Adult movies vs Adult novels.

calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
Ok question, my buddy and his woman are fighting over this so now im curious. I hear alot of women talk about how bad adult movies are and they wont date guys who like them, personally for me, I dont watch it but here is the thing im wondering, whats the difference in watching adult movies than reading dirty novels? Its the same thing. I know alot of you read them cause they are among the best sellers. They both create adult fantasies in your mind and can cause problems in relationships due to them being addictive and other things. Keep it clean, this is just a common question.


  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I have no idea why women are against their S.O. watching porn.
    I really don't care as long as I don't get REPLACED with porn
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    To me there is no difference. I too do not get why women are so against porn either. Shoot I will even watch it with my man. As stated, as long as I do not get replaced by it then I am cool.

    If I am reading a dirty novel - shoot let him reap the benefits from it! Works both ways!
  • CaptainAmerica1970
    Pulls up chair, grabs popcorn, and glass of water with a twist of lemon and begins to watch this thread unfold. Great question!!
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    For me actually watching it was just gross. I can't get into watching others have sex. It was not a pretty picture to me. Eww. Was always to critical of our own.

    As for the books, I dunno. I can get into them!! I actually JUST finished reading a REALLY good one yesterday! "Broken" by Megan Hart. I didn't find it dirty at all (even though the content was very much so), exciting actually.

    I feel like actually watching it and just picturing it in your head are two different things.
  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    I have no idea why women are against their S.O. watching porn.
    I really don't care as long as I don't get REPLACED with porn

    What about being PLACED in a porn? lol
  • stephm112
    stephm112 Posts: 297 Member
    I'm good for either. I've watched them and I don't mind my other half watching adult movies either, he's a bloke. I have read 1 adult book and to be honest I was more interested in the story than the sex. I guess a book prolongs to process whereas a movie gets the job done quickly???!!! :blushing:
  • BeckiCharlotte13x
    BeckiCharlotte13x Posts: 259 Member
    women who don't allow their men to watch porn are insecure. I think it is silly to allow that to come in between you and your other half...

    I see no problem with it, and hell, we do it together.

    reading it leaves more up to the imagination which is sometimes more exciting... watching it definately gets the job done quicker.
  • jboccio90
    jboccio90 Posts: 644 Member
    I think they are essentially that same thing but in a different format.

    I personally would rather watch it then read about it. lol
  • 33neenaj
    33neenaj Posts: 306
    All couples should watch porn together
  • theresmynapkin
    theresmynapkin Posts: 183 Member
    My deal is that if he watches porn it makes me feel like he will be comparing me to the girls in the videos. it makes me feel like him looking at me isnt enough for him, which makes me feel like *kitten*.

    Reading racy novels are different because you're not looking at anyone. you conjure images in your head, and for me it usually just provides scenarios for characters that strongly resemble my fiance and I to participate in inside my head. It's two completely separate things.
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    Both can be an inhancement to a relationship in my opinion. As said if it doesn't replace the intimacy in the relationship its fine. Personally I like the written type as I can imagine my husband as the hero lol, but he prefares watching. Whatever floats your boat :blushing:
  • fatfrost
    fatfrost Posts: 365 Member
    If someone is replacing you with anything (books, movies, alt activities), then you are with the wrong person.
  • BeckiCharlotte13x
    BeckiCharlotte13x Posts: 259 Member
    My deal is that if he watches porn it makes me feel like he will be comparing me to the girls in the videos. it makes me feel like him looking at me isnt enough for him, which makes me feel like *kitten*.

    Reading racy novels are different because you're not looking at anyone. you conjure images in your head, and for me it usually just provides scenarios for characters that strongly resemble my fiance and I to participate in inside my head. It's two completely separate things.

    If he watches porn and has his fun, when your in the next room, then yes, I understand. If he does it when your not there, I don't see a problem?
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    It's the same. I personally find it hypocritical to say one is okay and one is not. I don't see a problem with either one. For me, I don't really care where my man gets his appetite so long as he's coming home for dinner...and the same for me!
  • pornstarzombie
    As long as the person is living a productive life, and I don't start being neglected in my needs - I don't care. Watch away.

    I love adult novels, and I love pictures, and GIFS. I'm not into the videos so much, but there are some that catch my attention.

    AND, as long as my partner doesn't LIE ABOUT IT. If it starts being secretive then I have an issue.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I don't mind my fiance watching porn. I am sure he does.
    And if he wanted to read porn I wouldn't mind that either.

    For me, as long as I am not getting less attention than I need I don't care.

    As far as the difference between novels and movies... personally I find novels sexier because I can imagine more. Usually the people I imagine from the books don't have bleach blonde hair, foot longs and matching back tattoos.
  • bossladyday
    bossladyday Posts: 72 Member
    adult movies all day!!!!!!!!! lol
  • jenkidney
    jenkidney Posts: 149 Member
    I have no idea why women are against their S.O. watching porn.
    I really don't care as long as I don't get REPLACED with porn

    ^^This. Personally I prefer the novels because my imagination is waaaay better than any porn I've watched. haha
  • 33neenaj
    33neenaj Posts: 306
    adult movies all day!!!!!!!!! lol

    LOL you GO girl!!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Its the same. Manipulative women will tell you theres a reason that is valid only in their mind.

    Its the same as those "feminists" claiming that men should pay for a date... hypocracy doesn't need a valid reason

    Note: Men are manipulative too, so don't try to twist my words around