The crazy things people say when you are losing weight...



  • bi0nicw0man
    bi0nicw0man Posts: 56 Member
    I promise you, I'm not likely to expire from the effort of eating better. Maybe you should try it, too.

    LOL. This!!!
  • 7djt
    7djt Posts: 38 Member
    "My hamster's cousin's uncle's best friend's neighbor...."
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • KinzieElise
    KinzieElise Posts: 584 Member
    My mom and I ran into my old boss the other day and she told us we looked skinny, which was very nice btw, but she followed up with "What are you doing?" Which, similar to other responses, is something that irritates me because it makes it sound like I have some HUGE secret that I'm not sharing with the public. Anyway, my mom's reply was that we were sweating it off because of the insanely hot day we were having. Lol, partially true since all we've done is increase exercise and change our eating habits to be healthier.
  • Jebbster007
    Jebbster007 Posts: 265 Member
    I think one of the things I'm not prepared for is getting attention from people who would never have looked twice at my heavy self.

    It ticks me off.
    Why would this anger anybody?
    Attraction is just nature's expression of the pro-creative instinct.
    Of course you'll get more attention the more weight you lose.
    That is to be expected.
    Welcome to the human race.:drinker:

    well bobby, let me try to explain it to you. Since both the posters you quoted were both women. Now, even though I've been happily married for 11 years and probably reasonably "trained"...haha....please feel free ladies to correct me if I'm in error here.....when women don't get attention from men because they are heavy (as in the first poster) and then they lose weight and start getting attention, the feeling is they don't have any worth unless they have a nice hot body. They don't feel respected or that they don't have worth as a human being other than just someone who looks good. They want to be valued as a "whole" person who has value way beyond just their physical appearance. This is where the anger comes from. If I'm not nice to look at, then I have no value. When all of us, men and women, have much more to offer and are much more valuable than just our physical appearance. Hope that clear its up for ya.

    While your statement might be theoretically "true" in the abstract, Its male thinking. Which is normal because you are in fact a man, unless your profile pic is a complete lie.
  • tubway
    tubway Posts: 86 Member
    I once got "Wow, what have you lost? Like 100lbs?" I think I had lost maybe 30.
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 312 Member
    I think one of the things I'm not prepared for is getting attention from people who would never have looked twice at my heavy self.

    It ticks me off.
    Why would this anger anybody?
    Attraction is just nature's expression of the pro-creative instinct.
    Of course you'll get more attention the more weight you lose.
    That is to be expected.
    Welcome to the human race.:drinker:

    well bobby, let me try to explain it to you. Since both the posters you quoted were both women. Now, even though I've been happily married for 11 years and probably reasonably "trained"...haha....please feel free ladies to correct me if I'm in error here.....when women don't get attention from men because they are heavy (as in the first poster) and then they lose weight and start getting attention, the feeling is they don't have any worth unless they have a nice hot body. They don't feel respected or that they don't have worth as a human being other than just someone who looks good. They want to be valued as a "whole" person who has value way beyond just their physical appearance. This is where the anger comes from. If I'm not nice to look at, then I have no value. When all of us, men and women, have much more to offer and are much more valuable than just our physical appearance. Hope that clear its up for ya.

    While your statement might be theoretically "true" in the abstract, Its male thinking. Which is normal because you are in fact a man, unless your profile pic is a complete lie.

    Jebbster, I think you hit the nail on the head!
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    "You're not going to lose anymore weight are you?" is the most tiring phrase ever!!!
  • RobinRenee83
    RobinRenee83 Posts: 93 Member
    I did plan to have surgery, and I'm on a pre-op diet that's going so well that I may not qualify by the time my surgery date rolls around. I'm usually a super open person who doesn't mind answering questions honestly, as long as the person asking doesn't make me feel like a freak show.

    I'll tell you the ones that get to me, though:

    (Not a question, but a comment) "I don't see why you think you need to lose so much. You're not fat." Bless your heart...I DO own a mirror. I'm just fat, not blind or stupid.

    "How much weight do you want to lose?" and when I tell them "oh...are you sure? That's going to be way too much. I think you should aim for (insert arbitrary number here)." Yeah, I don't remember your occupying a seat in the surgeon's office when we set my weight goals. Trust me, I've done my research. I know what a healthy weight is for me.

