Where are all the moms? Come...introduce yourself!



  • Hkaufma0713
    My name is holly , I have 6 kids ages from12 to 2,
    No more babies for me:(,
    Awsome diliverys ( all of them)
    When do you fit in time to exercise? Seems like NEVER
    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit? To be in control of my own life and body, and keep up with my kids!
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    I have 2 kids...a 7 year old girl and a 6 year old boy

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    NO WAY!!! lol

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    Pregnancies were great...felt the best I ever have in my life! Deliveries were C Sections

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    I either go early in the morning, they're still sleeping or in the evening after they've had dinner and are just relaxing before bed. My best friend lives with me so she takes care of them if I have to go.

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    I want to be healthy, be able to play with my kids, and be a good role model for them. Seeing me exercise, they're always wanting to "extercise" also lol. I even buy them their own workout clothes...mostly they just jump around but it's awesome!
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    I have two girls, Caitlin is 4, starting pre-k in a week. Analise is 9 months.

    Both births were natural and drug free. With both my water broke naturally, but I didn't go into labor right away. I had to be induced with #1. With #2, once I went into labor, 15 hours after my water broke, she was born less than 2 hours later. I pushed 4 times.

    We are DONE having kids. The hubby has his vasectomy scheduled for October!!

    Since my hubby and I work opposite shifts, I work out in the morning on my days off at the Y, or I workout in the evening on my treadmill or doing Jillian after the baby is in bed.

    My main motivation is to be a good role model to my kids, better than my parents were to me!
  • winterdancer
    1. I have 1 10 year old daughter .

    2. Yes when the right guy arrives

    3.my DD was born right on time. almost a day early.

    4. earlier morning about 9am

    5.to be the strong healthy atheletic girl I used to be.
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    James 18 and Lacie 21.

    No I will never have anymore kids. (watch something happen now)

    Both pregnancies were perfect, I had vaginal deliveries with both and had no epidural.

    Now my son is off to college I finally have time to myself and time to exercise.

    I've turned into a very selfish person right now and its all about me. That is my motivation.
  • winterdancer
    any mom is welcome to friend me:) I will accept
  • MissLuana
    MissLuana Posts: 356
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?

    1. One 14 year old daughter

    2. No more kids...I'm too old...41

    3. My pregnancy was crazy. Blessed to have no morning sickness but discovered I'm O- which meant I needed shots to keep my body from attacking my baby. Ended up getting pregnancy induced HBP so had to deliver 2 weeks early. Was in labor for 32 hours and finally got an epiderol. <<<<<That's why only the one...LOL

    4. Now that she's older, I can go in the morning before work or in the evening after work. In the evening she goes too...sometimes.

    5. My main motivation was due to HBP. The medication seriously blurred my vision so I decided to try and lose some weight, exercise on a regular basis and try to bring my BP under control that way. Now that I've lost 20 pounds, looking sexy has become some of the motivation too...LOL
  • amandamarievth
    amandamarievth Posts: 3 Member
    10- Brenton
    2yr 9mo- Brogan
    2yr 9mo- Pyper
    (Yep! Twin toddlers!!!)
    4.5mos- Penelope

    2.) Would like to have baby #5 when Penelope is 3. Not sure how many total. Hopefully no more then 6. I turned 30 this year and dont want to be prego in my late 30s.
    3.) 1st- vaginal birth. 3.5weeks early
    2nd- C Sect for my twins because baby "A" was frank breech 7 weeks early- 2.5weeks in the NICU until they could eat on their own.
    3rd- VBAC with no complications, woohoo!
    4.) naptime a couple times per week. I am trying to get to bed earlier so I can go for a powerwalk in the morning and get some fresh air to start each day. Havent managed it yet though.
    5.) Have fun recreation with my family. I feel so heavy that I dont want to do anything. I also have a lot of cloths from my skinny days before the twins and would love to get them out and put away my t-shirts and cotton pants... I want to feel more confident.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    1. I have 2 kids: 6 year old Boy and 3 Year old Girl
    2. Nope...all done!
    3. Pregnancies were really uneventful (I just hated being PG!) and deliveries went very smoothly.
    4. Early in the morning before they get up if I'm going running, or in the evening if I'm riding my stationary bike.
    5. To teach my kids good habits about food and exercise. They have genetics working against them, so I want to arm them with the necessary information to be healthy. I also want to be the "pretty" mom. I always felt like my mom was BEAUTIFUL and was so proud whenever she came to my school. I want my kids to be proud as well.
  • faithchange
    faithchange Posts: 311 Member
    Well. I've been married for 8 years as of Sept. 11, during that time we suffered three miscarriages within the first year. After so many tests and medications, and finding the right doctors to help....we were blessed with my daughter "TRINITY" Rose on August 29 (she turns 6 tomorrow)....she's named in legacy of the losses to show how very special she truly is, and just in case we couldn't have anymore kiddos.

    Almost two years later, we had my adorable son Matthew Ryan who just turned 4 last month.

    Unfortunately, we decided to get my tubes tied during the csection with Matthew. Both pregnancies were csection, after my daughter decided she wasn't coming out after 17 hours of labor.

    After nursing both of my children, I found that weight was a huge issue in my life. When my son turn 2, I decided enough was enough and began losing the weight. To date, I've lost 62 lbs.

    My kids are old enough now to understand that mommy has her time each day to workout. Sometimes its before they wake up and others its the walk I do to pull them in the wagon to pick/drop them off at school.

