Do you weigh yourself everyday? Why or why not?



  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    If i were to weigh every day that would case me to get and ED for sure. I weigh weekly on Thursdays to be exact. And it has always worked for me :)
  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    I use to weigh once a week, but my dietician told me to weigh everyday to see if I am holding too much water then I average it out on Friday my weight in day.
  • ichigo007
    ichigo007 Posts: 97
    I usually right before I work out so the calories burned are closser in MFP.
    My progress I go by is % fat lost since I work out a lot I can not really go by weight
  • CAW210
    CAW210 Posts: 73
    I am telling my husband hide the scales tonight until Thursday. It is just sitting in the bathroom and I am so tempted to get on it every time I go in there but when I do I get irritated if there is a negative change.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I weigh daily

    It gives me an idea of how food, water, TOM and all that affect me on a daily basis. Since my clothes have a lot of wiggle room, this is a good way to catch weight gain or stalls and is much more accurate versus just how I look in the mirror.


    I don't ever freak out about gains or staying the same. I look at it with an analytical attitude, and try to see what my body is doing. TOM? Retaining water. Ate extra last two days? Retaining water and possibly added fat. Binged all weekend? Water and fat.

    As long as the scale is generally going down, I know I am doing it right. Once I get to a healthy body though, it will have a little bit more emphasis on measurements and body composition... although I will not stop weighing.

    It was the LACK of awareness and prevention that got me fat... this time I will remain aware and perceptive of my choices and their effects on my body.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Dear Lord no. Once a week, that's it. Either Saturday, Sunday or Monday morning depending on if/when I remember. I'd go insane weighing myself everyday at the slightest fluctuation.

    Always first thing and always with the scale in the same spot on the floor.
  • Preacher224
    Preacher224 Posts: 44 Member
    I didn't read everyone's answer. I personally weigh myself any time I get near a scale. i don't own one and the ones I use are cheapies and all weigh differently. My good scale broke after many years of use by two families. Gotta get another good one. My brother has one that I think is a real old doctors scale and I believe it to be the most accurate but I don't get to his place very often right now. That being said; if I were training someone and they were on a weight loss regimen, I would have them only weigh in once a week on the same scale, naked(not in front of me), and at the same time of the day, preferably in the morning after their first BM of the day. Note: if you don't eliminate everyday and preferably two or three times a day you need to reevaluate your diet, especially fiber levels. anyway that is a whole other issue. Doing his will almost always show results if they are faithful to their diet and exercise regimens even 75% of the time and don't blow it too bad the other 25%. This ends the frustration of yo-yoing weight, which can actually change as much as two to three pounds in a day, sometimes more. I hope this helps. Anyone who wants to add me as a friend feel free to request. I usually don't add anyone who has not filled out their info on their profile, but I will make exceptions for those who include a message with their request. I sincerely want to help people who sincerely want to be helped. I do this in my fitness training and also in my ministry. People who want no help usually take up the time of people who could be helping those who want it. Blunt I know but it is just the facts. I think Jesus was the same. "It is not the well who need a physician, but those who are ill"--JESUS
  • placeboaddiction
    placeboaddiction Posts: 451 Member
    I weigh daily

    It gives me an idea of how food, water, TOM and all that affect me on a daily basis. Since my clothes have a lot of wiggle room, this is a good way to catch weight gain or stalls and is much more accurate versus just how I look in the mirror.


    I don't ever freak out about gains or staying the same. I look at it with an analytical attitude, and try to see what my body is doing. TOM? Retaining water. Ate extra last two days? Retaining water and possibly added fat. Binged all weekend? Water and fat.

    As long as the scale is generally going down, I know I am doing it right. Once I get to a healthy body though, it will have a little bit more emphasis on measurements and body composition... although I will not stop weighing.

    It was the LACK of awareness and prevention that got me fat... this time I will remain aware and perceptive of my choices and their effects on my body.

  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    No. I only allow myself to weigh on Sunday mornings. No exceptions. Or else I am on 3x. A day and obsessed.
  • funsiiz
    funsiiz Posts: 246 Member
    I do it twice a's intersting to see how much I weigh in the morning compared the evening......Im addicted to weighing:blushing:
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I weigh myself Mon-Fri, but I only log the weight on Fridays.
    I can say that my weight is ALL over the map all week, even sometimes I am down all week and it jumps up for weigh in day, sigh! So I never really believe what I see on the scale until Fri when I log it.
  • TantilizingTonya
    I weigh myself every morning when I wake... I said I was going to try and just weigh weekly but I just can't!!!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    No. I weigh myself about once a month at most. I don't think it's healthy to obsess about weight and daily weighing is utterly pointless as you can fluctuate by half a stone day by day depending on what you eat or how much you drink, as well as the time of the month.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I weigh daily

    It gives me an idea of how food, water, TOM and all that affect me on a daily basis. Since my clothes have a lot of wiggle room, this is a good way to catch weight gain or stalls and is much more accurate versus just how I look in the mirror.


    I don't ever freak out about gains or staying the same. I look at it with an analytical attitude, and try to see what my body is doing. TOM? Retaining water. Ate extra last two days? Retaining water and possibly added fat. Binged all weekend? Water and fat.

    As long as the scale is generally going down, I know I am doing it right. Once I get to a healthy body though, it will have a little bit more emphasis on measurements and body composition... although I will not stop weighing.

    It was the LACK of awareness and prevention that got me fat... this time I will remain aware and perceptive of my choices and their effects on my body.


    Thank you!! :blushing:
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    I hop on the scale every morning M-F as part of my "getting ready for work routine" .... but I only log my weight every couple of weeks. I just like to either give myself a pat on the back that day.... or a kick in the *kitten*!
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    i weigh everyday because if i dont..i dont pay enough attention and start gaining i have to no that number constantly to not gain.
  • kheather72
    kheather72 Posts: 46 Member
    I actually weigh myself every day, even twice a day. Once in the morning and once before I go to bed just to see the difference. Compulsive much?! I have been weighing daily for the past nearly 7 years to keep my weight in check. I gain weight really easily if I get off track with my calories.
  • jcrist10
    jcrist10 Posts: 5 Member
    I know I should not weight everyday. It can be frustrating and misleading. But I can't stop myself from climding on that scale every morning!
  • MaddiJoseph
    MaddiJoseph Posts: 117 Member
    I weigh in every morning, but only record it once a week. Every now and then I even break that rule, if I'm really close to a goal and I hit it mid-week. It keeps me paying attention to what I eat and how much water and sodium I'm taking in. I'm also focusing on weight loss and awareness. If I didn't pay close attention to it, then I might start going back up and I sure don't want that.

    Everyone is absolutely different though. I like seeing the numbers and knowing my choices can change them, but I didn't always look at it that way. It's all about what works for you.
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    I weigh everyday I like to get on the scale because I love to see the numbers keep going down. If they don't, it doesn't affect me to negatively because I will recall what I ate, worked out etc and then it motivates me to work harder to see the results I want. For me its a reminder that each day is a new day.