400 Net Calories for the Day: Scary Behavior



  • tonyacpa
    tonyacpa Posts: 7 Member
    HELP ME! I have gained 10 pounds since I started My fitness pal at the request of my doctor. My calorie goal is 1200 but my net calories are often below 0. This is because I play tennis every day for 2 to 3 hours in addition to other activities. One Saturday I played 3 hr 45 minutes singles which showed around a 2000 calorie benefit. Usually the calorie benefit from tennis is anywhere from 600 to 1200. Does this mean I am supposed to eat these calories?

    Quite honestly, I had given up because I keep gaining weight. I started on May 14 and worked it till Jul 10 when I gave up.

    Please explain what this net calorie thing means.

    btw...I eat very healthy.
  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    I'm seriously going to speak my mind then I'm going to go rock my morning workout....

    Over the summer (when I have time) I work out 2-3 times a day because I'm bored, I live in florida where it rains almost all summer and don't want to sit at home with nothing to do. I also ENJOY working out! For example: Wednesday between 2 workouts I burned close to 1500 calories.... plus I went swimming which wasn't logged because I didn't have my HRM on.

    I TRY not to eat crap in moderation because it doesn't help with my weight loss goals (it may help with yours and I"m not here to judge! I try to eat clean (obviously i'm still TRYING - sometimes with success, sometimes without!) Either way I have plenty of days where I net 400-500 calories and seriously.... I'm ok with that because I literally can't stuff more clean food down my throat!

    I just don't understand why everyone is so quick to judge on this site....
  • tonyacpa
    tonyacpa Posts: 7 Member
    HELP ME! I have gained 10 pounds since I started My fitness pal at the request of my doctor. My calorie goal is 1200 but my net calories are often below 0. This is because I play tennis every day for 2 to 3 hours in addition to other activities. One Saturday I played 3 hr 45 minutes singles which showed around a 2000 calorie benefit. Usually the calorie benefit from tennis is anywhere from 600 to 1200. Does this mean I am supposed to eat these calories?

    Quite honestly, I had given up because I keep gaining weight. I started on May 14 and worked it till Jul 10 when I gave up.

    Please explain what this net calorie thing means.

    btw...I eat very healthy.
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 378 Member
    I put this behavior up with eating junk food, processed food, or restaurant food for every meal.

    For example: Granola bar and coffee for breakfast; Applebees ribs with fries for lunch; McDonalds burger with fries for dinner. Now all the person's calories are all used up and they haven't even had a decent fruit or vegetable during that day. Yet, I see several of my friends doing this every day!

    This is just as unhealthy as eating less than 1200 because the person is not getting all their nutrients.

    I have been considering unfriending these people because I won't support this kind of dieting. I know some people would say that I am being harsh, but I don't feel that way. I just can't bring myself to tell these people 'Great day' or 'You're doing fantastic' when they are, in fact, hurting themselves with their behavior.

    As for eating less than the 1200 minimum and exercising to the extreme, which I have also seen, that is the beginning of anorexia nervosa. Totally unhealthy.

    Do I go around and read people's diaries? Only if they are on my friends list. Part of supporting each other is to comment on how good the person did for the day. Perhaps the OP does like I do, looks at his friends' diaries before he posts to them that they did great for the day. I know some people just see that the person was under their calorie goal and post that they did great. Yep, I could be under my goal too and eat twinkies all day long, but I wouldn't call that 'great' any more than I would call great eating granola bars and starbucks for breakfast, Applebees for lunch, and McDonalds for dinner.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    HELP ME! I have gained 10 pounds since I started My fitness pal at the request of my doctor. My calorie goal is 1200 but my net calories are often below 0. This is because I play tennis every day for 2 to 3 hours in addition to other activities. One Saturday I played 3 hr 45 minutes singles which showed around a 2000 calorie benefit. Usually the calorie benefit from tennis is anywhere from 600 to 1200. Does this mean I am supposed to eat these calories?

    Quite honestly, I had given up because I keep gaining weight. I started on May 14 and worked it till Jul 10 when I gave up.

    Please explain what this net calorie thing means.

    btw...I eat very healthy.

    I'll give you an example using my own calories.

    My MFP goals are 1200/day.

    I often burn 500 calories in an exercise class.

    My strategy is to pre-log that exercise so that I can spread the healthy extra calories around during the day to MEET my calorie goals (not fall under).

    - 500
    700 (NET)

    700 Net is not enough to fuel my healthy body so during the day I spread around that 500 to REACH my goal of 1200 by day's end.
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 378 Member
    I saw someone who consistently netted 200 calories and less, and one day actually netted a NEGATIVE number.

