Gain 15lbs in like a month! I met my goals daily 99% time!



  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Sounds like a whole lot of excuses, I'm afraid. Your diary reflects very well the mistakes that you are making, and people are taking the time to try and help you - help that you asked for - and you are essentially throwing it back in their faces because it's not what you want to hear.

    You are logging food wrong. You are eating foods that aren't good for you. It's that simple. You can justify it all you want, but that's what it comes down to. If you want to believe you have some weird weight gain problem that has nothing to do with the crap you've been eating then fine, I'll leave it up to your GP to tell you to eat right, you probably won't listen to that either.

    You have to decide if you really want to lose weight. Because you say you do, but your diary does not reflect that. You make excuses rather then doing it properly. That's the problem here, nothing else.

    Exactly what she said. Take the advice you were given, or leave it. Start losing weight or continue as you are now. You're only wasting your own time.
  • linda1243
    linda1243 Posts: 166
    I had this problem! Go to your doctor and have them check your blood levels. I guess my body just wasn't processing carbs anymore. I had way too much insulin in my system and my triglycerides and liver enzymes were out of control. He made me cut out all starchy carbs for month (rice, pasta, potatoes and bread). Not only did my blood levels fall significantly but i lost a couple of lbs.

    I know people say you are not eating enough or you are not doing this or that it is frustrating. I have learned that when you are watching and you have that much of a weight gain than there can be other reasons. I don't care if you were starving yourself for a month, no way would you gain 15 lbs.
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    There is clearly something wrong if you gained 15 lbs in one month while eating 1700 calories per day. That's .5 lb per day. That's an EXTRA 1700 calories per day over your maintenance.

    If there is truly nothing wrong with your scales or your portion size or your exercise calculations, then you really do need to go see a Dr.

    ^This. There could definitely be something wrong with how you weighed yourself before and after since you seemed surprised that you gained 15 lbs. 15 lb gain would be noticeable in how your clothes fit. It wouldn't be possible to gain 1/2 lb a day on 1750 calories no matter your size unless there's a medical condition. Even if the calculation was off and you were eating too much, it shouldn't have lead to that big of a gain. As others have asked, look into if you are accurately measuring your portions to be sure that is what your calorie intake is. Still, see a doctor.
  • fattofit20
    fattofit20 Posts: 86
    One lesson I have learned since joining MFP is that while for some people, it doesn't seem to matter where their calories come from, for me, it matters. If I stay at or below my calories but all I ate was junk/processed/fried/fast food then I will not lose weight. But, when I try to eat better, I not only feel better but there is a loss on the scale. I think for some people it's more than just tracking calories, it's about what you are putting in your body as well. Good luck.

    This is most likely my problem. I stay at or below my calorie goal (most of the time) and have not lost any weight. I've been horrible with what I've been putting in my mouth. While I haven't lost any for a good two weeks, I haven't gained any either. I'm staying the same. I guess it's time to start eating healthier again. That's when I saw my biggest loss.
  • i am on 1200 cals because that's what was suggested to me for my body type... and i want to lose... but for you, you said 1700... you can eat ALOT!! that's my point... just try it for a week.. i bet you will be surprised... even if you up it to 2000 cals but have it be the right foods and eating MORE and MORE OFTEN.. i BET you lose weight... fast... just try it for a week and see what happens... i eat so much of what i love and i dont feel deprived at all, this definitely is NOT a diet, it's a lifestyle for me, a way of life now. :))
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    swich out sugar for sodum, because you are eating alot of sodum, as a former ramin devotee i can asure you there is a ton of it in there, also for fun one day make ramin from scratch noodles to(i like cooking so it fun for me) but yeah could be water from amout of salt in your food, and yeah go see your GP best of luck!
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Hi! I'd definitely talk to a doctor if I gained 15 lbs in 1 month. It's extremely unlikely that you would gain that much fat in a month. You'd have to be off on your calories by A LOT! So it's probably water weight, but a huge gain in water weight can signal a medical problem. I do know some people who fluctuate a lot in their water weight though, but if it's not typical for you to fluctuate that much, I'd be worried.