    "Oh, that surgery will never work. My hamster's cousin's uncle's best friend's neighbor had that, and now she weighs 8 million pounds and needs a crane to use the bathroom. Have you tried (insert fad diet of the moment here)?" Why yes...yes I have. A few times. And guess what? It didn't work for me.

    "Aren't you afraid you're going to die?" Well yes, as a matter of fact I am. That's why I'm doing something about my weight. I'd rather die knowing I made an attempt than die even more quickly from a preventable illness. P.S. We all die from SOMETHING...I just prefer that my weight not be that something.

    And my favorite:

    "Isn't it haaaaaaard (they always draw it out like that) switching your diet all up like that?" Yup, you bet it is. It's even harder lugging my extra-wide butt around, and watching my loved ones enjoy things I know I can't do. I promise you, I'm not likely to expire from the effort of eating better. Maybe you should try it, too.

    Oh more...

    "Don't you miss chocolate cake/ice cream/double cheeseburgers with extra lard and mayo?" Well, not until you said THAT! (except the double cheeseburger...I hate cheeseburgers and always have) But I'd rather experience a full, active life than repeat the feel of biting into a chocolate cake. I KNOW what that's like...I want new experiences!

    I can't tell you how much this made me smile!!! Lol..I love your honesty!! Best of luck to you!!!

    The one thing I HATE hearing is, "But your husband is a chef. Isn't that hard!?" I feel like chopping someone in the throat when they say that. YES it's hard it made me GAIN 50 pounds when we got married!!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Why the complains about what people say?
    They notice your progress.
    Just be glad they did not say what they were thinking before the weight loss.
    Be VERY glad :drinker:

    Because of the level of condescension that comes along with the commentary provided by others. They don't really need to say what they thought about us before we lost weight, because the attitude and tone of their comments makes it clear that they've waited AGES to tell us what they really thought of us. When you've lost weight, it becomes open season on your former self. When you haven't lost enough weight to believe you're changing for good, those demeaning comments about your former self cut deep. Once they realize that you've recognized that you're overweight (because they assume you're entirely unaware of your size), then they really want to make it known that they've already thought at great length about EXACTLY the plan you should follow to get to the size they deem appropriate.
    Wow, really?
    Are people really this thin-skinned?
    Crybabies don't get very far in life.
  • AMaccar
    AMaccar Posts: 2
    What I think is crazy is that people say things like "wow you've lost weight- you're looking great!" hmm... well, what did I look like before, pray - tell? And while I understand that they're trying to be encouraging saying things like - "Keep it up!" or "You're doing a great job!" I think - why didn't anyone take me aside and say "Hey, is everything alright - you're looking a little unhealthy" or "Have you put on weight, are you doing okay?" Sure give me a pat on the back once I've turned in the right direction isn't really being 100% there is it? Isn't it a little after the fact?

    We all have eyes, and feelings, and different bodies. I like compliments as much as the next person. I don't think I should have to fear that kind of attention is conditional on the size of my pants.

    Love to ya'll who have lost so much with MFP. I'm super inspired by you!
  • LifeIsNotADressRehearsal
    when people say Whoa you look so effin s e x y now i say HMPFf...i was always S e x y.

    I realize I am old, but this could have been in Chinese and I would have understood it better.....


    Hold My Phone Freddy's finger?
    Help My Poop Feels funny?
    Heavy Metal People F--kin' footballs?

    TOO FUNNY! I'm even older but I like guess number 2 (pardon the pun).
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I think one of the things I'm not prepared for is getting attention from people who would never have looked twice at my heavy self.

    It ticks me off.
    Why would this anger anybody?
    Attraction is just nature's expression of the pro-creative instinct.
    Of course you'll get more attention the more weight you lose.
    That is to be expected.
    Welcome to the human race.:drinker:

    well bobby, let me try to explain it to you. Since both the posters you quoted were both women. Now, even though I've been happily married for 11 years and probably reasonably "trained"...haha....please feel free ladies to correct me if I'm in error here.....when women don't get attention from men because they are heavy (as in the first poster) and then they lose weight and start getting attention, the feeling is they don't have any worth unless they have a nice hot body. They don't feel respected or that they don't have worth as a human being other than just someone who looks good. They want to be valued as a "whole" person who has value way beyond just their physical appearance. This is where the anger comes from. If I'm not nice to look at, then I have no value. When all of us, men and women, have much more to offer and are much more valuable than just our physical appearance. Hope that clear its up for ya.