    What can you do though? Some people are set on doing it this way. All we can do is provide support, advice, and information. The rest is up to them.

    Those who are set on doing this do not need the kind of support I see most often, though. There are way too many 'good job', 'atta-girl', "way to go" compliments being given and that just fuels the fire to continue what they are doing. Support, yes. Advice, yes. Solid information, yes. Those are things they need. But let's not congratulate those who are hell bent on doing unhealthy things and getting the results they want (in the beginning, anyway). Others (newbies) look at this and only see the scale number going down. It's better to set a good example rather than an unhealthy one. Just my two cents.

    <3 this (second posting)
  • I am new here but I do have to say, like "smileitmakes people wonder..." that some of us were recommended to use this site after having had bariatric surgery. And most of our docs recommend that during the weight-loss phase we keep our goal at 400-600 calories per day. Since we don't feel hunger the same after surgery, and have a restricted ability to take in food, that is actually a reasonable goal. Those of us who were long-time dieters maintaining 1200 calories per day while still being morbidly obese can tell you that what works for one person may not work for someone else. And with a minor in nutrition I knew exactly what I was doing wrong...and what I was doing right. Exericise physiology and nutritional balance are not one-size-fits-all science. Heredity, acquired metabolic changes, physical disabilities, and so on all contribute an influence on what works for an individual. So although the concern might be well-intentioned, trying to save your cohorts from future damage, all you see on here is a surface report and not the whole story of anyone's weight loss journey. Just something to keep in mind...
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    *insert long diatribe here* (So I don't inflict my opinions and experiences on others)

    Summation: Everyone, in every way, is different. It doesn't matter if they are your identical twin and share exactly the same DNA, they are still different. Rubber stamping people who are going through a tough time as it is and telling them what professionals tell them to do is wrong is not conducive to helping them. Anyone who feels qualified to instruct me on how I am killing myself, by all means fax me a CV with appropriate accredited collegiate level coursework and I will be more than happy to send them my medical files so they can give their opinion. Anyone who read something once on the internet and took it as gospel should probably read more.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I don't understand how anyone thinks your "net calories" (a term made-up by MFP) matters to your body at all.

    It is not 'made up' by MFP (net calories). Science is science. Weight watchers is set up with a similar concept (activity points). Science!

    When I did Weight Watchers, they told us that eating back activity points was optional.

    I think the new WW is set up differently. I could be wrong!

    Nope it's still optional, just like eating your bonus points or whatever they call them now. So as far as WW, "net" really isn't very important to them either, science or no science.

    Why would the quantity "what I eat today minus what I expend in the gym today" matter to anything? What about those of us who don't go to the gym, we just live active lives? Do I need to "net out" my BMR multiplier of 1.55 and subtract that from my day's intake?

    There's this strange belief here that a person needs to fuel their BMR and their 'exercise' from today's intake. And the only activity left to contribute to your deficit (which we all know needs to happen for weight loss) is your non-BMR, non-exercise activity. So basically what you expend brushing your teeth, clicking the remote, making a sandwich.

    To do this keeps many people limited to a deficit of 300ish/day, or losing 3 lbs/month. How handy for MFP that I would need to spend a flippin year here to lose 24 lbs. Any other diet says I can lose that in 12 weeks safely.

    I've never seen this 'net calories' concept anywhere but here. I've read most of the mainstream 'diet books' from the last 20 years.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    IM on 1200 a day, and I do eat that but I choose not to eat back my exercise calories...I know that will upset some but Im almost always right around 1200

    I hear alot of people say this.
    And it's ABSURD!
    Why engage in some miserable diet of deprivation?
    I eat around 3000 calories daily and get great results.
    Who is having more fun?
    Who gets to eat well and enjoy life?
    People act like these starvation diet are some way of being a rebel...:laugh:

    No, if you want to go against the grain, eat MORE to weigh less.
    Starvation diets are miserable, the results short term and they're usually unhealthy.
    Go ahead and make yourself miserable - your choice.
    As for me?
    I just made my weekly weight and am headed to enjoy a Big Breakfast at McDonald's - 1200 + calories...ONE MEAL!
    Read it and weep!
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • dooter69
    dooter69 Posts: 2
    I see far too many people pushing the reasonable bounds of weight loss--they are eating like 700 or 1,000 calories and then burning off 500 through exercise, and they come out some days with 400 or 800 net. I've seen as low as 200 or 300 net.

    In my view, this is simply dangerous. I don't think a lot of folks understand that "net calories" already have the acceptable range of weight loss figured in, and that you need to eat back to get yourself close to your net. Now I know this is somewhat of an art--if you're full, no need to eat, maybe you overestimated exercise and underestimated food calories--but really: 400 net?

