Is there anything you have Given up because you go too far?



  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Cookies. Any and all types of cookies. I can NOT stop at just 1. It's very rare that I actually eat cookies anymore because of this.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Pizza is the biggest thing I've given up. I'll still have it once in a GREAT while, but honestly, it doesn't even taste that good anymore and kinda grosses me out after I eat it to the point where I wonder why I thought I wanted it in the first place.

    I know a lot of people preach the 'moderation' thing, but what I've found in general is that the 'bad' stuff doesn't even taste good to me like it used to anymore, and even upsets my stomach so much that its not worth eating.
  • RiaLucia
    RiaLucia Posts: 121
    Oh, I absolutely believe that those types of foods can exist for some folks. Some might call them "trigger" foods. I realized one of mine a few weeks back; Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pies. I hadn't had one in well over a decade. I bought a box to share with my brother and sister in law when we were buying snacks for our day at the county fair because we used to keep them in the house all the time when we were kids. Except that they didn't end up having any, I ate half the box by myself in 2 days, realized I had no control over it, and took the rest to the office and put them in the break area. I have a few other similar trigger foods like that. Mostly sweets and I'd put potato chips on that list too. The day I realized the potato chip thing when I was very young (like 11 or 12), I vowed not to buy any to keep in the house and I've stuck to it. So, usually with those types of things I will get a single serving and leave it at that.
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    I don’t buy ice cream to keep in my house anymore. I can have serious binge issues. I have gotten most of it under control but ice cream still kinda scares me.

    That doesn’t mean I won’t ever eat ice cream again. It just means that once in a while I can get it as a treat from an ice cream shop. I can order a single item and when it’s gone, it’s gone. I can’t go overboard.
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    Oh - and any kind of baked sweets. Brownies, cookies, cupcakes. I just can't have them in the house. I've stopped baking.
  • ShilohMaier
    ShilohMaier Posts: 135
    Black cherries. Oh my goodness, I bought two quarts from the farm market two weeks ago, and ate almost all of them myself in less than a day. Also, blueberries. I bought five pounds yesterday from the farm market, filled a quart bag to bring to work this morning to snack on all week... and have eaten the entire quart of blueberries already today. There are people who say "you can't get fat on fruits and vegetables", boy I sure can! :sad:
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    I don't keep any junk in my home because I generally don't moderate and will eat it all. I do have the things I like but they are typically my cheat meal or on the weekend if I go out.
  • sexy_RN88
    sexy_RN88 Posts: 58 Member
    Homemade brownies and cookies. Once I make them, they're calling to me from the kitchen. It's all I think about. I try to resist, but it's futile, and before I know it, I've downed the entire pan of brownies (minus one or two for my husband) in just two days.

    Potato chips too. I can't have them in the house because I'll just bring the bag with me as I work on the computer and before I know it, I've eaten the entire jumbo-sized bag.

    Fast food is a no-go for me right now too. It is HARD to say no to my husband when he suggests that we go grab a chalupa from Taco Bell or a greasy cheese pizza from Pizza Hut, but I really do feel like I get addicted to that stuff, and I don't like how I feel after I eat it: guilty, bloated and uncomfortable. Maybe in a year's time I'll be able to handle the occasional trip to a fast food joint, but I'm just not sure. I'd rather avoid it entirely than trigger my addiction/overeating issues and have this problem again. Once I lose this weight, I have no intention of finding it EVER again!
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    I haven't really given anything up completely, but I've cut back a lot on my alcohol intake as of recently. I wasn't a heavy drinker, but liked to indulge a little too much on the weekends which was a total setback for me. In the last month, I've had maybe 3 drinks, so that is a huge accomplishment since on the weekends I would unwind with 3 drinks in one evening or so. Other than that, I try to stay away from greasy/fried foods and things of that nature. I don't like to deprive myself of any one thing though, or else I will end up not being able to have portion control when I do get it.
  • mss_anthropy
    mss_anthropy Posts: 31 Member
    evil EVIL 7-11 jalepeno cream cheese taquitos..... as addicting as crack i swear
  • vwkauffman
    vwkauffman Posts: 39 Member
    I can't have ice cream in the house. Nope, no way, can't have it. When I decide to have ice cream, I go out and get it and eat it then. I bake something for my husband about once every other week, and I'll allow myself maybe 1 serving.

    Otherwise, no, I still eat anything else that I want...all things in moderation.