Name an Embarassing Moment ... If You Dare!



  • whs7771
    whs7771 Posts: 13 Member
  • MSepp
    MSepp Posts: 228
    This happened in my organic chemistry lab in college.

    We were making aspirin in the lab that day and one of the ingredients was a type of corosive acid. We were told specifically that if we had a spill on ourselves, we should use the eye wash stand because it provided a high volume of water at a low pressure.

    So I'm stirring my ingredients together in my beaker-I do, in fact, spill some on myself. To prevent any burns, I quickly went to the eye wash stand and looked around. I was confused because I did not see any handle or knob to turn the water on. I looked up and saw a silver handle there...not thinking about what was above me, I pulled the handle. Nothing came out of the eye wash stand...suddenly I looked up and-sure enough-I had pulled the shower handle. I got completely soaked and water ran ALL over the floor. It took me a few seconds to figure out how to turn the water off-meanwhile I was soaked, head to toe.

    My professor came over (trying her best not to laugh at me) and mopped up the water mess.

    People in the class were talking about me the rest of the class period. :(
  • MSepp
    MSepp Posts: 228
    I know...hard to top an involuntary public shower...while clothed.
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    I have 2 for you.

    I was working night shift at walmart, in the furniture section. I had one long flat box left on my pallet. I was standing with the front half of my feet on the pallet but my heels off, balancing like that while pulling on the flap of the box trying to pop the tape that is cross-ways over the box to open it. It wouldn't pop so I reach my arm in to get more leverage and upon doing this, I glance in the box and see an arm! I jump back, lose my balance on my precarious perch and fall back into a candle display. It was a box of mirrors, it was my OWN ARM.

    The other one.. my sister was in the kitchen and was just standing there with the fridge door open. I snuck up behind her silently like a ninja and just grabbed her around the waist and she jumped so hard that she lost her balance and we both started to fall back. Well, her arms are waving trying to find something to grad so she reaches back and grabs my butt cheeks while my arms are doing the same and I end up grabbing her boobs, and I fall back in the garbage can, butt first, on top of her hands, so we are stuck there when my mom walks in the kitchen, sees us there, says nothing, and walks out. We had to rock back and forth until we knocked the can over so we could get up.

    OMG I am DYING I am laughing so hard!!