    Unfortunately, because they are losing a lot of weight, they keep up with this ultra-low calorie regime. In the short term all is great--they lose weight. In the long term, they lose muscle mass, thus decreasing their overall metabolic rate; perhaps bone strength as well; and I wonder what kind of health problems they will develop later on because they deprived their body of the necessary energy and nutrients for so long. Bad teeth, brittle hair, organ complications; general weakness; lack of strength and energy to carry out basic tasks---the list could go on.

    Worried about a lot of scary short-term thinking.

    My day looks like this every single day, along with a couple hundred others I know on here. Here's the secret: We've had weight loss surgery and have been put on this regiment by our docs. Things aren't always as they seem. ;) We are, all in all, VERY healthy, and under close medical supervision.
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    I don't mean to do it, but on training days (tuesday/thursday) where I"m burning 800+ cals, I simply cannot eat all of that back. I'm not quitting martial arts just so I can reach my cals 2 days a week.
  • nmb0717
    nmb0717 Posts: 130 Member
    Unfortunately, I had to un-friend someone on here because they were only eating less than 700 calories a day with a ton of exercise. Despite being warned of some of the complications that can come with that, it didn't change and I couldn't stand around and watch that happen on a daily basis. I felt bad doing it but it had to be done.
  • louised88
    louised88 Posts: 159
    Odds are, if someone's eating at a really alarming calorie deficit they're already in the throes of an eating disorder and nothing you say will help them, or it will be a little experiment tried for a week or two before the realisation sets in that eating so little and exercising to extremes is not a very nice use of anyone's time. Of course, it could just be that there are a number of petite women on here who do best at 1200 calories a day regardless of their exercise. Maybe their 1200 calories are so full of fibre and protein that they don't care to eat anymore than is comfortable. Maybe they're saving their calories for a few glasses of wine and a nice meal on the weekend. Please don't worry about the little ladies and their health. You've got to be really, really dedicated to your eating disorder to suffer long term problems. But if it makes you feel better, I've lost hair because of issues with iron. I was eating far more than 1200 calories a day.

    Tbh, I see a lot of men here trying to... well, rescue the poor, misguided women. Some of them are openly hostile to a way of eating that doesn't involve chugging multiple protein shakes and eating a few dozen chickens worth of meat in a single day. You just have to look at some of the ridiculous threads "ZOMG CARDIO MAKES U FATTTTTTTTTT LIFT OR DIE B*TCHES" to see that there are some really misguided nutjobs who think that their silly habits are better than other people's silly habits. Why don't all the rescuers sit down, discuss just how little they agree on, and set about rescuing each other?

    Well that's not me--I am not into protein shakes. I do strength train but as an equal complement to cardio. I believe both are wise.

    Again, another logical fallacy:

    Person 1. This is alarming behavior.
    Person 2. Shut up and concentrate on yourself, and by the way, you're just another protein-shake lunkhead.

    So in addition to you saying to ignore the problem, you offer an additional fallacy of an ad hominem guilt-by-association attack.


    Oh, has someone been gotten himself a first year logic textbook from Ebay? Congrats, great purchase! AAAAAA+ would deal with buyer again!!!111!!!

    Here's an idea: you can't fix anyone who isn't you and unless 1200cal a day dieters are all over the forums pushing their silly ideas, you've no reason to call them out for behaviour you find offputting. Just look at the pretty pictures, and stay out of these women's diaries. When you go about white knighting down a well trodden path you start to look like the sort of guy who wishes he was better endowed, you know? Now go and rescue these poor men who lift with bad form and are set for a couple of acl tears and poorly treated muscle strain. You need to let them know that a fructose free diet saves no one from the horrors of Youtube instructional vids and a garage setup. Go, save!

    At the risk of disappointing you, unfortunately Ebay was out of logic textbooks when I was studying in law school and I had to learn the old-fashioned way.

    One thing I learned is that when dealing with someone who displays a high-school level of discourse by engaging in personal character attacks--against forum rules by the way--the temptation is to stoop to their sophomoric level and return the insults, thus fueling the Jerry Springer direction that the high-school speaker wishes to direct the argument-- jokes about ****s, about all men being the same, and so forth. I fear you'd just continue with insults instead of arguments, and so devolve the conversation to the intellectual level of fart jokes.

    I would ask you to address the original point--what is it about eating 1,000 calories a day and netting 400 that is healthy?--but as you seem incapable of doing that, I will simply ask for you to grow up.

