Breakfast. To eat.... Or not to eat?



  • davidr730
    davidr730 Posts: 126 Member
    It is extremely important to eat breakfast. After the 8 hour fast (sleeping) you body needs to know that it should not go into starvation mode. Ideally it should be your largest meal of the day with dinner being the smallest but that's not written in stone.
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member

    I don't go hungry. I eat when I'm hungry.

    This. Right here. Nutrition and exercise are key to health. But over-eating, eating when you are not hunger - No matter WHAT you are eating - is the reason people are over weight.

    Eat when you are hungry. Stop when you are full. I also don't eat breakfast. I still lose weight - the same as I did when I forced myself to eat breakfast. And I too was always starving all day when I ate breakfast. I definitely eat way more when I eat breakfast than when I don't.
  • backwoodsbama
    backwoodsbama Posts: 104 Member
    It is true that your metabolism will start up better if you have breakfast though not in a way that most say. Your body is usually in a small state of starvation when you first wake up which grinds your metabolism down. Eating something small will bring your metabolism back up to normal. There's nothing I've found that proves your metabolism spikes though.

    I have personally found however that drinking a glass a cold water as soon as you wake up with light a fire in your belly. Cold water does spike your metabolism because your body has to expend calories to warm up the water. While not as good as coffee, it still wakes me up pretty fast as well.

    Sometimes its the little things that can make a big difference. I never noticed how quickly calories, fat and sugar add up till I started using this site.
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    There are people here that will swear up and down that their way is THE right way. I say try them both and see what works for you.
    I was never a breakfast person; I felt nauseous if I tried to eat too early. But when I started trying to lose weight, I realized my lack of energy had a lot to do with my lack of protein. I started doing protein shakes in the morning, and I noticed a HUGE difference in my energy levels. I tried doing them a few hours later, and I still had more energy than without the shakes, but I didn't feel as good as I did when I drank them first thing in the morning.
    So for me, I've tried it a few ways, and giving my body some good fuel to start the day with makes a huge difference. Give it a try for a week or two, and see how you feel. If you don't notice a difference, then there's your answer.
  • Pacileo4Evers
    Pacileo4Evers Posts: 129 Member
    I never eat breakfast, I normally eat around 12> if I eat breakfast I find my self with this unsatisfying hunger all day. Calories are calories as long as you are staying in your limits it doesn't really matter. I've lost over 50 lbs and I NEVER eat before 12.
  • kaylurzz
    kaylurzz Posts: 121 Member
    I use to not eat breakfast in high school, but that was because I would feel sick eating that early in the morning.
    But I eat it now in college and it really makes the difference with how I feel in the day. It doesn't even have to be something big.

    But I say do with whatever feels right for you.
  • RitaSantoss
    RitaSantoss Posts: 986 Member
    Of course you should eat breakfast! It's the most important meal of the day. It sets your energy for the rest of the morning.
  • koen612
    koen612 Posts: 83
    I eat 2 breakfasts in the morning one at 6 and one at 9, they are not huge just about the size of my palm and anytime you eat your body has to start working to digest that food, and by proxy it burns calories, I weight lift 6 days a week so i eat 3080 calories a day. If you choose to eat it or not its entirely up to you we are all different on here with different goals, and different diets. I eat my bmr and tdee daily also, but what ever you choose to do is up to you, just don't eat if your not hungry, if you are hungry eat. If your intentionally skipping your not helping your self lose weight by cutting 200-400 calories off your day , the body doesn't work like that.
  • Pacileo4Evers
    Pacileo4Evers Posts: 129 Member
    It is extremely important to eat breakfast. After the 8 hour fast (sleeping) you body needs to know that it should not go into starvation mode. Ideally it should be your largest meal of the day with dinner being the smallest but that's not written in stone.
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    doesnt matter when you eat, your body doesnt care if u eat 2000 cals in one meal or if you eat 76 small meals as long as you get in the calories within the 24 hour cycle :D so if u hate breakfast, dont eat it!
  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    At least have a glass of skim milk or Something.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    Some of us don't have regular hunger cues.
  • I don't like eating breakfast at all. But most people tell me if I don't then my metabolism slows down. Don't even know what to believe ._.
  • Pacileo4Evers
    Pacileo4Evers Posts: 129 Member
    doesnt matter when you eat, your body doesnt care if u eat 2000 cals in one meal or if you eat 76 small meals as long as you get in the calories within the 24 hour cycle :D so if u hate breakfast, dont eat it!
    exactly :)
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    There's a highly effective method of dieting called intermittent fasting- I've lost over 30 pounds not eating breakfast.

    I'm much like you in that I have no appetite in the morning, to the point where trying to eat even something small makes me sick to my stomach. Also, once I've eaten, no matter when or how small, I won't want to go for my run. Have a peek at, even if not so much for the lifting part, but for the way the food intake is structured.
  • I'm not hungry in the morning, and I never eat breakfast....I like to workout this way it works for me :) I eat around 1:00 or so. I find if I eat breakfast I get hungry sooner and want to eat all day...
  • choate48
    choate48 Posts: 4
    I'm not a huge fan of breakfast, but due to medical reasons I have to eat breakfast to take my medication. If I don't it makes me sicker then a dog (which I just realized that that makes no sense), but I only eat a serving of cereal with milk. And it does make me feel more energized when I do eat breakfast.
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    I'm not hungry in the morning, and I never eat breakfast....I like to workout this way it works for me :) I eat around 1:00 or so. I find if I eat breakfast I get hungry sooner and want to eat all day...

    ^^This also. The earlier I eat, it's like my brain focuses more on food.
  • dawnp1833
    dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
    Thanks for posting this! I can't eat in the morning. It makes me feel sick to my stomach all morning if I eat before 10:30 or so. I've been trying to force it because people here say I have to, but the whole eating when I'm not hungry thing just doesnt seem right. It doesn't make sense to force myself to eat when my body is not hungry.

    And to everyone who is posting here that they eat 1200 cals a day - is it working for you? I was losing on 1200 cals a day, then someone from the EM2LW group scolded me for not eating enough. Now I'm trying to force more calories, but I've stalled on my weight loss. They say "you'll gain at first, but then it will all drop off." but this reminds me of the movie Mean Girls where they were feeding the girl Cal Teen bars to make her fat. (sorry to get a little off topic there).
  • aura100
    aura100 Posts: 23 Member
    you need to eat it .. i was the same way wasnt hungry in the am so just had lunch and supper ate twice a day ...
    now im eating 6-8 times a day . you need to keep your metab burnin! i lost 2.5 pounds the first day i started to actually eat and you feel so much better and can think clearer . i swear by eating breakfast its the most important!!