Gym Nicknames



  • emmymae22
    emmymae22 Posts: 206
    This thread is hilarious! The only ones I can think of that I've given out:

    The Exaggerator: This woman in Zumba who CAN'T just march in place or cumbia..EVERY motion has to be insanely exaggerated. She even runs in place during the cool down. She makes me roll my eyes.

    The Trooper: This woman in Zumba who has 2 left feet and can't seem to dance on beat correctly, even though we do a lot of the same songs and I'm pretty sure she's been going as long as I have.

    Jazz Hands: This guy in Zumba who I'm pretty sure used to be a Broadway dancer. He can get his legs up higher than anyone I've ever seen.

    The Stripper: This woman in Zumba who makes every move look R-rated. Another one that makes me roll my eyes. I bump into her upstairs on the machines too, not just in classes. She also stretches like she's preparing for a haha. ew.

    Everyone at my gym calls the girls who only do cardio classes (they offer 40 different ones) Cardio Bunnies. I am a guilty Cardio Bunny but I'm trying to find some kind of strength training to implement.
  • bayertablets
    bayertablets Posts: 213 Member
    Lolz @ OP's nicknames.

    The ones at my gym are:

    Keith Sweat - There are actually two of these, one young black guy that leaves puddles of sweat under every machine he uses, usually the arc trainer, and then the older white guy that uses the stair stepper until he's a gallon beyond dehydrated.

    The Snorkler - Haven't seen this guy in a while, but he used to wear a swimming mask and a snorkle whilst using the stationary bicycle. ?

    Running Man - Guy that is ALWAYS on the treadmill... no matter what time I go, he's always there. I stayed for over 3 hours one day just waiting to see if he'd leave - he never did. Also, he stops and starts but leaves the treadmill going. Like, he'll run for a few minutes, then just stand with his feet on the sides of the treadmill for a minute or so, then back to running.

    Flashdance - older lady with crazy hair in a scrunchie that wears sports bra and bicycle shorts, with an oversized off the shoulder sweatshirt and scrunched down white socks and white tennis shoes. She seriously cracks me up.

    T.I.T. - An old personal abbreviation for Tucked In Tee - an old man that always wears basketball shorts and has his t-shirt tucked in. He's usually there every time I go to the gym and stays throughout the time I'm there. I think he and running man are there all day every day.
  • bayertablets
    bayertablets Posts: 213 Member
    We have biscuit.

    She is a short woman in her 50s who insists on wearing spandex leggings that are too short (causing muffin top), bikini cut underwear that are too small and lower than the pants (causing muffin muff), a sports bra that is meant for a preteen (causing muffin back boobs, muffin under band and extra boob lumps) With a spandex top the same color as the bottom that is too tight to hide it all. It is a bright blue. Just like a can of pillsbury biscuits that you just whacked on the counter.
  • RavenhairedWoman
    RavenhairedWoman Posts: 661 Member
    I haven't really done this at the gym I work out now which is inside my work. I work in IT so my schedule changes and then my gym hours change too. There is one guy that I run into every once in awhile that I think of as baby face. He is super cute most likely at least 5 years younger than me but just cute as can be. One day I might go up to him just to tell him that he is too cute and leave it at that.
  • Jebbster007
    Jebbster007 Posts: 265 Member
    I do:

    Cutie McWorkout Wrong - She's this cute blond girl, probably (very) early 20's who does every single exercise wrong and super fast. It's like she sped-read a weight lifting magazine, came up with a bunch of stuff and said "Yup. This is my workout!" When she does weighted side bends she's fast; captains chair? My god I think she's going to go flying off with the way she swings her legs. It's kinda funny.

    Prissy McPerfect - She's another cute blond who's hair is all done up, make up on, clothing perfect when she comes to workout

    B!tchy McPussface - She works the front desk at the gym and she looks like a complete and total beeeotch. She would see my husband and I come in every day. See us talk to the other workers, hell she even ran on the treadmill next to me once yet she proceeded to ask us our names and for my husbands membership card and then made me sign in in case there's an accident. Um. Ok.

    Annoying Talker - This woman who all she does is talk talk talk talk talk! I want to tell her that if she can carry on a conversation that easily then she isn't working out hard enough.

    LMAO.....Jenn....i think you have a McDonalds obsession. All of your nicknames except one include "Mc"
  • reedkaus
    reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
    what a fantastic post, haha classic.

    in my gym we got

    Frat Boy - guy that walks around, chest puffed, and total ILS (imaginary lat syndrome for those of you that don't know), and wears nothing but Delta Chi shirts

    Old Lady Cray - an elderly gal who ONLY comes in on saturday, and does ONE set on EVERY machine, never putting any weight on. Much like Reaper Runner, I commend her efforts, and I can't get mad at her for throwing me off my groove.

    The Ab Fat Targeter - A woman who I am now acquainted with that comes to the gym religiously to walk on the track, and do this weird resisted crunch machine, then the elliptical.

    And that's it for now...
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    The crossfit box I attend it is:
    Hottie #1
    Hottie #2
    Hottie #3
    and so on.
    Oaccaisonlally, there is also: New Girl, soon to be Hottie #?
  • emmymae22
    emmymae22 Posts: 206
    Zumba Barbie - The gal that has to do her hair and makeup perfectly for Zumba (and has actually run out of my class to go adjust one or the other since I was making her sweat too hard.

