Over 200 Club Back to School (open group)



  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks everyone for your advise. It's evening now and I fought the urge. LOL Mainly because there is no fried chicken or chocolate in the house. Today is my first day off in 12 days and I was too lazy to leave the house today. haha. Anyway, tomorrow I'm going to get me that little piece of chocolate I have been craving so much. :drinker:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hi everybody. Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. Well, today is one of those days I have to be extremely careful with. It is almost that time of the month. And during this time, all my reasoning with food goes right out the window. I get a sense of pure greed to be honest and I have a lot of problems with control and consistency. It's kind of pathetic to let two or three days ruin a perfectly good month worth of hard work. Right now I have a craving for some fried chicken and chocolate. LOL Does anyone else have this issue? Any suggestions?
    ALL THE TIME!! But hang in there and try to subsitute your cravings with something good for you.Thats what I try to do even though sometimes my cravings win.Be strong you can do this!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Sorry guys I have had a horrible sinus infection this past week but I am back and going full force.

    Sinus infections are miserable. Are you an allergy suferer? I'm so happy to have come across this goup.

    Today is much better day:tongue: thank goodness. A day at a time, to make a week at a time. It can be so OVERWHELMING to look at my goals and know that 2011 in a ways away. wheew.
    Yes unfortunately I have allergies too and I was pushing myself all last week to exercise even though I was feeling dizzy and off balance,but now that I have gotten meds in my system I feel much better.You can do this and with the help of all these fine people in this group YOU WILL!
  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    Sorry guys I have had a horrible sinus infection this past week but I am back and going full force.

    Sinus infections are miserable. Are you an allergy suferer? I'm so happy to have come across this goup.

    Today is much better day:tongue: thank goodness. A day at a time, to make a week at a time. It can be so OVERWHELMING to look at my goals and know that 2011 in a ways away. wheew.
    Yes unfortunately I have allergies too and I was pushing myself all last week to exercise even though I was feeling dizzy and off balance,but now that I have gotten meds in my system I feel much better.You can do this and with the help of all these fine people in this group YOU WILL!

    I used to have horrible sinus infections. I'd have to get on antibotics. They only thing that really offered me some temporary relief was Aleve Cold and Sinus. It would get especially bad around October and also in May. Since I stopped working at a particular place, they went away. I found out that it was the HVAC units in the building I worked in. Every May/October the air or heating units would blow out allergens. I haven't had the problem since then, but I can certainly sympathize.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Sorry guys I have had a horrible sinus infection this past week but I am back and going full force.

    Sinus infections are miserable. Are you an allergy suferer? I'm so happy to have come across this goup.

    Today is much better day:tongue: thank goodness. A day at a time, to make a week at a time. It can be so OVERWHELMING to look at my goals and know that 2011 in a ways away. wheew.
    Yes unfortunately I have allergies too and I was pushing myself all last week to exercise even though I was feeling dizzy and off balance,but now that I have gotten meds in my system I feel much better.You can do this and with the help of all these fine people in this group YOU WILL!

    I used to have horrible sinus infections. I'd have to get on antibotics. They only thing that really offered me some temporary relief was Aleve Cold and Sinus. It would get especially bad around October and also in May. Since I stopped working at a particular place, they went away. I found out that it was the HVAC units in the building I worked in. Every May/October the air or heating units would blow out allergens. I haven't had the problem since then, but I can certainly sympathize.
    Thanks I will keep the Aleve Cold and Sinus in mind if it happens again which I am sure it will.The antibiotic is the only thing that has made it better.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    OMG sorry I am posting so late today, but it is sooooo cool to see everyones posts!! I think trying to check in with all of you friends on a daily basis is going to be a big part of getting me through this holiday season. Did well on my eating today, but really need to work on my water intake.

    I agree with you ladies talking about cravings...and yes when i am on my TOM i really need chocolate!!!!! If i deprive myself of my cravings...i end up having them anyways but engorging on it instead of savoring it.

    Tomorrow is my workout day, will tell you how it goes.