    What was it that made you think I view low calorie diets as being healthy or even sustainable? Was it when I labelled the practice silly? For a lawyer you're not very good at picking out details beyond butthurt drama. Law isn't my field but a fair few of my friends did law while I skulking around the labs and my goodness... they'd not have made it far with your brilliant mind.

    Seriously, the 1200 calorie a day thing is done at least once a week. It's always sad little men objecting to the diaries of random dieters, invariably women, and wanting to rescue them from what is apparently a few calories shy of a Malian peasant's daily rations. Never do I see the white knighters trying to rescue heavy lifters with poor form. For me, a lower back injury (or worse) is a darn site more serious than a few days of grumpiness because Slimfast really is the worst diet in the world.

    That said, I'm going to go now and make sure I net 1200 calories via steak tartare and possibly sautéed chicken livers. I don't have any pre-weight gain pics in my profile though, so you needn't worry about saving me from parasites and purines. Best to you!

    This. Thank you, those threads really bothered me every time I saw them, and I couldn't quite put my finger on why. Sneaky misogyny is sneaky. You've articulated it really well for me.
  • When I know in advance that I will work out at the end of the day I go ahead and enter it in the morning. That way I know how many calories I will have for the whole day, and can split it up between all the meals and snacks instead of throwing it all in at night... hope this helps!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I put this behavior up with eating junk food, processed food, or restaurant food for every meal.

    For example: Granola bar and coffee for breakfast; Applebees ribs with fries for lunch; McDonalds burger with fries for dinner. Now all the person's calories are all used up and they haven't even had a decent fruit or vegetable during that day. Yet, I see several of my friends doing this every day!

    This is just as unhealthy as eating less than 1200 because the person is not getting all their nutrients.

    I have been considering unfriending these people because I won't support this kind of dieting. I know some people would say that I am being harsh, but I don't feel that way. I just can't bring myself to tell these people 'Great day' or 'You're doing fantastic' when they are, in fact, hurting themselves with their behavior.

    As for eating less than the 1200 minimum and exercising to the extreme, which I have also seen, that is the beginning of anorexia nervosa. Totally unhealthy.

    Do I go around and read people's diaries? Only if they are on my friends list. Part of supporting each other is to comment on how good the person did for the day. Perhaps the OP does like I do, looks at his friends' diaries before he posts to them that they did great for the day. I know some people just see that the person was under their calorie goal and post that they did great. Yep, I could be under my goal too and eat twinkies all day long, but I wouldn't call that 'great' any more than I would call great eating granola bars and starbucks for breakfast, Applebees for lunch, and McDonalds for dinner.

    I feel the same way. I absolutely refuse to praise someone on the verge or in the throes of an ED as well as the ppl who stayed under their calorie goal but eating crap all day. That would be fake and I don't have a fake bone in my body...
  • lindsayforlife
    lindsayforlife Posts: 93 Member
    Question, What if the person is like me, and we do our work out at the end of the day, I'm talking 7-8pm, the food cut off for me is no later than 7pm. What to do?

    Eat more before your workout to fuel it, so you work harder. Preferably protein.

    Also, there's no reason you *can't* have a protein shake after your workout. I consistently ate dinner at 10 or 11 p.m. while I was losing weight (night classes for grad school) and it didn't impacted me negatively.

    It really doesn't matter when you eat during the day, calories are calories. It's a myth that you have to stop eating at a certain hour in order to lose weight. If you're hungry: EAT!
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    I actually wish I could eat more calories, but since I recently had gastric bypass surgery I can only get in about 300-400 calories per day...no matter how hard I try I just can't get anymore in.

    Hopefully in the coming weeks it will increase.

    It will. For those of us that are post-op and under the care of a bariatric doctor, they are aware that our calorie intake is going to be low for awhile. Since we are all very overweight a low cal diet for a while is acceptable and isnt going to hurt you. The most important thing for you to worry about right now is getting in your protein ( I shoot for at least 70gms/day) and your water. I am now almost 4 months out and between shakes and food I am averaging 900-1050 cal/day. You will get there :)
  • sharoncasey60
    sharoncasey60 Posts: 60 Member
    good input and probably much needed by many...........don't have this problem myself. :) I eat as much as the program allows. thx for good advice to all
  • swat1948
    swat1948 Posts: 302 Member
    Ok well I guess I better be prepared to get yelled at here because my allowance is 1240 calories a day and even when I do 700 calorie burn on exercise I do not eat much more than that. I know about eating back your exercise calories and I understand that...but that being said I have hypothyroidism and my metabolism is slow. But I tried it a while back and guess what? I gained weight. It may work in theory for some...but it doesn't work for me. Even so I am lucky to lose a pound a week but I can live with that.