    I also don't think you should even bother logging unless you are going to log what you actually eat. :smile: It's easy to build recipes under food->recipes.

    I'd look into your calorie goal some more too. I was around 1600 calories for most of my weight loss WITH EXERCISE for 1 lb per week (around 1200-1300 net calories). You might feel hungry on your 1700 calories because you are drinking a lot of your calories and not eating much protein.
  • Honestly, you may not be eating enough... I know that sounds crazy, but if your body thinks it's starving (whether or not you're hungry) it's going to hold on to everything you take in...

    Starving? On 1750 while sedentary? Me no think so. :huh:

    Agree. Watch the high-glycemic carbs and sodium levels, try to eliminate processed food, and you might need to reduce your calories, as well. Not sure what your TDEE is.. have you calculated that?
  • tberend
    tberend Posts: 91 Member
    Dodgy scales?

    ^^ This was my thought. 15 lbs seems unlikely.
  • Josette89
    Josette89 Posts: 244
    Take that sedentary life style and turn in into a moderately active one. It is possible. Eat more, work out, eat more. :)
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    Sounds like a whole lot of excuses, I'm afraid. Your diary reflects very well the mistakes that you are making, and people are taking the time to try and help you - help that you asked for - and you are essentially throwing it back in their faces because it's not what you want to hear.

    You are logging food wrong. You are eating foods that aren't good for you. It's that simple. You can justify it all you want, but that's what it comes down to. If you want to believe you have some weird weight gain problem that has nothing to do with the crap you've been eating then fine, I'll leave it up to your GP to tell you to eat right, you probably won't listen to that either.

    You have to decide if you really want to lose weight. Because you say you do, but your diary does not reflect that. You make excuses rather then doing it properly. That's the problem here, nothing else.

    Exactly what she said. Take the advice you were given, or leave it. Start losing weight or continue as you are now. You're only wasting your own time.

    Agree. Being healthy isn't staying under a calorie goal. You have to look at what you are putting in your body. I would work on swapping out foods that are premade, and incorporate more whole grains and natural foods. Try doing more brown rice, quinoa, barley, and lentils. They can be very filling and are nutritionally satisfying. I find when I eat more foods that are nutritionally satisfying then I am not as hungry. I would also minimize/eliminate sugar - but I make that recommendation to pretty much everyone.

    Also, if you are going to continue a sedentary lifestyle, if you want to lose weight I would drop it down to 1600. If you are not regularly burning calories, you should not set your goal so close to a number meant for maintenance(1800-2000).
  • swkittrell
    swkittrell Posts: 48
    I have been using this site for a couple of weeks. I picked up a lot of good advice from this thread. Thanks for all the information.
  • Are you started taking or have you stopped taking any medications? I was watching a show on weight loss the other night, and the lady went off her medication and gained around 15lbs after coming off of it. The doctor told her that it was water weight from adjusting from the medication, and sure enough in two weeks she was back down. I would suggest contacting a doctor to make sure your endocrine system is ok! Good luck!
  • delaney056
    delaney056 Posts: 475
    One lesson I have learned since joining MFP is that while for some people, it doesn't seem to matter where their calories come from, for me, it matters. If I stay at or below my calories but all I ate was junk/processed/fried/fast food then I will not lose weight. But, when I try to eat better, I not only feel better but there is a loss on the scale. I think for some people it's more than just tracking calories, it's about what you are putting in your body as well. Good luck.

    It works the same way for me. If I eat junk but still stay under/meet my calories, not only do I feel like crap, but I gain weight. Everyone's body responds differently. Some people can eat nothing but junk and lose/maintain their weight, but they're not actually healthy and are most likely malnourished.Pay attention to what you're putting in your body. Weight is only 1 part of health.
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    I have read this entire thread, everyone has given you some pretty good information. All I see from you are excuses, excuses, excuses.