    Wanted to ask you all some questions. I am a student and have been working less hours at work to balance out my school schedule. Less money means I need to try to budget, lately I have been going grocery shopping and then running out of food in my fridge and pantry..then end up eating horrible, well not that bad but not nutritious (cup a noodles/ quesadillas/grilled cheese/fast food/chips)Anyone got any student budget eating tips?
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I am back! I fell of the wagon with my eating, and was really feeling depressed and ashamed of myself, so I disappeared for a while. I wasn't even weighting myself. I did keep up with my exercise, and today I finally stepped on the scale (after 3 or 4 weeks of avoiding it) and I have lost another 2 pounds.

    I am trying my best to get back my motivation to eat well, but it is a real struggle, and with the holiday season quickly approaching (it was Thanksgiving here in Canada this Monday) I have decided to just do my best and make sure not to gain any weight back,

    I wanted to thank Momma for checking in on me. It really helped me try and focus and know that if I didn't come back I wouldn't just be letting myself down. Each time on of us fails or succeeds it can affect us all.

    I am now 1 pound away from 60 pounds lost, and I will lose that pound this week!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    OMG sorry I am posting so late today, but it is sooooo cool to see everyones posts!! I think trying to check in with all of you friends on a daily basis is going to be a big part of getting me through this holiday season. Did well on my eating today, but really need to work on my water intake.

    I agree with you ladies talking about cravings...and yes when i am on my TOM i really need chocolate!!!!! If i deprive myself of my cravings...i end up having them anyways but engorging on it instead of savoring it.

    Tomorrow is my workout day, will tell you how it goes.

    Wanted to ask you all some questions. I am a student and have been working less hours at work to balance out my school schedule. Less money means I need to try to budget, lately I have been going grocery shopping and then running out of food in my fridge and pantry..then end up eating horrible, well not that bad but not nutritious (cup a noodles/ quesadillas/grilled cheese/fast food/chips)Anyone got any student budget eating tips?

    make a menu for the week. Stick to it. Make a double batch of something and immediatly freeze the second portion for the next week. By making a menu you know how much you need to buy and you know that you are covered until the next pay day. I hope this helps!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi everyone,

    I am back! I fell of the wagon with my eating, and was really feeling depressed and ashamed of myself, so I disappeared for a while. I wasn't even weighting myself. I did keep up with my exercise, and today I finally stepped on the scale (after 3 or 4 weeks of avoiding it) and I have lost another 2 pounds.

    I am trying my best to get back my motivation to eat well, but it is a real struggle, and with the holiday season quickly approaching (it was Thanksgiving here in Canada this Monday) I have decided to just do my best and make sure not to gain any weight back,

    I wanted to thank Momma for checking in on me. It really helped me try and focus and know that if I didn't come back I wouldn't just be letting myself down. Each time on of us fails or succeeds it can affect us all.

    I am now 1 pound away from 60 pounds lost, and I will lose that pound this week!

    I am so proud of you. That is amazing you are almost to 60 pounds. We can get through this all together. We all are in a common situation. We do not need to lose 15 pounds to fit in our "skinny jeans" and I am not putting those girls down. It is just a huge difference, if you need to lose 15 pounds you are probably in the normal weight range. I can't even see the normal weight range when I step on a scale. It is especially far away for me considering I am 5'2 (almost) and they are saying normal for me is 110 I have had 4 children, I weighed 115 in high school and was very thin. Can you imagine 4babies hips weighing 110? :noway: So I love the fact that my hubby likes curves and I do not have to fall into the 110 catergory. Just a mild vent. I am so glad you are back you are one of my inspirations.:flowerforyou:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Welcome back jennbarrette! You are so close to that 60 pounds, what an inspiration!
    Momma2four: That's great that you are back on track!
    Andreasoulcastle: I find it hard to eat well on a budget too, especially this time of year when fruits and veggies are more expensive and less available. Light Progresso soups are a good option for me to have around - and I've found some good sales, of course you have to check salt on some of those canned soups. Here in St. Paul apples are plentiful right now. I guess really watch for sales and coupons. Good luck!

