 252. Motivation? Life was passing me by. I'm young (I think) and am not having the same social life those my age were. I REFUSED to be the weight I weighed in at ever again. I could have pretended that I would be successful and happy at my weight, but yes... I was realistic: the world does not see personality first. You are judged by looks and unfortunately heaviness is seen as laziness/sloppiness... Neither of which are me.

    I am now ~175 with ~20lbs to go, done in just about a year!
  • rainas25
    rainas25 Posts: 143 Member
    Really needed to read this thread today...thanks for posting and thanks for all the inspiration! One day at a time!
  • rfarinha
    rfarinha Posts: 388 Member
    I started at 239lbs. and I too was overwhelmed at thinking that I had 100lbs. +/- to lose. But then I had to wrap my brain around small chunks at a time vs. the whole 100lb chunk. With each day that I was successful, I knew that I would experience a loss. And when I hit a plateau, I also "stayed the course", because I kept telling myself that weight loss is math... burn more than you consume and you will lose, and so when the scale seemed to get stuck, I knew that eventually the numbers would sort themselves out and the weight would come off. I am down 85lbs .

    Here is a recent post with Before and After pics.

    Good Luck!
  • popprincess72317
    popprincess72317 Posts: 6 Member
    The highest I have seen the scale is 291 lbs. I weighed 130 lbs 11 years ago. Ouch. I finally decided it was time to get my stuff together as I am getting married next July. I taught myself how to eat right and then started walking and then added extra stuff. Now I workout daily and take a day off. I do circuit training with a PT at my jobs gym. I think about how far I have come and I remind myself that I have to keep going because it will be worth it. I also think of it as at least I am not just starting to live healthier. Once you are in the game, you need to stay in the game. You will be glad you did. Good luck to you.
  • tidesong
    tidesong Posts: 451 Member
    Also, I'd like to add something I just did. Using a photo editor app I did a side by side of me looking good about three years ago and one from about three months ago. The difference is incredible. I set it as my background on my iPad and I'm considering printing and taping it to the fridge/pantry.

    Which app did you use, and how did you get the pictures next to each other? I think I'd like to do something like this but I'm not great at editing images!

    ETA: I have a MacBook Pro if it makes a difference. No iPhone...but an Android phone.
  • graham2010
    graham2010 Posts: 2 Member
    My highest weight was 259. I'm currently 235 today cause "mother nature is visiting", but when she isn't here I'm about 230. I can't seem to get below the 230's. I was sick a few weeks ago and I got down to 226, but since I'm better that all has came back. I keep telling myself that I can and will win this journey. I lost 55LBS in 2008, but I was working a more physical job than I'm doing now. I work with a personal trainer 3 day a week for an 1hour and I try to get to the gym at least 2-3x a week for 30-40 minutes. Keep me in your thoughts ladies.. I wish you all great success
  • kgoble89
    kgoble89 Posts: 12 Member
    I haven't had a chance to read through everyone's responses so forgive me if someone else has already said this or something similar....I started out with 80 pounds to lose & at times I feel totally hopeless. Someone on here once told me to not think of it as having to lose a whole 80 pounds though, think of it as losing 10 pounds 8 times. That has been the number one thing to keep me motivated & hopeful. 80 pounds sounds like such a hard goal to obtain so for years I've just given up when I didn't get the results I wanted as quickly as i thought I should, now thinking of it as losing 10 pound 8 times, I know I can do that!!!! I've already lost 14 which means I only have to lose 10 pounds 6.5 more times:) lol This might not help everyone but it definitely has kept me motivated! Good luck, you can definitely do this!!!!! Feel free to add me, I love new friends:)
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