    That 15 pounds? Not all of that is actual fat. Most of that is water weight from the insane amounts of sodium you're consuming. Stop with the ramen (It's not real food! Not good for you OR for hubby! Quit buying it) increase your water intake (I drink 13 - 16 cups per day) and you'll see a reduction because you won't be retaining so much water.

    Your husband doesn't like meat in the house. Well, you can still eat beans, nuts, lentils, eggs, and see if maybe he'll be willing to eat fish, for good protein. Serve with a big portion of vegetables and you've got a healthy meal.

    You make a homemade raisin bread. So? You should log it under recipes and figure out exactly how many calories and sugar is in a serving of that bread, it may be more than you think.

    FYI: If your husband is trying to gain weight, he shouldn't be doing it by eating high sugar, high sodium, starchy foods. All he's going to gain is a nice sized gut.
  • Casey45
    Casey45 Posts: 160 Member
    Sounds like a whole lot of excuses, I'm afraid. Your diary reflects very well the mistakes that you are making, and people are taking the time to try and help you - help that you asked for - and you are essentially throwing it back in their faces because it's not what you want to hear.

    You are logging food wrong. You are eating foods that aren't good for you. It's that simple. You can justify it all you want, but that's what it comes down to. If you want to believe you have some weird weight gain problem that has nothing to do with the crap you've been eating then fine, I'll leave it up to your GP to tell you to eat right, you probably won't listen to that either.

    You have to decide if you really want to lose weight. Because you say you do, but your diary does not reflect that. You make excuses rather then doing it properly. That's the problem here, nothing else.

    Exactly what she said. Take the advice you were given, or leave it. Start losing weight or continue as you are now. You're only wasting your own time.

    Agree. Being healthy isn't staying under a calorie goal. You have to look at what you are putting in your body. I would work on swapping out foods that are premade, and incorporate more whole grains and natural foods. Try doing more brown rice, quinoa, barley, and lentils. They can be very filling and are nutritionally satisfying. I find when I eat more foods that are nutritionally satisfying then I am not as hungry. I would also minimize/eliminate sugar - but I make that recommendation to pretty much everyone.

    Also, if you are going to continue a sedentary lifestyle, if you want to lose weight I would drop it down to 1600. If you are not regularly burning calories, you should not set your goal so close to a number meant for maintenance(1800-2000).

    Didn't scan all the replies, but these above echo my thoughts when I read OP. Then I read your food/exercise diary (thank you for opening it). Based on what I've learned in the 11 months since I've started (average weight loss is 1lb/week) I offer the following more specific observations:

    1. Exercise calories burned seem high. I've learned most calculators/estimators of calorie burned tend to be between 20% and even 40% too high. Even the activity based calculator here on MFP routinely is higher than what I've learned through experience. Don't know your weight, but burning 300+ calories in 30 minutes is hard with casual, light exercise unless you are very heavy. Until I started using a heart rate monitor, I learned to deduct 25% of my exercise calories from either the MFP or exercise machine total. That gave me a buffer for overestimation errors. Now I used one of the formulas I found at and plug in my heart rate and other factors (weight, gender, age, time) into the formula that I store on an Excel worksheet. Whatever the calorie burn is, I round down.

    2. Exercise choices: I note you don't log strength training. Strongly encourage you incorporate. You don't have to lift weights, you can use body weight resistance if you cant access machines/free weights.

    3. Cardiovascular - related to #1 above. Make sure you are getting and sustaining an elevated heart rate - research online for target zones (recovery, aerobic, anaerobic), then make sure you are working out at an intensity level that gets your heart rate up and keeps it up for 30 minutes at MINIMUM. Sorry, but a leisurely bike ride while enjoyable, is not a good cardio session. If you don't want to monitor your heart rate, use the huff/puff test. You should be working hard enough that you can only get a few words out if you want to talk.

