

  • gailashton
    gailashton Posts: 292
    Well said and truly honest! Thank you for sharing and being up front!
  • peles_fire
    peles_fire Posts: 501
    I LOVE CHEETOS! And being naked.

    If honesty is the case here, I must say that I just ate someones cookie at work and blamed it on the housekeeper. And I don't feel bad about it. Cause I'm sure they're stealing my foodies.

    I cannot believe you ate someone's cookie on the job. I always wanted to have sex at work!!

    I did that once, while I was working graveyard shift at an answering service. Had to wear the headset the entire time - he thought that was so sexy! :blushing:
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    1. I will never have a thigh gap, and I am OK with that, but I don't find girls who naturally have it disgusting. I do envy their ability to wear skirts and not get "thigh burn."

    2. I have plenty of men on my list who are not pervs, and have actually formed good friendships with. Women can be pervs too, but no one cares when we do it.

    3. Whether you think you can do it, or you think you can't do it --- you're right.

    4. I love bacon, rock climbing, traveling, and Pembroke Welsh Corgis. I will get a puppy one day and name it Dr. Zoidberg.

    5. I have had stretch marks since I was 11 years old, and I will always have them. I've always felt like it's a little unfair -- I've never been extremely overweight and I've never had children but I am stretch marked all over my hips and boobs like nobody's business.

    6. It bothers me when people choose to identify themselves based solely on their status as a parent or spouse, or both.
  • skybird455
    skybird455 Posts: 172 Member
    I can not stick to clean eating during this pregnancy (usually it is not a problem and I love to clean eat)

    I love to bake and eat too much of the cookie dough, could I die from eating raw eggs? (and I hate cookies)

    I have had sex at work when I was married

    I had a thigh gap until I quit deadlifting and running during this pregnancy

    I approve of PDAs

    I hate things described as food but really are just chemical products:ie chicken nuggets, corn dogs, etc

    I love raw jalepenos and cold watermelon together, always have, always will
  • C00lCountry
    C00lCountry Posts: 282
    i think about 97% of the men on mfp are pervs and are here to babe watch thats why most of my friends are just us girls who are serious about weight loss :):)
    This is false. I am serious about my MFP.
    185 days down and almost 60 lbs gone.

    I don't know how much weight I need to lose.
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    Im scared im never gonna get rid of this weight

    I'm more afraid I'm going to put it all back on, like I've done every other time.
  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    But... but I like thigh gaps. lol

    Stupid question - what are thigh gaps????

    Thigh gaps are the gaps between skinny thighs. You know, when your legs are so skinny that your inner thighs don't ever touch, and when you stand up straight with your legs together they still don't really touch... there's a little gap between the thighs.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    When I don't close out my diary, it's because I went over my calories. (and this happens much more frequently than I would like to admit). Or, as is the case today, I'm just too lazy to guesstimate.
  • treimnitz
    treimnitz Posts: 51 Member
    I clean the house naked too, but only when no one is looking or around the house!
  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    When I don't close out my diary, it's because I went over my calories. (and this happens much more frequently than I would like to admit). Or, as is the case today, I'm just too lazy to guesstimate.

    Ugh. I do the same thing. :( And the days that have nothing at all logged, I say it's because I'm practicing "intuitive eating", when really I mean "I've binged all day long and too depressed to log".
  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member
    I'm not changing out of my pjs today and last night I went to a bar and ate all the peanuts that were put out.
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    I'm a single mom too. I also have issues with eating healthy all the time because of the cost. Its so much cheaper to buy the crap food. Which is so very sad.

    same here.. i am convinced the people who don't think it's cheaper to eat healthy are either very, very wealthy or don't have kids. With 3 kids (2 of whom are picky) it's just not cheap. I have noticed that some versions of "lean cuisines" are twice or more the price and you only save 50 or less calories.. and i'm sorry, that's a huge price difference! For the money, i will buy the cheaper versions and cut 50 cal somewhere else. It seem that for the past month or so, all my splurges are on healthy food.
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 478 Member
    i think about 97% of the men on mfp are pervs and are here to babe watch thats why most of my friends are just us girls who are serious about weight loss :):)

    Hooray for me, I'm in the 3%!
    I'm on the same type journey of trying to get healthy...20 lbs down so far and about 40 more to go...plus I'm now walking, jogging, biking, and doing the Couch-to-5K training. :tongue:

