1200 calories food ideas!



  • jaimemc86
    jaimemc86 Posts: 15 Member
    Celery and Peanut butter! (or nutella if you prefer)

    Careful with the nutella. It's LOADED with sugar. :)
  • fastforlife1
    fastforlife1 Posts: 459 Member
    I fast for one or two meals a day and then eat pretty much what I want when not fasting. I know fasting is easier when I eat no calories -especially carbs. I do take a couple of swigs of homemade sour krout juice which is filled with probiotics. That really helps with hunger.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    You really don't look like you need to lose an ounce! If toning up your tummy is what you want to do then hit the gym! :) You look great already!

    I should mention my profile picture is from December 2011, and I was under going chemo treatments so I was really thin, since then I've put on 18 pounds. I do go for daily walks, and I do a bootcamp class twice a week for muscle training.

    I hope you are healthy now!
    Best practice when you only have a little to lose is a slight deficit from TDEE.
    Check my profile for a link on the left to get your perfect numbers.
    PM me if you need any help with it.
  • Ashers83
    Ashers83 Posts: 92 Member
    I usually do a good job at 1200 a day if you want to look at my diary.

    I love 100 calorie English muffins and make them into pizzas.

    Also, Boca meatless chicken patties are delicious. I generally think most fake meat things are gross but these Boca patties are great.

    Smoothies w frozen fruit and Greek yogurt

    Cottage cheese
  • akaporn
    akaporn Posts: 231 Member
    may I suggest moderate exercise on the menu?
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    1200 calorie food idea!

    1 Avocado cut into avocado rings
    mix 1 egg with 1 scoop of protein powder
    coat pan oil
    heat pan and drop avocado rings in and when close to done top with chunky peanut butter
    while you're making that chomp on some strawberries with plain greek yogurt
    down it with a glass of milk

    That comes to about 1200 and was my breakfast the other day.

    May I suggest eating more? You'll still lose weight if you are a regular or even slim human being.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    You really don't look like you need to lose an ounce! If toning up your tummy is what you want to do then hit the gym! :) You look great already!

    I should mention my profile picture is from December 2011, and I was under going chemo treatments so I was really thin, since then I've put on 18 pounds. I do go for daily walks, and I do a bootcamp class twice a week for muscle training.

    I hope you are healthy now!
    Best practice when you only have a little to lose is a slight deficit from TDEE.
    Check my profile for a link on the left to get your perfect numbers.
    PM me if you need any help with it.

    This this this and if your body is fighting something the best thing to do is give it energy.
  • MaybeAMonkey
    MaybeAMonkey Posts: 247
  • hbaby08
    hbaby08 Posts: 75
    LINIA Posts: 1,111 Member
    I fast for one or two meals a day and then eat pretty much what I want when not fasting. I know fasting is easier when I eat no calories -especially carbs. I do take a couple of swigs of homemade sour krout juice which is filled with probiotics. That really helps with hunger.

    Just read on your "intro" that you are a cancer survivor, continued good luck. I do believe that what you are doing and what you have done is "correct". esp the Intermittent fasting, have seen such positive things about how it helps to starve cancer cells
  • hypocritelecter
    hypocritelecter Posts: 61 Member
    Bake some fish with your choice of delicious seasoning, add lemon/mayo/mustard etc.
    Tons of vegetables. Seriously. Steam those babies.
    Home made soups are delicious and can be really low calorie if you avoid pasta.
    Throw canned fish on salads. Substitute egg whites, chick peas, black beans, etc. when you're tired of one thing. Or, add them all.
    Quick oats and fruit. Quick oats and jam. Quick oats and pb! Yummy.
    Try green smoothes (Google for recipes, there's so many variations).
    Prepare fruit salads in advance (and take advantage of MFP recipe function for caloric amounts). Munch at your leisure.
    Try out protein powder. It's expensive but I haven't looked back after adding it to my diet. I use unsweetened almond milk (40 calories for one serving) with my chocolate protein powder (115) and it keeps me satisfied for a long time. You can also throw it into quick oats... !

    I'm on 1200 cal myself and it really helps cutting out soda, any and all sweets, most bread, unnecessary condiments, and if you have coffee, lessen the amount of creamer (or sub with stevia and some skim milk). I found that when I did that I could enjoy a lot more food (volume) for the same amount of calories than I would have before.
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    1200 is a lot... it depends how you make it up though..

    Snack 3 crackers with potato slice cheese approx 180-200c x 2 = 360-400c in snacks.

    breakfast personally I skip, but if want, one egg + toast = around 150-170c. Can add a banana for an extra 90-110c.

    Lunch, salad or leftovers, or umm usually for me is my biggest meal as don't have breakfast, but I guess a chicken salad is good?

    Dinner, go light on grains and heavier on meat/veggies and your golden...

    I usually though have one snack around 200c, and 2 meals, first around 400-500c, then second around 500-700c... sometimes I do not have snacks, sometimes only one meal, it just depends... Go by how your body feels... however always choose healthy stuff instead of chocolates etc... xD I love junk, but hey, that is me I guess and that my weakness... beer specifically lol....
  • rjuliannap
    rjuliannap Posts: 2 Member
    Try to increase your protein intake and reduce your carb intake. If you can have your diet at 40% carb intake, 20% fat intake and 20% protein intake, you'll notice a difference! Carbs give you quick energy but protein will give you more energy as well as keeping you fuller for longer.
    Check out the meal plan on Eating Well here for some great ideas
  • AyaKara
    AyaKara Posts: 220
    I'm on 1200 calories and I eat:

    1. Oatmeal with banana & raisins OR egg whites with toast & lots of Veggies .
    2. An apple, banana, or other fruit for my snacks, usually accompanied with non-fat sugar-less Greek yogurt or peanut butter.
    3. A salad with a LOT of beans, nuts, and seeds for lunch.
    4. Whatever is for dinner, with a LOT of vegetables.

    Vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds are all very low calorie foods, so I feel that I eat way more now that I'm eating healthy while still eating under my limit! Definitely take advantage of them, you can probably eat like 10 pounds of these and still only get like 500 calories :heart: (an exaggeration, but you get what I'm saying :smile: )
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Home made soups are fantastic... Keeps you full for a lot longer. Few things to factor in that make a huge difference hunger wise...

    1.lots of protein. I go 120g per day.

    2. Lots of fiber. I do 25-30g...More causes me tummy troubles. Just worked this out!

    3. Lots of water. Minimum 2ltrs.

    4. Keep carbs reasonable to not keep spiking blood sugars. I go for 120g.

    All those make this much easier. I eat around 1400 x
  • DaphneAtx
    Grapes and light string cheese
    Plain greek yogurt with 1/4c protein granola
    Red peppers with hummus
    Laughing cow light cheese wedges with whole grain crackers
  • katescurios
    katescurios Posts: 224 Member
    Eggs are great, boiled, poached or omelette style. Filling, low calorie and high protein.
  • keelz2010
    Milky way, less than 100 cals :)
    Or I've tried cooking some new meals from BBC Good Food, all under 200 cals

    Baked Egss are a favourite of mine and only 114 cals http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/1649636/baked-eggs-with-spinach-and-tomato