Over 200 Club Back to School (open group)



  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    checking in:
    calories - bad again :angry: ... I've resurrected some bad snacking eating habits
    water - didn't do well all day yesterday with drinking my water, but drank a lot at night to almost meet my goal
    exercise - none yesterday ... I'll do well tonight though with 90 minutes at the Y.:happy:

    I feel like a hypocrite encouraging everyone when I am struggling with my own bad habits this week. I am not giving up though. And neither are you. Good for you on going to the Y tonight:love: This is just a bad week for some of us but we have to get our heads on straight and quit eating more than we need! My self included. I have been over on my cals since last friday. :explode: I am not quiting though I am going to kick these cravings in the butt! Let's do it!!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi all,
    Sorry I have been MIA. Work is still crazy but I'm taking a minute of my lunch break to post.

    This may not be a hard challenge for you all, but my challenge this week is NO fast food. It's hard for me because I'm travelling so much with work and if I challenge myself to no fast food whatsoever, it's easier for me to say no.

    I can normally go for weeks at a time with no fast food with no problem -- I normally don't even miss it, but last week and this week have been ridiculous and although I'm making decent decisions about what I order, I know I could bring something healthier along with me so I'm not tempted to stop anymore. So, NO FAST FOOD.

    And my personal challenge for the rest of the week is to exercise at least 60 minutes each day through Friday and log every thing that passes my lips. I'm working 13+ hours each day this week and I've discovered it's really easy for me to talk myself out of exercising & logging after a long day at work.

    Ugh, I can't wait to get back to my normal work schedule in November. It's so funny that a normal 50
    hour work week seems like a vacation after a few 65+ hour work weeks. IEverything really is relative, I guess.

    We can do this! :drinker:

    Good challenge I just ate at fast food. I am done. I have got to regain control of my self.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I feel like a hypocrite encouraging everyone when I am struggling with my own bad habits this week. I am not giving up though. And neither are you. Good for you on going to the Y tonight:love: This is just a bad week for some of us but we have to get our heads on straight and quit eating more than we need! My self included. I have been over on my cals since last friday. :explode: I am not quiting though I am going to kick these cravings in the butt! Let's do it!!!

    I wonder if it's the time of year that is causing challenges for so many of us. It's busier, harder to concentrate on ourselves? Plus it's cold! In St. Paul we have had 2 snowy days already ... and it's just too darn early for that ... even for here! Less fruit & veggie choices at the grocery store ... lots of reasons to be making bad choices. But we will just have to push through it!
    Don't ever feel like a hypocrite for encouraging us! Whether you are having a bad week or not ... we have all been in the same boat, and we all need as much positive feedback as we can get. Hopefully it will eventually sink in and we will all get back on track! I know we can do this ... look at what we've done so far! :flowerforyou:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I feel like a hypocrite encouraging everyone when I am struggling with my own bad habits this week. I am not giving up though. And neither are you. Good for you on going to the Y tonight:love: This is just a bad week for some of us but we have to get our heads on straight and quit eating more than we need! My self included. I have been over on my cals since last friday. :explode: I am not quiting though I am going to kick these cravings in the butt! Let's do it!!!

    I wonder if it's the time of year that is causing challenges for so many of us. It's busier, harder to concentrate on ourselves? Plus it's cold! In St. Paul we have had 2 snowy days already ... and it's just too darn early for that ... even for here! Less fruit & veggie choices at the grocery store ... lots of reasons to be making bad choices. But we will just have to push through it!
    Don't ever feel like a hypocrite for encouraging us! Whether you are having a bad week or not ... we have all been in the same boat, and we all need as much positive feedback as we can get. Hopefully it will eventually sink in and we will all get back on track! I know we can do this ... look at what we've done so far! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks lstpaul, you are so right. Although, I must confess the weather has been beautiful here this week, today is the first day we have had bad weather and it is actually still in the 60's even with this bad storm. It has been sunny and in the upper 70's low 80's for the last week. I just have been making bad choices even when I am not hungry, this is how I got fat in the first place. I know that it is temporary and I am forcing myself to get back on track. Thanks for your encouragement I needed that. We can do this. I have been a bit stressed, my youngest child has been having some learning problems for a while now. I am trying to get him help. I have him in speech and every week I go, the therapyst tells me it is more than a speech issue. He is sooo bright! He just seems to not understand what we are talking about at times. Sometimes, I feel so overwhelmed and do not know what to do. I find myself crying a lot. I like coming to this site because I can focus on losing weight and leave all that aside for a short time. I am thankful that I have a faith in God, it gives me hope for my precious little guy! Sorry, I did not mean to go on like that. Feels kinda good to get it out.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Momma2four: I'm so sorry for you little guy's troubles! It is really good that you are getting him evaluated and in speech therapy so early, and if you aren't completely happy with the evaluation or results, get another opinion until you are happy with their plan to help him. I'll keep him in my prayers. No wonder you have been having problems with concentrating on weight loss. I've had a lot going on lately too, and I know that is a big reason I'm struggling with food now. But I also know that we are very important to our families, and we need to make our health and well-being a priority again too. So we have to find a way to get back our focus on weight loss in our busy, over-whelming lives. It won't help anything/anyone if we let ourselves slide back into bad habits. Let's just write off the last few days, and start fresh again. We can do this! :flowerforyou:
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    wow, it is storming over here trees falling over, garbage cans in the middle of the street..power out on campus so NO CLASSES yayyyy. Feel like a little kid again, it's pouring outside so I am not gonna get all mad at myself for not working out instead of staying in with my blanket wrapped around me watching Dexter on the Netflix and drinking tea with my kitty cat on my lap. Sometimes you just got to have your lazy day, sitting around in the pjs n slippers!!

