Gym Nicknames

McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
Anyone else give people they see in the gym nicknames? I go at the same time every day so usually I see the same people, I'm there do do my workout and leave so I never actually talk to these people but they all have names in my mind. If you do what are some of the names you have given out?

Here are a few of mine:
Reaper Runner- This man has got to be at least 160 years old, and uses the elliptical, I don't know how the machine stays on he moves so slow, but high 5 to the old man trying to cheat death.

Lunge Ladies - Two ladies that do nothing but lunges through out my entire workout.

Grimace & Hamburgler - Grimace wears purple every day, and Hamburgler actually stopped coming with her but she did wear black and white

Latin Lover - this guy is in good shape but i've never seen him do anything except talk to the ladies, he does swap weights for them sometimes

Fat Cuz & BB Gunz - These are two guys that do 25lb bench presses in the smith machine. BB Gunz always wears sleeveless shirts and has arms like my 10 year old nephew.

The Kid - this guy is about 18 and seems to put in hard work every day.

Incline Girl - she sets the treadmill to 15% and seems to hold on for her life, it's kinda scary.

Brah Squad- about 6 bros that like to take ever dumbbell and barbell and say they are "using" them.

Mega Butt - I rarely see her but it always brightens my day when she shows up.

Squat Princess and her boyfriend- she is awesome, 100lbs tops and squats like a strongman.


  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I do this all the time! I work out with :

    Perfume Lady
    Orange Tan Lady
    Sweet Old Lady
    The Guy Who Loves Himself in the Mirror

    None of which need explaining.
  • _skittybang
    _skittybang Posts: 970 Member
    Lunkity Spunk - this old dude who looks like the guy from the Planet Fitness commercial (I lift things up...) and hits on all the young ladies

    Hummuna hummuna - one of my pieces of eye candy.

    The Brothers - two brothers who are equally beautiful and also in my bag of treats.

    Grumble - the super beautiful, super model looking chick who will work out next to my grunting/farting/sweaty self
  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    I am the farter
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    I love these!!

    McStaresAlot - this guy has the worst staring problem on the planet.

    Shorty shorts - older dude wears those 1970something running shorts
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    I can't believe I forgot Air Drum Guy! I look forward to him every Sunday morning when I'm at the gym - He plays the air drums so hard in between his sets it's unreal.
  • _skittybang
    _skittybang Posts: 970 Member
    I can't believe I forgot Air Drum Guy! I look forward to him every Sunday morning when I'm at the gym - He plays the air drums so hard in between his sets it's unreal.

    I'm my gyms air drum girl. No one EVER runs next to me.
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    I know I have air drummed and guitared on the treadmill, lol. I just rock out so hard when I work out I can't help it

    Tom Sawyer is one of my running songs so I'm drumming, and Cult of Personality so i'm playin the guitar.
  • Bubs05
    Bubs05 Posts: 182 Member
    Go Girl - This lady does cardio with her headphones on and moves every part of her body!! I'd love to know how many calories she burns!

    Pervy - I never see him working out but he is always "training" the lady clientele. BTW...he is not an employee.

    TV Boy - I only see him there on late Sunday afternoons. I am convinced that he comes to the gym because his wife does not let him watch golf on TV. He stands in front of whatever TV has golf on and never moves.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Tom Sawyer is one of my running songs so I'm drumming, and Cult of Personality so i'm playin the guitar.

    Even *I* air drum to Tom Sawyer!
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    I'm guilty.

    Theres John Travolta, the guy who manages to dance on the treadmill when it's on max incline & full speed!

    The Butt, the woman who's about my age but you can bounce pennys off her butt it's so firm. Totally envious.

    And there's the Eggwhisk. Who looks like an egg beater on full when he runs. And I'm married to him!:blushing: :laugh: :laugh:

    And the Texting Brahs. They spend their whole time staring at their damn phones & blocking all the equipment.:grumble:

    And then there's The Greak God. And yup he is a dreamboat. He's one of the trainers who doubles as a male model. Far far too distracting for me.
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    I can't believe I forgot Air Drum Guy! I look forward to him every Sunday morning when I'm at the gym - He plays the air drums so hard in between his sets it's unreal.

    I'm my gyms air drum girl. No one EVER runs next to me.

    I would totally run next to you. That's awesome.

    One day, I shall pull out the leg guitar, and he and I will have an epic collaboration.
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    I don't have nicknames for people at the gym, my gym is so big that the people change everyday.
    It is also a women's gym. I guess the common ones are:
    Elliptical Ladies: young and or old but they stay on the freakin' elliptical for like an hour. (20 min. limit on all machines)
    WTF are you doing here Ladies: Mostly on the stationary bikes, but in all honestly i think they just go to watch the tv.
    That is pretty much it, I don't really look at other people when I work out.
  • anels449
    anels449 Posts: 3,187 Member
    Perfect Yoga guy.

    Perfect form, could hold the position for ever. I never pay attention to the teacher, just perfect yoga man.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    I know I have air drummed and guitared on the treadmill, lol. I just rock out so hard when I work out I can't help it

    Tom Sawyer is one of my running songs so I'm drumming, and Cult of Personality so i'm playin the guitar.

    Id pay to see that.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    mine are named

    :devil: :glasses:
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    Zumba Barbie - The gal that has to do her hair and makeup perfectly for Zumba (and has actually run out of my class to go adjust one or the other since I was making her sweat too hard.

    The Crop Duster - The person who farts in class....
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I do:

    Cutie McWorkout Wrong - She's this cute blond girl, probably (very) early 20's who does every single exercise wrong and super fast. It's like she sped-read a weight lifting magazine, came up with a bunch of stuff and said "Yup. This is my workout!" When she does weighted side bends she's fast; captains chair? My god I think she's going to go flying off with the way she swings her legs. It's kinda funny.

    Prissy McPerfect - She's another cute blond who's hair is all done up, make up on, clothing perfect when she comes to workout

    B!tchy McPussface - She works the front desk at the gym and she looks like a complete and total beeeotch. She would see my husband and I come in every day. See us talk to the other workers, hell she even ran on the treadmill next to me once yet she proceeded to ask us our names and for my husbands membership card and then made me sign in in case there's an accident. Um. Ok.

    Annoying Talker - This woman who all she does is talk talk talk talk talk! I want to tell her that if she can carry on a conversation that easily then she isn't working out hard enough.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Boobs- Total babe that never broke a sweat on the recumbant. Wish I knew how she got that rockin body.
    Phil- Guy in my spinning class that is a dead ringer for Phil from Modern Family
    Unibomber- Guy who does cardio with his hoodie pulled tight over his head
    Tube Top- lady who always works out in a tube top, so weird to me but I guess it works for her
    Annoying Old Dude- He's the annoying old dude
    Rockstar- The guy who probably started at around 350 lbs, worked his *kitten* off and lost a ton of weight.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    We have biscuit.

    She is a short woman in her 50s who insists on wearing spandex leggings that are too short (causing muffin top), bikini cut underwear that are too small and lower than the pants (causing muffin muff), a sports bra that is meant for a preteen (causing muffin back boobs, muffin under band and extra boob lumps) With a spandex top the same color as the bottom that is too tight to hide it all. It is a bright blue. Just like a can of pillsbury biscuits that you just whacked on the counter.
  • acksaysbillthecat
    I don't give names, but you guys sure made me laugh!