    While your statement might be theoretically "true" in the abstract, Its male thinking. Which is normal because you are in fact a man, unless your profile pic is a complete lie.
    Yes, I get it. Human nature can be so cruel.
    Fit, beautiful people get more attention. Just look at the way people here on MFP post pictures of their favorite celebs they fantasize about. And think of that "Magic Mike" movie...

    Nobody is posting pics of the fat celebs too much.
    Again,,,,human nature...:drinker:
  • huckleberryhuck
    huckleberryhuck Posts: 21 Member
    I gained 35+ lbs in about a 1.5 years because I was traveling a lot for work and going out to eat, not sticking to my exercise routine and frequenting many a bar :P I work at a shipyard with 98% men who are sailors, lecherous old men or horny young guys. As the scale climbed, so did the comments on all the weight I had gained. It is not your typical work environment, and pretty normal to have this kind of dysfunctional relationship with coworkers, always teasing each other (really, nothing is off limits) so it didn't really bother me because I was "fat and happy" and none of these guys were not exactly fine specimens themselves.

    What hurt my feelings the most is that I stopped turning heads (even though I hated it when it happened) because at that point I really couldn't ignore that I was gaining so much weight.

    At my heaviest, one older guy I didn't even know came up to me and told me (in front of about 10 other relative strangers) that he remembers "when I was thin and looked good". Oh boy! Haha, good thing I have a thick skin to go with these thick thighs ;)

    Now that I have lost a lot of the weight, people are shy about saying anything even though they are curious, usually only mentioning it in private. Funny how that works, publicly tease me for my weight gain and only privately compliment me on they hard work I've put in to lose it.

    This sounds awful in retrospect, but it really doesn't bother me.
  • LauraRose03
    LauraRose03 Posts: 140
    Fantastic responses!!! I've gotten the same reactions that a lot of people on here get.
  • bkknights
    bkknights Posts: 93 Member
    I've just begun my journey and a co-worker said "you look different". Then she stares me down and says "your face is not as full. It was very round and now it looks thinner". Ok thanks?
  • LauraRose03
    LauraRose03 Posts: 140
    when people say Whoa you look so effin s e x y now i say HMPFf...i was always S e x y.

    I realize I am old, but this could have been in Chinese and I would have understood it better.....


    Hold My Phone Freddy's finger?
    Help My Poop Feels funny?
    Heavy Metal People F--kin' footballs?

    i too wanna know

    Lol. Me three!
  • LauraRose03
    LauraRose03 Posts: 140
    "You're not going to lose anymore weight are you?" is the most tiring phrase ever!!!

    I agree!!!! Such an awkward question, how is one supposed to answer that??
  • LauraRose03
    LauraRose03 Posts: 140
    The funniest thing thus far was what my nana said to me....
    NANA: "You're face is getting thinner" .... ME: Thanks nana, I'm working really hard (big smiley face)... NANA: But how come you're body's still fat..... ME: :S

    This made me lol. Those nana's!
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    Someone who shall remain nameless because they were previously a relative of mine by marriage, used to moo at overweight people in public, to their faces. He was one of those naturally skinny people who can eat all they want and never gain an ounce, and could never understand why people didn't just stop eating.
  • LauraRose03
    LauraRose03 Posts: 140
    I am a pretty well known political type figure where I live, and my weight over the years has been mentioned on a local blog in a not very nice kind of way. It seems to be the way some men attempt to belittle women they can't actually win a debate with. I got to read about my own weight loss the other day when I saw the comment that I "must be doing something, because she's not so fat anymore". It's going to be interesting to see what they manage to come up with once I hit my goal and they can't use the "fat" insult when they have nothing else to say.

    My favorite one- My husband is an RC Aircraft hobbyist. I refer to his planes as helicopters as "The Girlfriends" because he spends so much money on them. He's been saving for a new plane, and when I teased him about it the other day, he told me I was going to have to find another word for them, because he HAS a new skinny girlfriend, and best of all, he married her a long time ago.. I love that man!

    Awww, so sweet!