How do you get so much water in?



  • roslynds9
    roslynds9 Posts: 139 Member
    I have a pint glass (500ml) that I keep in my desk drawer at work and fill up from the water cooler. I just try to drink 4 of them throughout the work day and that's me had my 8 cups. Sometimes I get through 6 cups at work and then drink 2 more with dinner at home. Just have to be structured about it so I make sure I get all my water. =)
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I really don't drink anything else besides water and an occasional 8oz glass of soy milk. I have coffee a couple times a week as well. So, when I'm thirsty, I go for water.
  • nlwilliamson
    nlwilliamson Posts: 225 Member
    Typically, I drink it :)
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    Honestly you'll get to a point you don't even think about it. I always have water at my desk at work. I drunk TONS before, during and after working out. 1-2 gallons a day is pretty easy once you spread it through a day.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I dink a full glass when I wake up and immediately need to take meds. Then I fill a 32 oz glass and drink before I leave for work. I fill 32 oz glass at my desk and finish it by 10, if I get busy and forget it, I drink it all at once. I repeat this several times a day. I also drink with workouts and repeat when I get home 2x. I drink about 6-8 glasses of 32 oz each daily.
  • jly33403
    jly33403 Posts: 49
    I have a water bottle from college that marks two cups. Then I split my day into four, two hour parts. then I make sure I drink the two cups by the time the two hours is up.

    I add more water in by drinking it with dinner, and drinking two water bottles full at the gym.

    I usually have naturally flavored water by throwing some cucumbers and lemon in my jug at home.
  • stephyj528
    stephyj528 Posts: 93 Member
    drink half your body weight in ounces OF if you weight 200lbs, youll drink 100oz. personally, i only drink water and i have a plastic cup with a straw ($5 at walmart/tjmaxx). its 24 oz so i try to drink 4 or 5 during the day and space it out ok by 11 i drink 2 or whatever.. i used to have a nalgene sp? but i find the straw in a drinking cup is wonderful bc i will sip all day so when im driving or talking to someone. makes it easy! goodluck!
  • Freyja2023
    Freyja2023 Posts: 158 Member
    I agree with everyone else about the water bottle. I have a stainless steel one that my hubby bought me for my birthday. I know that to get my daily amount of water I have to drink 2 1/2 of that bottle a day. I fill it up in the morning when I get out of bed, then again after lunch and drink the last half or more at supper time. Once your body starts getting the right amount of water you feel so much better and on days that I don't get my quota in I feel like a bag of crap. I pack it around with me everywhere I go :)
  • zclark13
    zclark13 Posts: 135 Member
    I have to have ice cold water too! I fill a nalgene (32 ounces) half full of water and a crystal light then freeze it. I have about 4 so there is usually at least one in the freezer. Then I keep refilling and adding ice all day long. The flavor from the ice block makes the water more interesting but it isn't overpowering like a packet in a bottle of water. I still have to have my diet coke, but I don't count it as water.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I just drink it... I know that sounds quite simple, but it's true. Also... just about any beverage you consume that doesn't have caffeine or alcohol in it counts toward your total. I drink a 32 oz. G2 every day (4 cups)... then I refill the bottle at least twice if not 3 times with water (12-16 cups now) I usually have at least 2 bottles of water in the evening (now 16-20 cups).

    For me... the more water I drink from day to day the more my body craves and needs it. There is rarely a day I don't get in at least 12 cups.
  • Blaqheart
    Blaqheart Posts: 235
    Just drink it in between other things you drink. keep a water bottle with you and drink up. if you're really working out you wouldn't have to ask you'd be drinking lol! :laugh: trust me Butt Bible WILL make you drink. yeah it is that tough and it works. My pics are proof.
  • katies2boys
    katies2boys Posts: 69 Member
    I had to "train" myself to drink more water. I have a big bottle I keep at work, and after my coffee I fill it up from the water cooler and keep it at my desk. I make a point to just keep drinking from it, and when it starts to get low, I refill it. It works for me, if it's sitting at my desk I'll drink it. Otherwise I probably wouldn't bother.

    This is exactly what works for me as well. I keep a 1 liter bottle at my desk, and I refill it throughout the day. I'm working on getting 3L in by the time I go home. Not quite there yet though.
  • kashmirdreamer
    kashmirdreamer Posts: 31 Member
    I have two types of Sigg bottles with workout (not just screw off) tops on them. One holds 16 oz and the other 32. I fill up the small one 3-4 times a day, and the big twice, depending on which one I brought. I also find if I use 1/2 packet of crystal lite (I like Archer Farms Strawberry Lemonade or Rasp Lime from Target) in the 32 oz, I drink it so quickly! I work in an office so I like taking a break to go fill up the smaller one!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I drink like it St Paddy's
    Open your mouth and just do it. It's gets easier as time goes on.
    I credit water as a huge reason I lost so much weight.
    Water aids all the functions of the body, and 8 cups is more than enough, because we get some from foods and such.

    First, before a meal, I drink a cup; it has no calories and fills up the stomach, making me less hungry.
    Second, keeping the body properly hydrated prevents excess water retention.
    And there is a bunch of folklore regarding water and metabolism - who knows?
    I just know I did much better drinking a lot of water.

    Health benefits of drinking water might include: [I said MIGHT]
    regulate appetite
    increase metabolism
    boost energy levels
    less water retention
    alleviate some headaches
    help reduce blood pressure
    help reduce high cholesterol
    ease joint pain
    decrease in risk of some cancers
    less chance developing kidney stones
    release toxic waste products
    improves skin r-drinking.htm
  • MissShancey
    MissShancey Posts: 464
    i drink at least 4L (a gallon, 16 cups, Lots) the ONLY way i can do it is 3 simple words...

    i chug 16 oz (2 cups) at a time all day untill its gone
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    I make homemade electrolyte juice from a recipe I found online. I make 1L at a time and sip at it during the day and I usually go through 1.5 or 2 of those. Being properly hydrated has made such a difference to my endurance working out and also you can see the difference in your skin! :)
  • ljwitmer
    ljwitmer Posts: 1
    I have a 20 ounce bottle and I fill it up and have it with me all the time. I like my water really cold so I will put it in the freezer for 30 mins and I can usually drink the it in 30 mins. I hope this helps..
  • hmuh
    hmuh Posts: 379 Member
    It seems the more water I drink, the more I want. I drink a ton of sparkling water too (to help cut out diet soda), HEB sells their brand of it in 12 pks for pretty cheap.
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    I have crystal light packs, which flavor's the water and is really yummy I won't allow myself one until I drink 4-6 cups of water. and then once I reach my 8-10 cups I'll have another one. I also have a cup with a straw that I keep near me at all times and it's just habit to drink it often.
  • funpilot56
    funpilot56 Posts: 100
    Put water in a 1 cup measuring cup. Pour that in a glass. Drink it all counting the number of "gulps" it takes to to drink it. ALWAYS drink that many gulps every time you drink water either from a glass, water fountain, bottle, or straw. My number is 6 so every time I take a drink, it is 6 gulps. I rarely go less than 10 cups a day and still drink 2 cups of coffee, and a caffeine free diet pepsi at least once a day if not twice. I also drink at least a cup (6 gulps) prior to doing any exercise.