Breakfast. To eat.... Or not to eat?

Here's the deal. I have read many articles about how "You have to eat breakfast to rev up your metabolism!!" but I have recently read that nothing will "rev up" your metabolism.
I don't usually eat breakfast, as I am not very hungry in the mornings. I prefer to eat around 2pm. My boyfriend is telling me that I'm screwing myself over and cutting calories won't work if I don't eat breakfast. My weight loss is going quite well without it.. So I'm not sure that I should start eating breakfast.

Why do you support/refute eating breakfast?


  • Rory_123
    Rory_123 Posts: 68 Member
    I don't like breakfast. I eat my first meal around noon-2pm, but I do drink coffee in the morning. If I eat breakfast I am starving an hour later and then all day. I don't buy the "revving up your metabolism" line either. Where are the scientific studies that provide evidence of this?!?!?

    Unless you are binge eating later in the day, it doesn't matter whether you get your calories from 7am-7pm or from 2pm-9pm or any other time frame. The concern about skipping breakfast is that many people will then overeat at lunch/dinner, and go over their calorie allotment for the day.
  • takechances
    I feel the same way! This also allows me to not be worried about going hungry if I don't have enough calories for dinner.
    ERMBSN Posts: 32 Member
    I eat breakfast beacuse I don't like to workout on an empty stomach. As for should or shouldn't. I think thats up to the individual. Try tracking your weight loss without eating breakfast for a few weeks. Then track your weight loss with eating a small breakfast. This should give you a better idea if breakfast is right for you.
  • ChaoticMiNd
    ChaoticMiNd Posts: 247 Member
    I don't like breakfast. I eat my first meal around noon-2pm, but I do drink coffee in the morning. If I eat breakfast I am starving an hour later and then all day. I don't buy the "revving up your metabolism" line either. Where are the scientific studies that provide evidence of this?!?!?

    Unless you are binge eating later in the day, it doesn't matter whether you get your calories from 7am-7pm or from 2pm-9pm or any other time frame. The concern about skipping breakfast is that many people will then overeat at lunch/dinner, and go over their calorie allotment for the day.
    This is me to the letter. I'm never hungry in the morning and if I do eat I'm pigging out all day.
  • 33neenaj
    33neenaj Posts: 306
    Listen to your belly....if it growls at you EAT, if it doesn't DONT!
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    If you feel hungry eat breakfast, if not, don't. But might I suggest eating more than 100 calories for lunch if you already don't eat breakfast.
  • Pooks1n1Schmoops
    Pooks1n1Schmoops Posts: 199 Member
  • Pooks1n1Schmoops
    Pooks1n1Schmoops Posts: 199 Member
    There's like 6 calories in a cup of fresh spinach. If I start running low on calories, I eat a big ole salad.
    I feel the same way! This also allows me to not be worried about going hungry if I don't have enough calories for dinner.
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    I'm currently doing intermittent fasting and I don't eat breakfast. The idea of it is that you have a 16 hour fasting period and then an 8 hour eating window. I hired a personal trainer who got me started on it and I love it. It teaches you how to recognise when your body is actually hungry over when you think you should eat. I find I actually eat less doing this. If you're just looking for general weight loss and all around toning breakfast isn't necessary. Check out this article. It tells you all about it in a lot more detail.

    Also, all the people telling you to eat less more often are talking crap. It doesn't matter whether you eat 6 small meals or 2 big ones, your body will metabolise it all the same.

    Hope this helps!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    You don't have to eat it, you'll be fine if you don't! I like breakfast, but not everyone likes eating in the morning. As long as you still have a calorie deficit, you'll lose! It doesn't matter when those calories are eaten or what they are.
  • friend2cptsolo
    friend2cptsolo Posts: 29 Member
    EAT at breakfast..... SOMETHING if you are not hungry start out shooting for a simple 150- 200 Cal. breakfast.
    I make a breakfast smoothy almost everyday and a cup of fruit.
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    I hear a lot of things and don't necessarily agree with them all. For instance - meal timing. I keep hearing that this had been debunked. I definitely notice a difference in my training performance if I do not eat before hand. Consuming all my calories in one fell swoop would not work for me. Perhaps the debunking was unrelated to this and more around weight gain / loss. However, I also tend to agree with those that say macros (such as protein) need to be spread throughout the day for your body to properly metabolize and put to use.

    I am no scientist, though, I just know how I feel when modifying my own diet.

    Working out in a fasted state in the morning may assist with some fat burning. I have heard arguments on both sides here but the one I am currently leaning towards is that a moderate exercise in the morning (no sprinting, etc) in a fasted state MAY be helpful with fat loss.

    I personally feel much better if I do eat breakfast, but I can knock out an hour jog before doing so. I would definitely not strength train without eating.
  • takechances
    I like to eat a small lunch, then about two hours later have some fruit and nuts, around 6 have a very filling dinner (500 cals) and have a small snack at 8.
    I get my 1200 in, and if not, I'm about 100 away by the end of the night.

    I don't go hungry. I eat when I'm hungry.
  • moonspells
    moonspells Posts: 126 Member
    The prevailing wisdom on here is that it makes no difference when in the day you consume your calories so do what works for you. I personally find that if I miss breakfast or don't eat enough in the morning, I get very snacky/munchy later in the day, so I make sure I eat brekkie.
    Listen to YOUR body and go with it...YOU know better than anyone what works for you!

    Best of luck! :o)
  • dward2011
    dward2011 Posts: 416 Member
    Some days I eat it... some days I'm not hungry. It's not an issue for me. I find that listening to my body's needs each day works best. Today for example, I wasn't hungry so I only had my coffee. I am now at 12:30pm feeling a bit hungry so I plan to eat lunch in the next half hour or so. I do prefer to run after eating, so there are a few times where I eat a small breakfast just because I am going for a run.

    Edit to add: There are some mornings that I wake up hungry, so I eat a big breakfast. As I stated above, I listen to my body.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    I feel the same way. I usually feel like I'm going to be sick in the morning, I'm just not a morning person. Also, I have to wait a while to eat after taking my thyroid meds anyway. I usually eat between 12-2 for the first time, but I'm a night owl so I'll usually eat more meals at night. Like last night, I had a salad at like 7 and soup at like 11.
  • takechances
    EAT at breakfast..... SOMETHING if you are not hungry start out shooting for a simple 150- 200 Cal. breakfast.
    I make a breakfast smoothy almost everyday and a cup of fruit.
    Why would I eat if I'm not hungry? Nothing is appetizing to me when I'm not hungry. That doesn't make sense to me.
  • stargazer008
    stargazer008 Posts: 531
    Just when you want. Your metabolism won't shut down if you skip breakfast, it only shuts down if you're dead.
  • pink_butterfly
    I have a bottle of ensure every morning. I find that on a day I decide to have oatmeal instead that I don't have as much energy.. I only have oatmeal in the morning maybe once every two weeks. I love having Ensure for breakfast.. it also allows me to keep my 1200 calorie each day.