    Ladies, I know we are having hard times..I think that we all know what is good for us, and what steps should be taken in order to reach these goals..but the really really hard part is putting that into action. If it were that easy, everyone would be fit. Unfortunately there are so many challenges in our lives and our lives change from day to day, and well...some of us have priorities that come before ourselves and children fall into that category. The challenge is not just trying to lose weight, it becomes more..about balancing your life and all of the goals on your plate.

    It is hard, we are here for each other, let's get through it and look on the positive side. If we have a bad day, make tomorrow better...if we have a bad week..make the next week better.

    I am here for you guys

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    lstpaul, Thanks I needed that!!!

    andrea, you are so right and this is good we can do this all together!!

    Thanks again you guys are the best!!!!!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Yah! You all need to know how happy I was to get online tonight and see your many updates. It was a tough morning but I have made it through today with staying in my calories and drinking all my water. I got gusy running in town and that helped take my mind off the hunger.

    I had tacos out for lunch. So no fast food for the rest fo the week. I am trying to think of this as a llife style change and not a diet. Just smaller portions to make this a life change to make the weight stay off. We can each do this.

    This journey is emtional for me as well physical and I soooo need this forum. Thanks for letting me a part of your group.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Yah! You all need to know how happy I was to get online tonight and see your many updates. It was a tough morning but I have made it through today with staying in my calories and drinking all my water. I got gusy running in town and that helped take my mind off the hunger.

    I had tacos out for lunch. So no fast food for the rest fo the week. I am trying to think of this as a llife style change and not a diet. Just smaller portions to make this a life change to make the weight stay off. We can each do this.

    This journey is emtional for me as well physical and I soooo need this forum. Thanks for letting me a part of your group.

    That is what we are here for. We are all in a simular boat so to speak! Together we will be more successful. I read that the people who post the most tend to have the highest weight loss. So let us post on our over 200's team daily. 2 times, 3 times, you know what I mean.

    You all have a great evening!!!!!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Sorry guys I have had a horrible sinus infection this past week but I am back and going full force.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    wow, it is storming over here trees falling over, garbage cans in the middle of the street..power out on campus so NO CLASSES yayyyy. Feel like a little kid again, it's pouring outside so I am not gonna get all mad at myself for not working out instead of staying in with my blanket wrapped around me watching Dexter on the Netflix and drinking tea with my kitty cat on my lap. Sometimes you just got to have your lazy day, sitting around in the pjs n slippers!!

    Ladies, I know we are having hard times..I think that we all know what is good for us, and what steps should be taken in order to reach these goals..but the really really hard part is putting that into action. If it were that easy, everyone would be fit. Unfortunately there are so many challenges in our lives and our lives change from day to day, and well...some of us have priorities that come before ourselves and children fall into that category. The challenge is not just trying to lose weight, it becomes more..about balancing your life and all of the goals on your plate.

    It is hard, we are here for each other, let's get through it and look on the positive side. If we have a bad day, make tomorrow better...if we have a bad week..make the next week better.