    I want to be around for my children. I'm not getting any younger and find it very important.

  • cplayer88
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    2 yrs old and her name is Rain

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    yes in a few years

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    everything went well i gained 60 lbs

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?

    get into my old clothes
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    My baby is 12 now so there won't be anymore for us but I loved being pregnant!

    8.9 Justin 19 yrs C-section general anestesia
    8.15 Rachel 16 yrs V-bac W/ epidural
    9.2 Michelle 14 yrs V-bac natural
    9.6 Kellie 12 yrs V-bac natural

    I exercise while they are in school.

    I just want to feel good and feel attractive.

    We lost one little angel between the first and the second.
  • quickchekgal
    quickchekgal Posts: 213 Member
    1.) I have two kids. My son is 4 and his name is Devyn and my daughter is 2 and her name is Autumn.
    2.) Not sure if we will. I kind of want one more.
    3.) Pregnancy with my son was a little difficult. Found out I was hyperthyroid so I lost a lot of weight, vomiting for 5 or 6 months and other things. He was 3 weeks early..labor lasted a longgggg time! With my daughter pregnancy went good and labor went by fast!!
    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise? I usually exercise in the evening after the kids are asleep or we go on family walks. When my son is in school and if my daughter decides to nap that day I might do some exercise also.
    5.) For myself and my family!
  • fitnhealthymama2
    fitnhealthymama2 Posts: 33 Member
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish) 1 almost 3 y/o little boy named Nathaniel (Natie)

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future? Hope & pray to!

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery? Pregnancy was AMAZING, never a happier time in my life, even with my gestational diabetes diagnosis. Delivery - wk overdue, went into labor the day before my scheduled induction & ended up delivering by c-section.

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise? Lately - any moment I can - during lunch at work, early in the mornings on the weekends.

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit? To lose the pre-diabetic diagnosis & to have another child.
  • no1uno986
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have?

    I have a 7 month old daughter (Lorelei)

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?

    I would like to have one more, a few years down the road!

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?

    Pretty rough first trimester (I lost 20 pounds from a combination of not being able to eat and throwing up what I did eat), but the second and third trimester were both normal, with a pretty easy, although 2 weeks late, induced delivery.

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?

    I'm in the military, so I'm able to fit it in to my work schedule. (although I come in an hour early too)

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?

    I don't want to be an overweight, out of shape mom! I want to look great, feel great, and be a good role model for my daughter, as well as be able to keep up with her as soon as she gets mobile.
  • tbozarth7
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish) I have two boys, Braden 8, and Grayson almost 4
    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future? As much as I'd love to have a daughter, no more children are planned for our family
    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery? My first pregnancy was great, labor and delivery 8 hours really good! My 2nd pregnancy was not so great. Super swollen ankles and feet and just an overall yuck feeling! Labor and delivery made up for it though. Four hours total!
    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise? Mostly early in the morning before kids wake up and before we go to school and work. I wish I could fit in more. I've been trying to do some strength training in the evenings when I can.
    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit? My main motivation at this point is to love myself more. I have a real problem with that. I'm very hard on myself, downright mean to myself! My husband pointed it out and it was really upsetting to realize. That is my main goal. I want to learn to love myself and in doing that I need to realize that I deserve to be healthy. Sorry if it sounds corny, but that's where I'm coming from! :smile:
  • ASalsbery
    ASalsbery Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! Let's introduce ourselves with some GTKY questions!

    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    17-Melinda (boyfriend's daughter but consider her mine)

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    My son was out of the norm...I gained 61 lbs with him. Premature labor and he had a heart condition at birth and open heart surgery two days old. Daughter pretty norm...other than being induced only gained 30 lbs with her.

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    During lunch. I walk at least 3-4 miles every day at lunch.

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    My kids and really just me...I really need to do it for myself.
  • tappleton17
    tappleton17 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi! Let's introduce ourselves with some GTKY questions!

    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?

    I have 3 and they are 25,23,and 17
    um hell no!
    sucked , sucked, sucked, yep 3 times sucked
    every day they are all grown and out!
    doing this for myself. i motivate myself i want this
  • Terra145
    Terra145 Posts: 42 Member
    1.) 3 Boys (Alex-6, Hayden-11, & Ryan-14)
    2.) No more kids for me! I always wanted that girl, but finally realized that I am very blessed with the boys I have.
    3.) Great pregnancies. Had my last two a little early, but no other major issues.
    4.) During the week... I usually workout after my kids get on the school bus at 7 or I make time at lunch to go for a walk/run. I am very lucky that I work from home full time, so my schedule is definitely more flexible. On the weekends my husband and I plan a hike once a month for just us to go up in the mountains and on the other weekends we take the kids geocaching (this gives lots of short walks).
    5.) My main motivation is me! It took me a long to realize that I needed to be doing this for myself. Although, I know my family is getting a great benefit from me doing this. They are learning better eating habits for their future, I am able to get up and play with them more, and they will have me around for a much longer time =)

    Kids definitely make it a lot harder to find time for yourself, but I am learning that there is time for both.

    Please feel free to add me, if you are in need of friends. I am always looking for the extra support and am happy to support others in their journey =)
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    1...she's 1 1/2 years old

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    Maybe...haven't decided yet

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    Horrible! Let just say they stopped counting the stitches. But I wasn't going to have ripped there just to have my belly cut open.

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    Where ever I can... Mornings, nights, naps, taking her out when it's nice.....

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    For myself. I want to be confident in myself that way others such as my daughter will be confident in me!