How do you get so much water in?



  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    It's hard for me to help you out on this one because all I drink is water. I easily hit my 8 cups by mid afternoon and still have the rest of the day to go. I have seen pictures on Pinterest of water bottles with times of the day written down. You could challenge yourself like that, label your water bottle and try to drink that much water by a certain time.
  • Jeliwood
    Jeliwood Posts: 61
    The study that the whole '8 cups a day' is wildly misquoted, and by the way done in the 50's. There is a point where too much water is a very bad thing. Don't force it down. What they actually said in that study is that most adults should consume 8 cups of water a day which is mainly done so by the intake of food and other liquids. So, as long as you're consuming good fruits and veggies which are mainly water you should be fine.

    Now, that being said- water is good for you. You shouldn't drink none either, of course. I normally consume 8 cups a day if not more but I am a big girl (height wise) and I sweat a lot. Also, I'm from the south where it's hotter than hades.

    I'd just suggest trying to get at least 5 a day- which is easily done when you have a bottle of water with lunch, dinner, and a snack.

    If you don't feel like you can hold anymore, don't force it.
  • Divagettinfitin2011
    Divagettinfitin2011 Posts: 500 Member
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    I don't buy anything else. If I'm thirsty, it's water. The only other beverages I drink, other than the occasional cocktail or couple beers, are black tea or black coffee.
  • brookef81
    brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
    I have two water bottles that I keep (each hold 4 cups) and I know that I need to drink them both each day. Lately, I have been drinking double the amount because of the heat.

    I have seen some cool things on Pinterest that people mark their water bottles with the amounts they need to drink along with the times that they need to drink them by.
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    I have a "desk job" and each week I buy a 24 pack of water. I make it my "personal mission" to finish the pack in five days. I also have two bottles of this new liquid vitamin stuff. It's like the packets, but it's a squeeze bottle! I also have a carton of packets. There is a new brand that uses truvia/stevia.
  • emilyds
    emilyds Posts: 88
    I start my day with black tea, at least one or two cups. I've been drinking that a lot more than coffee lately.
    I keep a water bottle at my desk. Everyone in my office drinks water all day, and if I ever even think about buying a soda, I have to walk past my office's water/crushed ice machine to get to the vending machines, so usually I feel guilty and just end up drinking more water.
  • missfelicia6
    missfelicia6 Posts: 174 Member
    I drink a glass within 15 minutes of waking up. I decided about three weeks ago that water is more important than coffee, so while the coffee was brewing, I would drink 2 cups of water.
    By the time the coffee was done brewing, I wasn't in the mood anymore. So now, I don't even make coffee anymore.

    It was rough at first. But I also quit smoking at the same time. So the coffee HAD to go, I was associating it with the smoking.

    So I quit both and started drinking water and green tea. I add raw honey to the tea and it gives me more energy than the coffee.

    Good luck dear. :)
  • anniebanana100
    anniebanana100 Posts: 7 Member
    I fill up water bottles the night before and stick them in my fridge. I don't drink coffee or tea regularly, so, I can usually drink the 8 cups through the day. You can also count the coffee, tea, and milk as fluids, at least I do. I just don't drink coffee or tea. Hope that helps.:smile:
  • AlliH621
    AlliH621 Posts: 102 Member
    Get yourself a 24 oz. water bottle with a straw - you tend to drink more out of a straw. Make it a goal to fill it 3 times a day. That's 9 cups of water.