    The Crop Duster - The person who farts in class....

    LOL! How could I forget Zumba Barbie!! There's one chick that HAS to take an hour to get ready for freakin' Zumba..white eyeshadow, lipgloss, super mascara...All I can think of when I see her is "really?!?!" I hadn't thought of a nickname for her yet but Zumba Barbie is perfect. lawlz
  • Bubs05
    Bubs05 Posts: 182 Member
    I forgot "Shower Stalker".
    This woman apparently has a love affair with the 2nd shower stall. One morning I used that shower apparently preventing her from using that one. Now, every morning she keeps a very careful eye on me. When I start heading to the locker room, she hops off of whatever machine she was on (usually the bike) and runs to the locker room, turns on the water in shower #2 and then goes back to her locker to get he shower stuff out.
    I should probably just tell her that after my initial usage of shower #2, I will not use it again, I think it is the worst shower in there. I don't like the water pressure.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Tom Sawyer is one of my running songs so I'm drumming, and Cult of Personality so i'm playin the guitar.

    Even *I* air drum to Tom Sawyer!

    Who doesn't?
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    Cardio Barbie...she uses the ellipical machine for 2 hours at a time and never increases the incline or the looks perfect afterwards.

    Affliction / Tap-out guy....Thats all he wears, he claims to be a MMA fighter, but never has any bruises, fat lips, black eyes, etc.

    Treadmill texter...she texts on her phone while walking on the treadmill at 2 mph, 0% incline, while eating jellybeans...

    GI Jane.... Angry lesbian lifting weights.

    Fan guy....he always has the fan blowing on him ( and him only ) while he's training for that marathon on the treadmill. Hey guy... its 75 degrees outside and the wind is blowing....go outside.

    Fat desk girl....she's the one that weighs 350# and works the front desk. Hey girl, you know you get a free membership cuz you work here, use it.

    I can't say anything about our Zumba classes, because I don't speak spanish.....

    BTW ...I am the farter, and the guys who sings 70's / 80's songs to himself......
  • Syderelli
    Syderelli Posts: 439 Member
    I think this is my favorite post of all time.
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    LOL at Shower Stalker.

    The Peeper: Haven't seen her in ages but she used to come in at the same time as me, hop on the elliptical next to me, crane her neck over to see what I had it set at and then hastily change her own settings.
  • ruggedBear
    ruggedBear Posts: 295
    The Skipper - old guy on the rowing machine. He's there every morning and I've never seen him do anything else! Sweet as pie and always smiles at me.

    Snotface - the mom who I know from football, but who refuses to even nod her head hello when I see her

    Mr. Ed - the tall skinny girl whose long ponytail literally swings over into my space as she gallops along on the treadmill next to me - I keep waiting for it to swat me!
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    B!tchy McPussface - She works the front desk at the gym and she looks like a complete and total beeeotch.

    We have this girl too she works on the weekends and always gets Papa John's delivered to the gym. Then she sits there chewing with her mouth open giving everyone the stink-eye.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I do:

    Cutie McWorkout Wrong - She's this cute blond girl, probably (very) early 20's who does every single exercise wrong and super fast. It's like she sped-read a weight lifting magazine, came up with a bunch of stuff and said "Yup. This is my workout!" When she does weighted side bends she's fast; captains chair? My god I think she's going to go flying off with the way she swings her legs. It's kinda funny.

    Prissy McPerfect - She's another cute blond who's hair is all done up, make up on, clothing perfect when she comes to workout

    B!tchy McPussface - She works the front desk at the gym and she looks like a complete and total beeeotch. She would see my husband and I come in every day. See us talk to the other workers, hell she even ran on the treadmill next to me once yet she proceeded to ask us our names and for my husbands membership card and then made me sign in in case there's an accident. Um. Ok.

    Annoying Talker - This woman who all she does is talk talk talk talk talk! I want to tell her that if she can carry on a conversation that easily then she isn't working out hard enough.

    LMAO.....Jenn....i think you have a McDonalds obsession. All of your nicknames except one include "Mc"


    They're just easier to remember with the "Mc"
  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    I nickname just about every one. I don't belong to a gym, but there is this lady in my neighborhood that we named angry lady, because for 5 years through her two babies and a dog, she pushed that stroller like she was a woman on a mission. Her poor dog always got wiped out. Those kids are going to grow up to be speed demons.
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    OMG too funny

    There are a few at my gym, I hadn't really come up with nicknames for them yet, but here it goes:

    Adidas-the guy who always wears an Adidas outfit (shirt and shorts, shirt and pants) everytime he works out, and it always matches (both have black stripe, blue stripe, white stripe, etc.)

    (no nickname yet)-the guy who I swear works out 24/7, he is there EVERY time I have been there over the past couple of years (early morning, late morning, evening, it don't matta what time of day it is)

    "Nikki's twin"-this girl that looks JUST like my fiance's friend's wife, Nikki, except this girl wears REALLY baggy sweat pants that almost fall off of her, and when she bends over everyone gets to see her plumbers crack

    hmmm I am sure there are others...
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    since everyone is throwing out their nicknames for others, what do you think other people at the gym may have nicknamed you??????????????????????? :)

    I will have to think about this one for myself...
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Sweaty gringo monster prolly lol

    I live in S.Miami so white folks are a rare sight