Why is a man's attractiveness defined by his height???



  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    The hottest girls I see in RL often have short (sub 5'10") boyfriends. Height doesnt really matter imo, as long as you're at least as tall as the girl.
  • 3footEQ
    3footEQ Posts: 11
    5'9'' is nothing to sniff at! My boyfriend/fiance is 5'6''! I'm 5'5'', so we're pretty much the same height. Doesn't matter!
  • 3footEQ
    3footEQ Posts: 11
  • 3footEQ
    3footEQ Posts: 11
    I'm 6 ft 3, and girls don't even like looking at me lol, I think it's a debunked theory =]


    Be nice to yourself, you're not a bad looking lad- just need some confidence!
  • _SpeshK_
    _SpeshK_ Posts: 496 Member
    Probably been said in the 18 pages before, but why is a woman's attractiveness defined by her waist size and her cup size? THANKSSSS. It's all personal preference.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    *is 4'10" and has always been into guys atleast a foot taller...dunno why just a preference...kinda like why some guys choose *kitten* over boobies...=P
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Probably been said in the 18 pages before, but why is a woman's attractiveness defined by her waist size and her cup size? THANKSSSS. It's all personal preference.
    doh I shouldve atleast read the last few posts lol...thats exactly what I was thinking =P
  • secondchance82
    My hubby is 5'7. He's wayyy hot to me. I'm 5'3, so he's perfect for me. Definitely don't discriminate men on the "shorter" side.
  • Unknown
    5'10 here.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Probably been said in the 18 pages before, but why is a woman's attractiveness defined by her waist size and her cup size? THANKSSSS. It's all personal preference.

    It's not. They may contribute (and not necessarily in the way you might think)...but neither of those is a deciding factor for me of whether a woman is attractive or nor.
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
  • kbailey8820
    kbailey8820 Posts: 23 Member
    I am 5'7 and my husband is 6'4. I've ALWAYS been attracted to taller men! I like to wear heels even though I'm tall and don't have to worry about being taller than my husband when we are out together.

    Maybe it's more of a "they could protect me" kind of thing? I'm not sure really. I guess I just like what I like!

    Well said.
  • live2runnj
    live2runnj Posts: 157
    I always thought it was defined by his "length".......
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    5'11 and I dated shorter guys before, 5'7-5'8. I guess height is a bigger issue for shorter ladies since in general they go for much taller men.
  • alisiaendris
    alisiaendris Posts: 213 Member
    I am 5'4". My husband is 6' 2". I guess I went for the tall guy in the end. :) I do like standing on tip toe to kiss him. :love: Having said that, I did date a guy an inch or two shorter than me, but he really lacked confidence and that was a turn off for me.
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I don't go by a man's height when looking for a relationship. Height is way down there on my list. I have dated really tall guys over 6 feet tall and I have date guys who are my height 5'4. To me it's all about confidence in a man. If they are short and have confidence then that is the best thing in the world.
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    I have no clue...i've had maybe 2-3 girls outright reject me because i wasnt tall enough (the irony they were all under 5'4) and probably countless others who would probably talk to me if i was 6'. If i had got some of my grandfather's height i would be fine but nooo i had to get my mother's genes lol #shortdarkandhandsome
  • petiteLady89
    petiteLady89 Posts: 198 Member
    I'm 4'10. So any man I've ever dated have been taller than me. The shortest was 5'4 and my husband is 5'9. I don't discriminate against height.
  • Fatal1ty2k5
    Fatal1ty2k5 Posts: 333 Member
    Lol @ manlets
  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    I thought about this thread while I was in the gym the other day working out amongst men of varying heights. There was a man who was freakishly tall...I'd guess close to 7 foot, and at the other end a man who was tiny, seriously well under 5 foot. It was actually comical to see these too extremes at the same time. I looked at the tall guy and wondered if maybe he was too tall even for women attracted only to tall men. I realized that while I have never consciously measured a man's attractiveness by his height, I have actually dated only a handful of tall guys, and have never seriously dated a tall guy. So maybe I do measure a man's attractiveness by his height and it happens I find guys closer to my height more attractive. Or maybe not a lot of tall guys are attracted to me.