

  • lgreen37
    lgreen37 Posts: 196 Member
    I was not concerned about what I was putting in my body - or rather how much I was putting in my body. I would treat myself to food moreso than something else - but not anymore! It's O-VAH!!!!!!!!!!
  • tyrantduck
    tyrantduck Posts: 387 Member
    ....i didn't care about myself or the world around me anymore so i just ate whenever i wanted, however much i wanted and stayed on the couch or in bed. it got better for a little while in high school, then kicked right back up again as soon as i moved in with my ex-fiance. then when my hubby and i got married, i found out what a great cook he was and he makes such insanely rich and delicious food that I couldn't stop myself.
  • ukstarlight05
    I have a difficult time with portion control.
    I LOVE to cook and bake, especially bake. I love sweets!!!!
    I drink alcohol.
    I eat my emotions.
    I need to spend more time in the gym (and less time at work haha).
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    i am fat because:

    :ohwell: i am lazy
    :ohwell: i underestmate the calories in what i eat even though i dont eat too much
    :ohwell: i'm an emotional eater
    :ohwell: i have a terrible sweet tooth and struggle to control myself and have just a little bit
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I'm fat, because I love to cook. It's how I show people I care about them. I haven't been fat all my life, just the last 2 decades. I am going to struggle with it for the rest of my life. It's not that much to cope with. No one else seems to care. I can still play soccer, I am still fairly active. I'm just not comfortable when my pants get tight or I have to get the next size up.

    You see, I keep forgetting I am fat. Then, I see a picture someone took and it reminds me. I care, but, apparently, not enough to do something serious about it. So, I will yo yo up and down. It doesn't have any effect on my self-esteem, personality or interaction with others. Just means I usually wear sweats more often after the holidays.
  • book_worm4
    It's a combination of different factors.

    Growing up my mom never really pushed me to exercise or play sports, because that was considered a boy thing to do.
    My parents never really taught me how to eat healthy, because they didn't eat healthy.
    I didn't know how to get in shape.
    When I started college I started drinking a lot more pop and a lot more junk foods.
    I never realized that I was an emotional eater.

    It also took me a long time to realize that part of the reason I am so unhappy is because I don't like the way I look and I don't feel comfortable in my own skin. While l know that losing weight won't completely help with this, just the minor progress I've made has made me feel a little bit better.
  • victorious27
    victorious27 Posts: 250 Member
    Honestly, an asthma medication made me gain weight. I gained about...20 lbs?

    But it's the fact that I didn't do anything about it, well, the fact that I didn't do anything and continued to eat like a hog, that caused another 20 lbs to tack itself onto the scale.

    ...D*** scale.

    Oh, and I quit exercising in that time period too because my asthma scared me for a few years.

    It was a very bad, very slippery slope that I didn't know how to handle at that age. 'Cause I should've mentioned that this happened my freshman year of high school, right?

    But I'm still blaming the scale...and the asthma. :wink:
  • yowla
    yowla Posts: 127 Member
    A lot of it is because I use to be anorexia and got down to 97lbs when I was like 26. I am 5'4 1/2. I was being threatened by my friends and family that they would take me to the hospital. So I started eating BLTs all the time. I got to a healty weight and been up and down since. Now it is because I am married and we both love to eat and our kids love to eat.
    I am scared that if I don't eat I will get back down to that size. My lowest 3 yrs ago was 114. I am now to 150 and everyone says I look healthy but I don't feel healthy.
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member
    Most of the time, I made healthy food choices, but I became extremely lazy! Then I started eating whatever my husband ate and his choices were not good choices, BBQ ribs at 10pm, Haitian style food (some of them cook with lots of fattening oils) on the weekends, plus I had a big sweet tooth for cakes, pies and cookies!
  • pk140
    pk140 Posts: 11 Member
    I was sexually abused and very neglected as a child.

    This led me to feel extremely vulnerable my whole life.

    I started eating and eating and eating to build a fortress.

    But when I realized that it wasn't helping me I looked for the way out and had lost the map and the key.

    I had become hard core addicted to sugar.

    I am now working toward de-cluttering my home and de-fatting my body.

    When I accomplish this I will be able to stand naked to the world and know that I am safe, because I, alone, am smart, strong and savvy enough to protect myself from harm and to help others.

    I will love and be loved and be active in this world.

    This is my goal.
  • NicLiving
    NicLiving Posts: 261 Member
    a.) Everyone else around me was fat.
    b.) As a kid I ate what my parents could afford.
    c.) As an adult I ate to fill the void(s) in my life.
    d.) All of the above

    And the correct answer is ....D!
  • NikIsSkinny
    because I settled for a 2nd rate version of me because I was afraid of constantly failing which reinforced a constant negative self image. I didnt really believe that I deserved better, and when I did do well and achieve....I sabotaged my progress.

    THIS. Also, fast food is delicious, I'm lazy, and, as icing on the cake, I have a metabolism disorder. I got down to 130 (my goal weight) at one point, but then my metabolism started acting up again and I started to gain weight. But instead of trying harder, I just quit. I don't think I'm exactly a fabulous wonderful person, but even if I'm not, that's no reason to be fat as well, so now I'm back on MFP.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    When I'm stressed, I eat as if someone is going to steal my plate.

    I didn't know what an appropriate serving size looked like.

    Funny you should mention that. I'm a pharmacist. we're trained to eat when no one is at the counter. so I SHOVEL food in my mouth as fast as possible. ( I HATE being interrupted by a customer while pizza cheese is dripping down my chin).. not only do you over eat that way, I find myself doing this when I'm not at work. It's not nice to be out at dinner with a vacuum cleaner.
  • amy_36
    amy_36 Posts: 421 Member
    Because I still have not learned to make time to take care of me! I am working on it....but its not happening yet. Its easy for me to say it here, its hard to incorporate into my life.
  • emmettgoods
    Everyone else became more important than me.

    Comfort eating is a way of life in my family on both sides.

    I love to eat, too much!

    I'm not athletic and feel subpar when I exercise.:sad:
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Laziness (lack of activity)
    Poor Food choices
    Over indulgence
  • alie001
    alie001 Posts: 59 Member
    If brocolli and cauliflower tasted like a Blizzard than I would be golden. I liked the easy crappy food better than I liked the good for you food. I ate because I was bored, tired, stressed, awake....now I eat for fuel and I eat like I am fuelling a Bugatti not an Delorean.
  • laurenk08
    laurenk08 Posts: 89 Member
    When I was younger I thought I could eat all the cookies, donuts, mac n cheese, and pizza I wanted. Then I started eating healthier in high school.... But portion control was never my strength.

    18 more pounds left to reach my ultimate goal and i plan on maintaining for good! it is impossible for me to go a day without some activity.I dont remember ever being this little and buying a new wardrobe is always fun :)
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    stress. simply stress. Marriage, kids, and a business all contributed to my unhealthy choices. I was unhappy and angry and it created in me a craving to satisfy my desperateness inside
  • suzieqsmart
    I love food (healthy or unhealthy). I do exercise to compensate or I'm sure I would be MUCH bigger than I am. I just don't dedicate my life to exercise because I would rather dedicate it to my family...and I'm not willing to stop loving food. Vicious circle and I'm fully aware of it. However, I love my life and I'm not a health risk so I don't stress a whole lot over it. I like to keep track on here, mostly, becuase it keeps me aware and accountable. :)