    My daily check in -
    I ate too many snacks yesterday, but then did a good job of having a light dinner ... still ended up over on calories but closer than I could have been. I didn't do well on water, and only a short walk for exercise.
    I was disappointed to miss my usual step class this morning at the Y ... we had sleet and I was worried I would get stuck in traffic after class , and not have time to get my daugher to school for her swim team practice. Of course I should have gotten out of bed anyhow and just exercised at home ... but I didn't. It is my son's 9th birthday today so we will be going out to eat at a hibachi place tonight, so I need to keep it light for lunch.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    I totally understand your vent Momma, I am 5'4", I think I am suppose to weight 120? I probably haven't weight that since I was 10 years old. I will very happy to be around 165. Which is like another 90 pounds away! But, I can do it. I will do it, and by doing I will be setting a great example for my kids, and it will be my great accomplishment to conquer something that has been an issue for me my entire life.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Anyone got any student budget eating tips?

    I was a student not too long ago but I know I had to have more money then than I do now. :laugh: My BF is in school and I plan to go back for my Master's next year so we're on a super tight budget now. I'm working 3 jobs right now (1 full time, 2 part time).

    The way we get by eating healthy is with the way I cook. I've become a pretty decent cook over the last few years and I make most things from scratch. For instance, I just made a stew/soup that we'll get at least 10-12 servings out of. It's absolutely delicious and I paid about $8 for the ingredients. So, if we get 10 servings out of it, that's 80 cents/serving and it's super healthy!
    If you get tired of meal leftovers quickly, you can freeze most of the recipe (we portion it in individual containers so we can just grab one & heat it up later). I eat leftovers for lunch a lot. Once you start freezing your servings, you can build up quite a selection so you don't have to eat the same thing several days in a row. :wink:

    Soups, stews, and chilis are a great way to fill your tummy with healthy food on a budget. They freeze well, too.

    Also, FROZEN VEGETABLES. I rarely buy fresh veggies because it seems like they spoil before I have time to use them all. I hit the sales on frozen veggies at the grocery store and just stock up like crazy. I also look at the sales papers for 3 grocery stores that are on my way home from work and I'll shop at all 3 in one week if the sales are worth it. You can really save a lot of money that way. I'm up to my eyeballs in frozen veggies, potatoes, and apples right now because of all the buy one get one free sales recently at a couple of stores. :laugh:
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I am back! I fell of the wagon with my eating, and was really feeling depressed and ashamed of myself, so I disappeared for a while. I wasn't even weighting myself. I did keep up with my exercise, and today I finally stepped on the scale (after 3 or 4 weeks of avoiding it) and I have lost another 2 pounds.

    I am trying my best to get back my motivation to eat well, but it is a real struggle, and with the holiday season quickly approaching (it was Thanksgiving here in Canada this Monday) I have decided to just do my best and make sure not to gain any weight back,

    I wanted to thank Momma for checking in on me. It really helped me try and focus and know that if I didn't come back I wouldn't just be letting myself down. Each time on of us fails or succeeds it can affect us all.

    I am now 1 pound away from 60 pounds lost, and I will lose that pound this week!

    Good to see you again, missed you. Holiday season is going to be hard but we can do it!!! I know that pound will come off fast, you have done a great job and don't forget that! I get the same way when i fall off the wagon, kinda just don't want to deal with it so I can see where you are coming from with that.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    thx everyone for the tips very helpful menu and soups mmm..also was reading about you ladies n your high school weights. This brought up some old feelings for me. I am 5'7 pretty tall, n they say my healthy weight is 150....however, lol, the only thing is I don't remember ever being 150.

    I was over 200 my sophomore year and have always been considered a "chubby" girl, my height helped me a little but not much. Proms, boyfriends, popularity was almost non existent. I am trying to get to be thinner then what I was in high school, because I have never experience "normality" I guess. It is sad that I am young still, and overweight...and that size 18 are my skinny jeans..when 18 is still considered fat (my family/friends can be critical sometimes).

