Why do vegans eat food products that represent animals?



  • nickiog
    nickiog Posts: 187 Member
    i did because i was vegan for health reasons and it had nothing to do with animal rights etc.
  • TanzaMarie
    TanzaMarie Posts: 94 Member
    morning star is not vegan there are eggs in most of their products as well as cheese.
    Morning Star spicy black bean patties are vegan and delicious! Mmmmmm

    and they are sooo good! Add some guac and a tomato....happiness...in my omnivore family loves them!
  • TanzaMarie
    TanzaMarie Posts: 94 Member
    i did because i was vegan for health reasons and it had nothing to do with animal rights etc.

  • nickiog
    nickiog Posts: 187 Member
    This is a stupid question. First of all burgers and bacon don't look like animals. Secondly you're completely missing the point of being vegan. I would eat a food shaped like a human baby if it was tasty, is that unethical?

    this. exactly. <3
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    What's also funny is that I had a former friend who was PRO abortion, but was the biggest animal activist you could meet. She cared more about an animals life than she did a human life, and her reasoning being is that "humans are stupid" (her words not mine) but it was funny because every time we got together, she would eat meat. All the time. Eventually, our friendship ended.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I like the occasional veggie burger because decades ago I used to like burgers. Just because I no longer eat the flesh of dead animals does not mean I dont enjoy what I do have on that bun. It tastes good imo.

    I always wonder why so many omni eaters spend so much time worrying about what veg people eat and why. If they are bothered by it, they should not eat a veg diet and go on with their lives. I wish they would get over the need to constantly want us to explain ourselves. Dont like fake meat? Then by all means dont eat it and get over it.

    I have found the opposite, I've had quite a few remarks (attempted insults) from vegetarians, comments like in your first paragraph "eating the flesh of dead animals" what's it got to do with them what I choose to eat? Nothing.
  • flyingwrite
    flyingwrite Posts: 264
    First of all, meat makes me sick. I can't comfortably digest it. It leaves me feeling heavy and lethargic and causes many other digestive issues. So I quit eating it because the taste of it did not outweigh the misery I felt after eating it. However, a black bean burger causes none of these issues. I haven't been able to eat beef in over a decade so I was already substituting with turkey. I like burgers. They, however, don't like me. People make decisions based on what works for them.
  • rinnismom
    rinnismom Posts: 190
    I'm not really a cannibal, but I shape all of my meat products into what looks like a human baby. It just tastes better that way.


    you, sir, are the KING!!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Playing devils advocate here but... Technically if a non meat product tastes like a meat product would it not be reasonable to assume that a certain amount of animal death went into that recipe? I mean you woul have to eat at least one turkey before you could make something else taste like it... So isn't it technically an animal byproduct and technically animals were used in the making of said items ?

    I don't think there is any answer to give you that you will actually think about and accept because honestly I can tell you aren't really here for an answer more than for your own amusement or to play "devil's advocate" as you say. A lot of non meat eaters like the taste of meat but for their own personal reasons do not want to contribute to factory farming, animal suffering yadda yadda yadda. A burger is shaped like a burger because how else would you fit it on the bun, same with a hot dog, it also is more appetizing when it's a food you can recognize or grew up with before you made the change. Marketing is also probably the reason they do this, they want you to know the product they are trying to sell. As far as fake meat as an animal byproduct, you are really stretching it. Maybe meat eaters developed the flavor of the fake meat, they are eating meat anyway so what does it matter. Anyway this is all moot, People say they are curious, I don't really believe that because most of the time they just want to debate while hiding under the mask of curiosity so they don't come off like total aholes with no good reason for doing so.In the grand scheme It doesn't matter what the food looks like, what it tastes like, if it doesn't affect your life or your tastebuds...........well you see where I am going with this.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Oh sorry I thought we were just asking pointless questions that nobody cares about?

    If no one cared, would this thread be four pages long?

    And I realize it's only 10am where I am, so it's early yet, but the question "why do carnivores eat cabbage" is the dumbest thing I've heard today
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Oh sorry I thought we were just asking pointless questions that nobody cares about?

    If no one cared, would this thread be four pages long?

    And I realize it's only 10am where I am, so it's early yet, but the question "why do carnivores eat cabbage" is the dumbest thing I've heard today

    give it time and a few more threads :wink:
  • lydia_the_tattooed_lady
    They don't represent animals, they represent forms of food that most people grow up eating and are used to.

    I totally agree! People ALWAYS ask me this question!! I've been vegetarian for about 2 1/2 years now and it is just a lot easier to bring along veggie burgers to a friend's bbq. While I have no problem talking to people if they ask about it, I hate drawing attention to myself for eating vegetarian. Most people don't know until I refuse offers of food that has meat in it lol The majority of vegans/vegetarians wouldn't say that the taste of meat is the reason they don't eat it. For me, it's the health benefits of cutting it out of my diet. For others, it's the moral issue of killing animals. People ALWAYS assume that you simply didn't like the way meat tastes!
  • Cocochickdeleted
    Cocochickdeleted Posts: 343 Member
    First off nothing against vegans or the food as I have best friends that are and I cater to them when they come to visit. So yea I have always thought it funny that hard core Vegans eat foods that look like animals. Like burgers. The whole Morning star brand. Fakin bacon etc. Am I the only one that thinks that's funny?

    I have never seen a burger that looks like a cow...or a piece of bacon that looks like a pig, for that matter.
  • superman149
    i thought this post was going to be about animal crackers, or gummy worms.
    food that literally looks like animals..
  • therapyruns
    therapyruns Posts: 164 Member
    I am vegan -- and I don't do that. I don't eat "fake meat" products, whether it be a fake burger or chicken. The only veggie burgers I eat are the real ones made from beans/veggies/corn, etc. I do not eat Boca or Morningstar. Also, I really can't even stand tofu -- it seems more fake than anything I've ever eaten.
  • therapyruns
    therapyruns Posts: 164 Member
    i thought this post was going to be about animal crackers, or gummy worms.
    food that literally looks like animals..

    HAHAHAHAHA! Love this :)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The comedian Tim Slagle did a really funny bit on this. It was something like, "Hey, you don't find all-meat tomato substitute!"
    and "If your food is so goo, then why are you trying to copy ours?"

    hahaha :laugh:
  • alegna1975
    alegna1975 Posts: 16 Member
    I haven't read all the responses so I have no idea if I am being repetitive, forgive me if I am. A few years ago I was attempting to wean myself off of red meat and moving towards healthier eating. Morningstar Black Bean burgers were my life line for when I wanted a burger really bad and I used them to substitute. Granted they aren't anything remotely close to a succulent, medium rare, grilled burger.....but it helped with the mental aspect of the change.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member




  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    This does seem like kind of a dumb question. Why is any food shaped the way it is? Like, why is a hamburger (usually) round? So it can fit on a bun and you get tasty meat with every bite would be my guess. So why wouldn't a meatless patty be shaped the same way? How should it be shaped? Octagonal?

    I don't think it's about the shape per se, but I personally have wondered why vegans desire to eat an imitation of an animal. Tofurky, for example, is a mixture of soy and wheat. Why bother comparing it to an animal? Doesn't the product stand on its own? I've tried tofurky and it doesn't even resemble the real thing.