Guy in Ladies locker Room

I have to tell you after yesterday I don't know if I am going to go to the gym to do the extra cardio. At the very least I will be changing in one of those stalls from now on.

I might just do the P90X in the morning and then go for a bike ride after work. Some guy walked into the women's locker room yesterday. I am so glad I was already dressed. I was so shocked to see him there it didn't register until after he looked around, talked to what must have been his daughter shortly, said like he already knew where he was, “ok, lets go back up stairs I am not supposed to be in here,” and then walked back up stairs. I then when upstairs told the front desk and pointed him out. I am thinking he is a creeper because there is a big red sign that says women’s locker room. You cant miss it!


  • jealous_loser
    That is a little wierd. I would report him to the staff.

    However, it's weird how it works. I used to work out in the field and we would have to check locker rooms/bathrooms etc, for stuff. Being a girl, I would wait outside male rooms and ask someone going in or coming out to either make sure the room was empty, or make sure everyone was decent and knew I was coming in.

    You would be surprised how many guys I would walk in on. None of them cared even. I was embarassed obviously.

    Maybe he wasn't thinking about it?
  • rumpusparable
    I can't see how he'd be considered "a creeper" when he clearly came in to talk to someone... it's not like he came in and just stood aside watching females dress.

    I also can't understand why this is a big deal. You *do* realize that the heteronormative view of all males as interested in females and all females interested in males is not reality, right? He may have absolutely zero interest in seeing you naked... whereas the girl he talked to might've been "creeping" on you the whole time. Face the fact that any time you've ever changed when not completely alone someone was probably attracted to females there. If you didn't always dress in a stall, there is no reason to start just because some (possibly not straight) guy popped into the area once.

  • jppd47
    jppd47 Posts: 737 Member
    I can't see how he'd be considered "a creeper" when he clearly came in to talk to someone... it's not like he came in and just stood aside watching females dress.

    I also can't understand why this is a big deal. You *do* realize that the heteronormative view of all males as interested in females and all females interested in males is not reality, right? He may have absolutely zero interest in seeing you naked... whereas the girl he talked to might've been "creeping" on you the whole time. Face the fact that any time you've ever changed when not completely alone someone was probably attracted to females there. If you didn't always dress in a stall, there is no reason to start just because some (possibly not straight) guy popped into the area once.

    Pretty much, it works the other way as well. "Like, omg you let gay people in here, what if they are all creeper at omg." Its ridiculous, but it is a norm of american culture so you can't really say someone is dumb for thinking that. (in general, not that you called anyone dumb)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I can't see how he'd be considered "a creeper" when he clearly came in to talk to someone... it's not like he came in and just stood aside watching females dress.

    He came into the ladies locker room.. What the hell was so important that he couldn't wait until his daughter came out?

    If I was OP, I'd be offended to.. and creeped out.

    But according to you, it's ok for me to just walk into the male locker room if I need to talk to someone.. so I'll do that next time at my gym and let you know how well that works out :noway:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    yeah that's weird. i'd have reported his *kitten* too and told him to get the f*** out of the ladies area. regardless if he was creeping or not, if he has a kid then he's old enough to know that he shouldn't just walk into a women's only dressing area. he could have easily asked someone on staff or walking in to the women's room to go get his daughter and talk to her outside.

    it really bugs me when people think rules dont apply to them
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    alright I'll be the one to say it: Whatever that guy was doing, if you're creeping on me, you deserve a sight of my cellulitey tush. Hope it burns your retinas. So there. :laugh:
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    But according to you, it's ok for me to just walk into the male locker room if I need to talk to someone.. so I'll do that next time at my gym and let you know how well that works out :noway:

    I guarantee you no one would care.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I can't see how he'd be considered "a creeper" when he clearly came in to talk to someone... it's not like he came in and just stood aside watching females dress.

    I also can't understand why this is a big deal. You *do* realize that the heteronormative view of all males as interested in females and all females interested in males is not reality, right? He may have absolutely zero interest in seeing you naked... whereas the girl he talked to might've been "creeping" on you the whole time. Face the fact that any time you've ever changed when not completely alone someone was probably attracted to females there. If you didn't always dress in a stall, there is no reason to start just because some (possibly not straight) guy popped into the area once.

    Locker is where I change my clothes, NAKED! and it's OK for a male to go in there?
    At my gym, everyone change their clothes, put on body lotion after a shower at the lockers. There is no dressing room.

    So you also think it's OK for a male to go in the women restroom whener they like?
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    But according to you, it's ok for me to just walk into the male locker room if I need to talk to someone.. so I'll do that next time at my gym and let you know how well that works out :noway:

    I guarantee you no one would care.

    It's the principal of the thing though.. Would you want women freely walking through your locker room trying to find their husbands/boyfriends/sons?

    I don't think you would.. no matter how much you think no one would care.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    I can't see how he'd be considered "a creeper" when he clearly came in to talk to someone... it's not like he came in and just stood aside watching females dress.