    My boyfriend, however, is the only one that is not critical (he is a big guy himself). I feel lucky to have him, he has changed my life and how I view myself. Because of him it no longer matters what some of my old friends say, what my sisters say sometimes. We have made new more positive friends, and I feel that my life is changing for the better! We have both lost weight and for once I actually feel like I don't need to get to 150 to feel good about myself, I can get to 200 and be happy, although I am going to still go after my goal.

    Sorry for venting, just brought up old feelings..who knows maybe I will be hot for my high school reunion....that would be cool.

  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    I totally understand your vent Momma, I am 5'4", I think I am suppose to weight 120? I probably haven't weight that since I was 10 years old. I will very happy to be around 165. Which is like another 90 pounds away! But, I can do it. I will do it, and by doing I will be setting a great example for my kids, and it will be my great accomplishment to conquer something that has been an issue for me my entire life.

    WOW! So close to 60 pounds. That is fantastic. It sounds like you kept the weight off while you took your leave. Way to go.

    Everyone have a great day. It is a beatuiful day and the fall air is so refreshing. Drink your water and count each calorie. It is working. Slow and steady we go.:flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I had a realization of a mini-success today. My bra was driving me crazy. :blushing: Then I realized it's because I needed to adjust where I clasp it to make the band smaller so it would stop moving around so much! :smile: So I adjusted it to the tightest setting and it fit so much better! Yay! Last time I lost weight (the wrong way) I went down a band size and up a cup size. Then when I gained the weight back (and then some), I lost a cup size and gained a band size & had to buy a few new bras (in one of those sizes the pretty bras aren't available in...). :noway: Looks like I'll be back in my pretty bras again soon. :bigsmile:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    good for you jlb123, that is great.

    Are we all too afraid to check in today. i know I was not looking forward to it. All you gals in a different time zone then myself are usually already posted by the time I get around to it. It is 9:30 a.m. pacific time and no post from anyone. I know for some of you it is already lunch time. I will be the first to post here it goes.

    I gained 2 pounds.:explode: I am holding off on putting that weight down to update my ticker because TOM is due on Sunday.:mad: I usually retain about 2 pounds the few days before. I am also aware that I did horribly this week and that may also be the issue. None the less I will wait until next week to make it offical. (if it is still there) I am NOT and I repeat NOT going to let this discourage me. I have been at this for 7 months, I have never gone that long with trying to make a change. Because this is not a diet but a lifestyle change I am still trying to figure it out. I usually start out on something like this and want to lose 20 pounds a month. This time I decided I wanted to lose the weight and I am going to do it even if it means taking it slow!!!! And if that means I am averaging 5 pounds a month lost than hooray for me. As long as I am not gaining every month. I was headed in the wrong direction 7 months ago and now I am headed in the right direction. This last week that I did so horribly is my past as of today. Today is my present and next week is my future. I am looking forward and not back. Wow I feel better now that I gave myself a pep talk:flowerforyou: for me today!!!Ha
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member

    I stepped on the scale and it went down two pounds:happy: My scale is analog so until I get a digital scale my weight is in full pounds. But it is okay with me.:tongue:

    EWW LA LA love a new bra:laugh: One of lifes great treasures. lol
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Great Job snowflakes, that is great.

    Here is our percentage calculator for those of us who have lost weight. Post your percentage of weight loss so we can determine who had the highest percentage and they can choose our challenge

  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Just like you Momma2four - I knew the scale wasn't going to be good after this week ... I gained 2.6 pounds. I did post it so my ticker is back to only 17 pounds lost ... which discouraged me at first ... I was so excited when I hit 20 pounds.:sad:
    BUT ... I am going to focus on the fact that I have lost 17 pounds ... which I have NEVER been able to do before, and I will get back to that 20 pounds lost quickly. I'm going to give myself a break, this has been a tough time lately ... but I will get there, slowly but surely ... never giving up this time!
    Have a great weekend everyone!:drinker: