I can't believe how rude/mean some people are!



  • xstarburrst
    xstarburrst Posts: 19 Member
    I'm so sad to hear that things like this happen all the time. But people who are that level of rude and feel the need to tear others down clearly are the ones with the bigger issue. Thanks for all the kind words everyone!
  • 33neenaj
    33neenaj Posts: 306
    Eff em
  • Jenph20
    Jenph20 Posts: 134 Member
    That is just awful!! Some people are so cruel!!
  • Peachtea83
    Unfortunately, I have had my share of these kind of incidents as well. It's really disheartening and I know in my case, it'd make my self-esteem plummet to the point that I didn't even want to leave my room. Your friend was brave in dismissing it, but I'm sorry to hear about it all the same. =(

    He must be unhappy somewhere in his life though, for him to be so vile to another person (notice he had no friend accompanying HIM). =P
  • EveryoneElseIsTaken
    EveryoneElseIsTaken Posts: 144 Member
    I was in fifth grade, and I was walking to the front of the classroom when this boy (**** you Nick) said, "Want some butter on them rolls?" and of course all of the people around him laughed and so did he. I was ten or eleven. I didn't know what he meant at first, but later it hit me. He's always been terrible to me, and the ones who laughed were never open about their hatred, but I knew from that moment on. I still think they're terribly mean, and I hate them a lot.
  • EveryoneElseIsTaken
    EveryoneElseIsTaken Posts: 144 Member
    And just recently this year on our school camping trip, we were at the lake and this guy (Nello, you ****) shouted out loudly, "Oh my God, it's Briana (he said her last name too, but I won't tell you it :)) in a bathing suit!!!". Just because she's overweight and not stick thin like the other girls. I hate this guy with all of my heart. Also, when we were on the camping trip we had a dance party. My friend Liam is outgoing and awesome, so he was being himself and dancing and talking to people. Logan (whom we both thought was a decent guy) called him gay. I got so pissed off. First of all, being gay isn't an insult. Second, how dare he? That b*stard. I immediatley went back into the dance and called him out on it.