    I also can't understand why this is a big deal. You *do* realize that the heteronormative view of all males as interested in females and all females interested in males is not reality, right? He may have absolutely zero interest in seeing you naked... whereas the girl he talked to might've been "creeping" on you the whole time. Face the fact that any time you've ever changed when not completely alone someone was probably attracted to females there. If you didn't always dress in a stall, there is no reason to start just because some (possibly not straight) guy popped into the area once.

    oh, yeah, and flashers are just guys whose bits get too sweaty if they wear pants.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    1. I would have said something to management regarding this - because no he did not need to be in there just to chat his daughter up a second.

    However, it does not seem as if he was lurking and being a creeper to stare at your bodies. The sentiment I seem to be getting most is OMG HE SAW ME NAKED! That is more your issue than his. It is a body, imagine what the world looked like before clothes. It is only society has put a stigma on being naked in front of others other than your SO/Spouse whatever. Yes, he should not have been in there, but it I am sure was nothing he has never seen before. Like you walking into a mens locker room - I am sure its nothing you havent seen before.
  • faylenechung
    faylenechung Posts: 107 Member
    I can't see how he'd be considered "a creeper" when he clearly came in to talk to someone... it's not like he came in and just stood aside watching females dress.

    I also can't understand why this is a big deal. You *do* realize that the heteronormative view of all males as interested in females and all females interested in males is not reality, right? He may have absolutely zero interest in seeing you naked... whereas the girl he talked to might've been "creeping" on you the whole time. Face the fact that any time you've ever changed when not completely alone someone was probably attracted to females there. If you didn't always dress in a stall, there is no reason to start just because some (possibly not straight) guy popped into the area once.


    Umm, he is a creeper because it was a female locker room. If it were ok then why don't we make one big locker room for everyone? Better yet, why dont we all just walk around naked in public? I still say its not ok for a male to walk into the women's locker room. He should have went to get a female staff member if he wanted to talk to his daughter or waited.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    it's not just about stigma.

    it's estimated that upwards of 1/5 of women will suffer rape during their lifetime. for someone who has been through that trauma, how do you think they feel being suddenly confronted by a strange man when they're naked?
    and what about muslim women, for whom being seen naked or semi-clothed by men is in serious conflict with their faith?

    it has a sign on the door saying it is an area for women. women go in there with the reasonable expectation that there will only be women in there. a place where women can feel safe, can get changed without compromising their faith, can just not have the shock of some dude waltzing in.

    the guy could have called through the door. he could have asked a female member of staff. he chose instead to go inside.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    You're going to stop going to the gym because some guy made what might have been an honest mistake? He was probably more frightened than you were.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    You're going to stop going to the gym because some guy made what might have been an honest mistake? He was probably more frightened than you were.
    did you read the same OP that i read?
  • zCarsAndCaloriesz
    I can't see how he'd be considered "a creeper" when he clearly came in to talk to someone... it's not like he came in and just stood aside watching females dress.

    I also can't understand why this is a big deal. You *do* realize that the heteronormative view of all males as interested in females and all females interested in males is not reality, right? He may have absolutely zero interest in seeing you naked... whereas the girl he talked to might've been "creeping" on you the whole time. Face the fact that any time you've ever changed when not completely alone someone was probably attracted to females there. If you didn't always dress in a stall, there is no reason to start just because some (possibly not straight) guy popped into the area once.


  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    But according to you, it's ok for me to just walk into the male locker room if I need to talk to someone.. so I'll do that next time at my gym and let you know how well that works out :noway:

    I guarantee you no one would care.
    I disagree. There was an entire Seinfeld about it. Remember Shrinkage. :wink:
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    Your internal sensors are correct. He is a perv.

    Unfortunately for his daughter, he probably walks in her room unannounced often as well. Poor girl.

  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    You're going to stop going to the gym because some guy made what might have been an honest mistake? He was probably more frightened than you were.
    did you read the same OP that i read?
    Yeah okay so maybe he went in there to speak to his daughter, maybe it was on purpose, maybe it was an emergency, either way I don't think anybody got hurt.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    it's not just about stigma.

    it's estimated that upwards of 1/5 of women will suffer rape during their lifetime. for someone who has been through that trauma, how do you think they feel being suddenly confronted by a strange man when they're naked?
    and what about muslim women, for whom being seen naked or semi-clothed by men is in serious conflict with their faith?

    it has a sign on the door saying it is an area for women. women go in there with the reasonable expectation that there will only be women in there. a place where women can feel safe, can get changed without compromising their faith, can just not have the shock of some dude waltzing in.

    the guy could have called through the door. he could have asked a female member of staff. he chose instead to go inside.

    And did you read the same post - he didnt confront anyone but his daughter. It was an error on his part but really - it was I am sure if management talked to him about it wont happen again. I seriously think it was a mistake not what you are making it into. Mistakes do happen - its called LIFE. And BTW I have been a victim of rape - and if they have such a big issue with it SEEK THERAPY!!!!