    It helps me that my office has a water coolor - with water that tastes really good. A coworker and I even made a game to empty the big water coolor jug by the end of the week, or by the end of the day - depending on how full it is. (I'm in an office of only about 6-7 people). It sounds silly, but it's motivating to set a goal and see if you can reach it! :)

    I also can always drink 24 oz like it's nothing during and after my workout on the treadmill.
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    I have one bottle of water in my gym bag, at my desk/in the fridge at work and one in the fridge at home. I drink the bottle at work throughout the day in addition to 1-2 glasses at lunch, the bottle in my gym bag gets finished during my work out. Twice! And the one at home I sip on throughout the evening. I just make sure to always have cold water readily available basically!
  • d2blondee
    d2blondee Posts: 1
    I'm seeing a nutrionist, and she wants me to drink 100 oz of water a day (1/2 of my body weight). So in order to do this ,I drink a 15 oz when I first get up in the morning, 15 oz before getting in shower (about 1 hour later), then another 15 oz while getting ready for work. I've already downed 45 oz by the time I leave for work (with my coffee on top of that!). Then at work I drink at least another 40 oz throughout the day, then the rest I do when I get home. I"ve always been a big water drinker (at least 50 oz a day); however in order to get this amount down, I find it's easiest to "chug" a large quantity at once - like the 15 oz i do at a time. Maybe try that way? Good luck!
  • Kerikins76
    Kerikins76 Posts: 9 Member
    I have a cup with a lid & straw that holds 3 cups (24 oz). I fill it up each morning and every time I have to fill it again, I check off 3 cups. Using the little water icon in the Food Diary's fun to click! :) It's kind of a hard habit to get into, but once I started drinking more and more water, other things lost their appeal. And now, if I don't get enough water, I feel it. I got my cup at Walmart...without that cup I doubt I would drink the amount of water that I do. I usually have 12 cups a day.
  • maylene1853
    as soon as i wake up i down a bottle (each bottle is 2cups) with a packet of energy crystal light, after i bring my kids to camp i walk my dogs and make sure to carry another bottle with me, as soon as i get home i pop in my insanity or zumba dvd and during my workout i down 2 bottles more! so by like 10am ive already had 8 cups of water and burned at least 500 calories!! i am heavier after working out too... cuz so much water lol.... and i pee non stop all day hahaha... its annoying!
    also during the day i will make coffee, tea, broth, oatmeal, or protein shakes with water too......
    i dont even drink diet soda anymore... (i order water with lemon at restaurants and add splenda for instant diet lemonade)
  • mjpTennis
    mjpTennis Posts: 6,165 Member
    I am with most here.
    One cup in the morning with my vitamin.
    I keep a water bottle with me at work. Try to finish one during the morning and one in the afternoon.
    One cup to start off dinner.
    And always have water with me during exercise.

    That covers the 100 oz a day that I need. One other thing that I have heard is that you need to also add additional water for every caffeinated beverage you drink. Example 8 oz coffee, 8 oz of water.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    My brother sets up routines like having a cup or two before he goes to the bathroom or before he eats and while he eats. I just keep
    a water bottle with me. I am a water bottle nut and my husband rolls his eyes everytime I get a new one, but they are fun.
    I'm the same way; I collect water bottles, whether they're shaped cool or the bottle's a color that entices me, but hey! I get my water in that way! :) I can't use crystal light or mio due to the fake sugars so I just brew green or white tea unsweetened with citrus fruits tossed in.
  • seardefilip
    i drink a large cup with my vitamins first thing - 24 oz and then I have my breakfast smoothie every morning, then I have a glass of water I keep at my desk and constantly run downstairs for ice to keep it full :) good luck- PS I flavor my water with MIO so I want to drink more of it- I am not a water LOVER-
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    I am wondering how people get so much water in and drink others things throughout the day? I have my 1 or 2 cups of coffee and usually at least one glass of tea a day. And it can be a struggle or I don't get at least 8 cups in. :( Any suggestions?

    I don't drink other things throughout the day, except black, unsweetened coffee. I only drink that and water.

    But......I really, really love water. :laugh:
  • CAW210
    CAW210 Posts: 73
    I have a 1 liter bottle that I use twice a day.....once in the morning and another in the afternoon that way I know I am atleast getting my 64oz's a day but I usually drink more because I have a bottle when I work out.
  • 33neenaj
    33neenaj Posts: 306
    Guzzle it