I've never been so happy with my ex.



  • rozsbluejay
    rozsbluejay Posts: 303 Member
    Buy something that will last. Don't buy clothes because they will fade and get old. Maybe a bracelet.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I sent it to him and he mailed it back.
    He says that I'm the devil and that he doesn't want it back. I'm a sunday school teacher and I leave in January to do missionary work, so I never really understood...

    He told me to sell it. So I did. :)
    No one should be dumped over text message. Especially by their fiancé.
    I don't feel bad.
    I wouldn't feel bad either then! I'd use the money to buy whatever it is that you've been wanting. I want a chi hair dryer, a clarasonic mia, and a good electric toothbrush so I'd buy those first and spend the leftovers on clothes!
  • manderann
    manderann Posts: 189
    This is probably totally effed up, but I still have my ring and I still wear it. It's my right hand ring now. What girl doesn't love a little bling?? When I go out solo and don't want to be bothered, I put it on my left hand again lol. I suppose it's different because my ex and I are still dece friends...

    If I ever did sell it, I'd probably just use the money for something for our daughter or I'd feel like a selfish *kitten*.
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    I would have given it back...but since you've already sold it, I would save the money, put it in an account and let it collect interest. I know that sounds boring but I'm 21 and when I graduate uni next year I'm gonna be looking at tons of student loans to pay back so that's what I would do lol.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    outfit a home gym
  • Just be classy about whatever you decide. Why not donate it to the church or the mission? Pass on the "blessing."
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    hookers and blow . . . oh and high heeled shoes.

    ^^^^this except i dont need high heels
  • amyowens08
    amyowens08 Posts: 107 Member
    Eff that i wouldn't be giving my engagement ring back, the diamond was originally my grandmothers. Girl, get yourself some fitness gear you've been wanting!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I agree with the saving it, it seems wise to do with the uncertanity of funds that comes with missinary work, but I'd use part of it on something fun! Me, I'd buy a new camera lens or books to read.
  • NBabi91
    NBabi91 Posts: 270 Member
    If he called off the wedding then she doesn't have to give the ring back
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    I didn't read all of the replies, just the first two. I feel you should only give it back if YOU were the one to break it off. If he broke it off, I would say it's fair game to keep, unless it was a family heirloom.
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    I sent it to him and he mailed it back.
    He says that I'm the devil and that he doesn't want it back. I'm a sunday school teacher and I leave in January to do missionary work, so I never really understood...

    He told me to sell it. So I did. :)
    No one should be dumped over text message. Especially by their fiancé.
    I don't feel bad.

    In that case, donate a good portion to your church. Treat yourself to something nice, and save the rest for when you get back from your missions trip. Good for you!
  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    If you ended the engagement, give him the money. If he ended it, blow it on something fun or use it to pay back some bills. If my husband and I got divorced I'd sell my ring and use the money for something for our kids.
  • Gunnarbear
    Gunnarbear Posts: 186
    Vegas - Go all in....
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Coach bag, Shoes or a Vacation =)

    An engagement ring is a GIFT, it does not need to be given back!!!!!!!!!!!

    Even watching the stupid court tv shows they all say its a gift in anticipation of a marriage, no marriage, no keepy da ring.

    In this case she sent it back, good for her! but he returned it to her and at that point she was free to do whatever she wanted with it.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    I sent it to him and he mailed it back.
    He says that I'm the devil and that he doesn't want it back. I'm a sunday school teacher and I leave in January to do missionary work, so I never really understood...

    He told me to sell it. So I did. :)
    No one should be dumped over text message. Especially by their fiancé.
    I don't feel bad.
    Shoot, then spend it on yourself. Buy some new clothes or stuff you'll need for your missionary work, etc.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    hookers and blow . . . oh and high heeled shoes.

    Crafty beat me to it, but it would be running shoes or bike shoes for me!
  • dalissalee
    dalissalee Posts: 289 Member
    Since he sent it back and acted so poorly, it's fair game. Pamper yourself and set some aside for when you return from your mission trip.
  • jrs5444
    jrs5444 Posts: 86
    An engagement ring has to be given back if the marriage never happens. He can actually sue you for it.

    I'm not sure where you are, but the state I'm in says anything like that is a gift and the receiver is free to do anything they please with it...keep it, sell it, throw it in the bottom of the ocean...doesn't matter.