Purpose of dating?



  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    keeping the hormones in check
  • chimpy_chimp
    chimpy_chimp Posts: 106 Member
    My purpose of dating... My boyfriend is my best friend, without him I'd be lost.

    Yeah, and there is that: You should marry your best friend.
  • MisterGoodBar
    MisterGoodBar Posts: 157 Member
    Partnership. To find someone to share all of life's adventures with.

    100% on board w/ this statement. plus, the companionship and intimacy (sexually too) that you have with just the 1 other person thats unmatched.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I know this: Sex with random people . . . no free meals . . . no free drinks . . . no, oh that's right to get to know prospective attractive people of your persuasion to see if you're compatable enough to sleep next to them for the rest of your life without putting a pillow over their face while they are sleeping.
  • DaSavedSinner
    DaSavedSinner Posts: 211 Member
    In all honestly I have always been a romantic and caring guy...its been my curse. I am an Empath so I can relate to people's feeling easily and sometime too easily, This caused many times with dating that I have felt...Used. Its a hard thing to admit as a guy but there are some of us that do love with all our hearts and get hurt because of it. I was in an ending divorce....due the previous staement, and while this was happening I was on an online dating site but not for dating just to find a friend to talk to.....That friend and I fell in love and have been married for 2.5 years and together for over 4 years total. This also includes me being the ONLY father in her daughters life. Don't look for love you will only find pain look for a friends to spend your days with and one day love with find you.

    But if I had to pick whats important......

    Companionship and a loving partner, learning life lessons together while enjoying the time together.

    1 Corinthians 13:4–8a
    Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

    I was exactly like that too until women made me cold. Ive seen too much.

    I Hear you, But i am beyond that...I take the abuse and can't allow myself to give up on her or her daughter. I am the kind of guy that will "step" up to take that "step" out and "step" into being just Dad.

    Free BJ's.

    Not gonna lie that is a nice perk, Plus is one of those things that gets better with practice....Erm....I'll shut up on that note...
  • ucpg
    ucpg Posts: 158
    well i'd kind of like to get married one day. ultimately companionship though, someone to always be there for you, and I to him.