    I am here for you guys

    Thanks Andrea!!! Truly inspirational and motivational.I am focused on being fit and reaching my goals and I am here for all of you as well.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning All,

    Just got back from my walk. All kinds of downed tree branches still ugly but in the 60's so it is kind of warm. CA had a huge unusual for this time of year storm yesterday. It was soooo windy. I saw all kinds of trees that fell over. Thank God all my trees and fence stayed up. This part of CA is usually pretty comfortable with very little rain in October. We average in the 70-80's this time of year. So it was exciting. I just feel bad for the people who had damage due to the wind. I feel good today and ready to do this.
  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi everybody. Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. Well, today is one of those days I have to be extremely careful with. It is almost that time of the month. And during this time, all my reasoning with food goes right out the window. I get a sense of pure greed to be honest and I have a lot of problems with control and consistency. It's kind of pathetic to let two or three days ruin a perfectly good month worth of hard work. Right now I have a craving for some fried chicken and chocolate. LOL Does anyone else have this issue? Any suggestions?
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Sorry guys I have had a horrible sinus infection this past week but I am back and going full force.

    Sinus infections are miserable. Are you an allergy suferer? I'm so happy to have come across this goup.

    Today is much better day:tongue: thank goodness. A day at a time, to make a week at a time. It can be so OVERWHELMING to look at my goals and know that 2011 in a ways away. wheew.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi everybody. Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. Well, today is one of those days I have to be extremely careful with. It is almost that time of the month. And during this time, all my reasoning with food goes right out the window. I get a sense of pure greed to be honest and I have a lot of problems with control and consistency. It's kind of pathetic to let two or three days ruin a perfectly good month worth of hard work. Right now I have a craving for some fried chicken and chocolate. LOL Does anyone else have this issue? Any suggestions?

    Well I haven't lost a quickly as you, but I go a head and eat what I crave only in much smaller portions that keeps me in my calorie count for the day. I have a treat on the days I exercise. The food diary has been a HUGE help to me and has been a BIG eyeopener. I really thought that I ate pretty healthy for the most part and I was. It is the portions that got me. By weighing my chicken a learning what 3oz. really is, OH MY... And fruits and verggies can add up to a lot of calories. Hang tough for these few days::flowerforyou:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi everybody. Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. Well, today is one of those days I have to be extremely careful with. It is almost that time of the month. And during this time, all my reasoning with food goes right out the window. I get a sense of pure greed to be honest and I have a lot of problems with control and consistency. It's kind of pathetic to let two or three days ruin a perfectly good month worth of hard work. Right now I have a craving for some fried chicken and chocolate. LOL Does anyone else have this issue? Any suggestions?
    My advice is similar to snowflakes advice - I usually go ahead and have what I am craving at that TOM (for me it is usually french fries) ... but I try to have just a little. It seems like if I try to just ignore the craving, I end up eating everything in the house until I finally give in and make some french fries! Trying to get in some extra exercise usually helps me too, even though I usually don't feel like doing it - I end up feeling better afterwards and less cravings! Good luck!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    The challenge is not just trying to lose weight, it becomes more..about balancing your life and all of the goals on your plate.

    It is hard, we are here for each other, let's get through it and look on the positive side. If we have a bad day, make tomorrow better...if we have a bad week..make the next week better.

    You put this so well Andrea ... thanks, you are so right about this weight loss journey being about finding life balance in so many ways.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi everybody. Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. Well, today is one of those days I have to be extremely careful with. It is almost that time of the month. And during this time, all my reasoning with food goes right out the window. I get a sense of pure greed to be honest and I have a lot of problems with control and consistency. It's kind of pathetic to let two or three days ruin a perfectly good month worth of hard work. Right now I have a craving for some fried chicken and chocolate. LOL Does anyone else have this issue? Any suggestions?

    mscocoa, the girls are right. I think eating what you are craving in a smaller portion is going to keep you from overeating everything else to make up for that craving. Have a small peice of chocolate instead of a whole candy bar. Share a candy bar with someone. Have a pc of chicken just be careful. Try to keep it within your maintenance calories. I also have real bad cravings around tom and I go ahead and fit it into my calories for the day. If I ever feel overly hungry I do not go "hogwild" I stay just under maintenance calories just to get me through that day.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey gals,

    I have done very well today. I still have dinner to deal with but I am the one cooking . If I simply stick to the plan for dinner I will do great today. This will be the first time since last Wed. that I have stuck to my calories. I know that I will not have a loss this week. But I am okay with that I am just glad I am back on track.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I do the same as everyone else here and try to have whatever I'm craving in moderation. It's my TOM and I have a pumpkin cheesecake baking in the oven. :laugh: It's a recipe I kind of just made up on the fly and it will have less than 200 calories per slice. I just have to remember to only have 1 piece. :wink: I had a small piece of chocolate last night which is the first candy I've had in over 5 weeks. I've also had a horrible craving for teriyaki chicken for some reason so I'm making that for dinner tonight along with brown rice & broccoli. Luckily, I had a healthy breakfast & lunch so the sodium in the teriyaki sauce won't kill my daily total. :drinker: