Guys can you help me out? Nurturing relationships?????



  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Nurturing relationships?
    Can I be blunt without coming off as creepy or trollish?
    I don't need, require or desire nurturing but steady, rip roaring sex.
    That's all the nurturing I need.
    I realize ladies need more, so I send or bring flowers twice per month and leave stupid notes around with little things like "thinking of you" or "you are my sunshine"...and on and on....
    It takes effort and what is absurd and irrelevant to me is the world to her.
    Anyway, that's my take.

    Maybe some guys are different.....:bigsmile:

    Pretty much sums it up Bobby.
    One huge mistakes women make is trying to figure out their man.
    All that's ANNOYING!
    I am easy to figure out.

    ^^All of this. And I say that as a woman who has been married for 20 years. The mistake lots of women make is in trying to "chick-ify" their man. Keep the good times rolling in the sack and most men will treat you like a goddess. That's been my experience, anyway. :wink:
    Well said!
    And if you want boring, one way conversation, hire a shrink.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Men are easy.

    Steak and a BJ

    Isn't that only on March 14th?
    I totally LOVE Rod Ryan. And my anniversary is 3/14 too.
  • moparpat
    moparpat Posts: 30
    Simply put, are you happy with each other, are the bills money worries....and is there enough happy good sex....then that's all you need in my book. The rest just falls into place
  • beauty2323
    beauty2323 Posts: 70 Member

    :laugh: True!
  • lwlock
    lwlock Posts: 33 Member
    Oh, yeah...let hm come in thru the back door on special occasions. Just sayin.

    Wow... Did this thread just go there? I think it did!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    A friend of mine says all men want is " an empty sack & a full stomach" :) I also like a little peace to watch a movie, without a thousand questions about the plot or a massive monologue of how your friend/sister/mother upset you earlier today :)


    Oh, my word. I don't know how my brother can be married to his wife. She is the most annoying person to watch a movie with. She never shuts up! I usually have to leave the room before I lose control and beat her to death with the TV remote.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Simply put, are you happy with each other, are the bills money worries....and is there enough happy good sex....then that's all you need in my book. The rest just falls into place
    Well said!