    3% here, too. Not interested in the whole flirt thing, but it is nice to have support along this uphill journey. Walking, biking, and many other exercises I have not ever really believed I'd do. I tried to run, but my ankles didn't like it at all, still. 11 pounds down and 25+ to go yet.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    dear husband=DH

    LOL I was thinking "designated hitter".
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    I think it was unfair to judge the guys on this site. In looking at the forums, there seems to be a lot of both genders not serious about weight loss. My honesty box? I am super happily married to a fantastic man. However, I have always gotten along so much better with guys, but am scared to friend any on this site because of the perception of people that think you just want to flirt. So I have not friended any guys. Stupid. I cave to judging people.
  • treimnitz
    treimnitz Posts: 51 Member
    I want to reach into my computer and smack all the people that post "WTG!" and "good job" to a particular individual who routinely eats 600-800 calories (and doesn't eat back calories from her huge workout sessions) when they see the "so-and-so was under their calorie goal today" message. Read the food log, people!!! And she is constantly complaining about feeling tired and weak, but won't listen to the few people who tell her she needs to eat at least BMR because "it's working."
    I want to be there for support like she asked (and particularly for the crash up ahead), but I just can't watch it -- I had to un-friend, and I feel like a tool for doing it.
    I eat under my calorie count by quite a bit almost every day I workout, but not to lose weight. It's because I workout a lot.
    That's why I "upped" my calorie count to more than is really needed to lose weight.
    It's just hard to find 500+ more calories to eat at 7:00 PM at night . . . .

    I don't really feel tired or weak though. I am actually full of energy all the time (because of the awesome workouts)!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I'm addicted to MFP.

    I need to get lai...a life, I need to get a life. Yeah.

    I didn't eat that whole ground beef patty on my food diary today. I tried, but I couldn't eat the whole thing. Never thought I'd have a problem over-reporting my calories! Maybe I'm just coming down with something.

    I bought a size large dress in a fit of optimism at Goodwill today so I'd have something light to wear around the house. It really did look more like an XL. It sort of fits, everywhere but in the front. It's a major boob-smoosher. So that was a waste of six bucks.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Hah- I would have no problem! Give me some peanut granola bars, chips, cookies... Nomnomnom.
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    1.) I am afraid that the feeling of being fat will never go away, no matter how in shape I get, because I was morbidly obese at one point. I think I will always have a fat girl mentality.
    2.) I always freak out and have this lack of confidence thing before I go out to events where I know there will be a lot of females. I think this is because of # 1 , but usually, when I get somewhere, I start feeling like I am super pretty compared to the other girls, even if I am not in as good of shape. I feel like I look a lot younger than a lot of girls that are years younger than me. The benefits of being an introvert and a goth in highschool were that I didn't party so hard (all of the time) that I made myself age, and I never tanned on purpose.
    3.) I am a paradox. Equal parts insecurity and arrogance. There is no gray area for me.
    4.) I have a really difficult time trusting other females because I have made a lot of terrible decisions when it comes to making friends with the wrong ladies.
    5.) I think it is weird that people deliberately damage their skin to fit into some image that society pressures them to pursue. I have many people in my life that tan and try to get me to do it, but I never will. I'd rather be pale now than wrinkled later.
    6.) I like eating healthy, and I kind of feel sad when my funds get too low to buy 12-grain bread. Other bread tastes gross to me now. But its wheat this week, blahhhhhhh
    7.) I sometimes get this debilitating depression and it makes me completely lose my appetite and I have no desire to do anything. This can go on for long periods of time, but I force myself to eat and workout and fake it like I am ok because I don't want people knowing anymore. People have judged me too harshly in the past and made the problem worse, so now I just keep everything inside.
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    I think it was unfair to judge the guys on this site. In looking at the forums, there seems to be a lot of both genders not serious about weight loss. My honesty box? I am super happily married to a fantastic man. However, I have always gotten along so much better with guys, but am scared to friend any on this site because of the perception of people that think you just want to flirt. So I have not friended any guys. Stupid. I cave to judging people.

    I have guys on my list who flirt with other females on their lists, I have guys on my list who don't flirt at all. I don't flirt, they don't flirt with me. There probably are some creepers, but that goes for anywhere.