    3. Food: you are eating a lot of processed foods. Your sodium is high (should never be as high as MFP's default setting of 2500; rather target 1200 and settle for up to 1800. Sodium is hidden in all processed foods. You can change the target sodium level in the goal setting page of MFP - instead of accepting "guided/recommended" goals, click on the option to set your own. You can set macro nutrients (carbs, fat, etc), sodium and other minerals. I also adjusted my calcium goal to be higher than standard since I have osteoporosis.

    4. Food: Measure relentlessly. Measure by weight as much as possible. Make sure your have a good quality, digital scale that switches between metric/English standards since MFP food data base is all over the place with both units.

    5. Double check database data. I've run into entries for things like 'banana, 6 to 7-inch' that had calories, but zero macro-nutrients. Someone obviously entered just the calories, not the carb, sugar, etc.

    6. Food: related to #3, pay attention to the quality of the food you eat. I did see other posters give more time to this point. Calories aren't everything. Your macronutrient distribution is important. Research, learn what you should be. Monitor, tweak as you learn what your body responds best.

    7. Water: keep logging it. Drink more than the 8 cups standard - especially since your sodium is so high.

    8. Bottom line: Thermodynamics. Energy consumed must be consistently less than energy expended in order to lose weight. Your food consumption is too high relative to the exercise you do. If you gained weight it's because your equation is the opposite of what it should be. Only some of the weight gain is water, certainly nowhere close to the 15lbs.

    9. Bottom line Part II: Be rigorous with logging. That means be accurate, do it daily, set realistic goals and know that it took you a long time, if not your whole life, to get your body to the point it is now that you want to lose weight/get more fit. It will take a long time to change. This must be a lifestyle change in order for it work short or long term.

    Good luck.
  • thecapaccino
    thecapaccino Posts: 138
    I have updated my goal to lose 2lb a week.....and at 111.7kg (with the new scale that is fixed in one spot and will not move ever) as my starting weight.

    I will weigh in every morning though people say once a week. My NEW calorie intake is 1300.

    I am still going to the doctor to get a blood test or whatever cause my mother has Diabetes....

    And...I have logged as EVEEYONE and the Queens servants have suggested...EXACT measurements and calories...and even managed to put in 2 German items on my list not in the database. Also added Sodium to the list.

    I will try it for a week to see how it goes....(still seeing doc).

    Note: First scale I used was a there could be some fluctuation in the number...but still not that much!??
    Note: Someone mentioned my hubby....He is just thin....he is not getting any fat stomachs or nothing eating my cakes everyday....and I guess I do make them in hopes he gets a little fatter...just for the winter months. Again, he JOGS and/or goes to Gym at LEAST 3 times a week....AND he rides a bike to work (about 30min each way) DAILY!!!!!! I am jealous though...he can eat what he wants...pfff...but life aint fair.
  • thecapaccino
    thecapaccino Posts: 138
    and oh...did I mention...on my new scale which I got today....I jumped on before the last was 112.5kg!!! Then I drank half liter of back on the scale...and the weight.... 112.9kg!

    WTF....honestly....I shake my head.....I was created in his image....!!! pffff!!!
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    and oh...did I mention...on my new scale which I got today....I jumped on before the last was 112.5kg!!! Then I drank half liter of back on the scale...and the weight.... 112.9kg!
    Good, so the new scale is working. A liter of water weighs 1 kg, so if you drank half a liter your weight will go up by half a kg until you urinate / sweat it out.
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    Get yourself a food scale and a good set of measuring spoons/cups and then use them!...To be honest...your numbers look you could be eating more than you think that you are. example proscuito/ only 15 calories?....weigh your slices/portions!.... Your sodium is high and your water is low (reverse these two) more fresh fruits and vegetables.