6 Things that Will STOP weight loss in its tracks!



  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Lol, this poster is a bad, bad, bad advertisement for the crapshakes she's selling. Beachbody should be instructing its pimps to be a little more subtle in their copy.
    But she's not *just* a Beachbody coach - she also claims to be a nurse and a certified personal trainer. I'm not up to the moment on the CPT certification process, but I'd hope that somebody who's earned that title would have a little more actual knowledge about training and nutrition rather than spouting the same misinformation and broscience you see spewed all over the internet.

    Any idiot can become a pt. Standards are ridiculously lax, even here, a country some wankers like to call a nanny state. And there are way too many nurses who think that healing touch http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Healing_Touch is actually a valid course of treatment. That's what happens when you treat nurses as an afterthought and invest little in their training. So glad to see things changing.

    You want to think that no one here is stupid enough to believe her rubbish and buy the crapshakes but... then you look at all the raspberry ketones and Mercola is god posts and think, yeah, she must be raking it in.

    I love living in australia, doing the cit course we actually do work. My course is hard, don't see how some idiot can just memorize all the energy systems, major muscles and every single bone in the body within 4 months.
  • beckydunks
    beckydunks Posts: 65 Member
    Birth control doesnt make me stop losing weight. My doctor says its a myth, usually just water weight anway.
    Howeve it probally does vary from person to person
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    2. Rid your diet of gluten. Gluten is wheat, barley, and rye and found in many products. Essentially it destroys the villi in your intestines that absorb nutrients. When your body can't get the nutrients it needs, it goes it to starvation mode, and preserves its weight.

    5. Hormone supplementation such as birth control pills.

    I patently disagree with your claim about gluten. My father has celiac disease. When he was diagnosed, everyone else in my family was also tested for it - specifically with biopsies to examine the villi in our small intestines. Sure... my celiac father had damage to his villi due to eating gluten most of his life. My brother and I also have eaten gluten out entire lives, but our villi are perfectly fine/healthy, because we are NOT celiacs and do not have issues digesting gluten. To say that gluten damages everyone's villi is completely incorrect.

    And as far as hormone supplementation -- I gained 50 pounds when I was not on birth control. And, I lost 63 pounds while taking Yaz. Hormones affect different people in different ways. You can't make a blanket statement that they stall weight loss - because that just isn't true for everyone.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    Parroting bad information as truth is the exact opposite. I educated myself instead of listening to others say the same wrong information over and over. It turns out, losing fat is not difficult once a few basic principals and bodily functions are known.

    ^ This should be a sticky. Well said.
  • jesshall281
    jesshall281 Posts: 219

    5. Hormone supplementation such as birth control pills.

    Riiiight.....Either have loads of babies and end up gaining weight from having a child and it taking you a while to lose the weight again OR never lose weight because im on birth control. Makes loads of sense :huh:
  • moonbeam03
    thanks for info drinking water is my bug bare but ive done well so far and had 3 glasses have a good day e1
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    great! :grumble: :noway:
    ok guys... for newbe like me its confusing now.:sick: Please direct me to the right post!:frown:

    Try this one:


    And ignore the title, the OP was having some fun!!

    I also like this one:

  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member

    Compliments of acg67
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    Compliments of acg67

    ^ WIN
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
  • portalm
    portalm Posts: 201 Member
    1. Too much salt in your diet. Daily intake should be between 2 to 2.5 grams of salt. Sodium found in salt is an important electrolyte to our body functioning, but too much can cause of maintenance of water weight. When our bloodstream has too much salt in it then we need to drink fluids to dilute it to a normal balance. Likewise when you urinate the salt follows it. Hydrating well will help flush the high salt content out. Drinking too much water however in a short period of time can cause the opposite effect of too low sodium levels, also known as hyponatremia, which will cause dizziness, disorientation, and can lead to seizures. Our bodies sweat out salt as well. With marathon running, taking salt tabs every so often can help prevent this especially when drinking lots of water during the race.

    2. Rid your diet of gluten. Gluten is wheat, barley, and rye and found in many products. Essentially it destroys the villi in your intestines that absorb nutrients. When your body can't get the nutrients it needs, it goes it to starvation mode, and preserves its weight.

    3. Not consuming enough daily calories. Once again your body will go into starvation mode if you are not consuming enough calories. Sometimes you are consuming enough calories but the weight stays because it has got use to what you are eating. Consume 100-200 more calories for a few days to boost your metabolism, then go back to your regular caloric intake and see the pounds shed. Don't panic if you initially gain weight.

    4. Eating foods with a high glycemic index. People usually don't gain weight by ingesting fat, but from consuming too much sugar. Our bodies actually learn to store sugar as fat faster if we have sugar addictions, instead of metabolizing it. So stop with the starchy foods, alcohol, pastas, breads, and the obvious cookies and cake. If you must have pasta dishes try to substitute with quinoa spaghetti noodles. Wean your body so that you aren't so sensitive to sugar.

    5. Hormone supplementation such as birth control pills.

    6. Not drinking enough water. Think of water as the oil for your car, your body. If your body becomes dehydrated it can't function properly slowing fat burning. Dehydration begins way before the first thirst impulse. Water is needed to flush out the toxins, increases oxygen to your muscles needed for aerobic metabolism which is the ultimate burner of calories. A good rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces. 120lbs=60 ounces= 7.5 glasses of water/day.

    If you have any other experiences that cause plateaus please add it in the comment section and please add me as your buddy!!!!

    Starvation mode really? We are still spreading this disease ridden rumor as if its wild fire?
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Am I the only one who finds posts from this user more spammy than anything else? This one in particular is full of outdated misinformation.

    I was thinking the same thing. The gluten thing and the pill where my red flags. I'm pretty sure wheat products are good for us.
  • JenMull44
    JenMull44 Posts: 226 Member
    If I don't take my birth control I will most certainly gain weight! LOL.

    HA ! Thats for sure !
  • JenMull44
    JenMull44 Posts: 226 Member
    Am I the only one who finds posts from this user more spammy than anything else? This one in particular is full of outdated misinformation.

    No kidding.
  • joanmc12
    joanmc12 Posts: 17
    Thanks that was very helpful !!!! Have a great day !!! :laugh:
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    I'm curious about something. If not eating enough causes "starvation mode" why are there skinny anorexics? Shouldn't they be really, really fat as a result of "starvation mode"?

    I'm just saying...
  • ruffalicious
    ruffalicious Posts: 799 Member
    This is so true! People should know this!;)
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    4. Eating foods with a high glycemic index. People usually don't gain weight by ingesting fat, but from consuming too much sugar. Our bodies actually learn to store sugar as fat faster if we have sugar addictions, instead of metabolizing it. So stop with the starchy foods, alcohol, pastas, breads, and the obvious cookies and cake. If you must have pasta dishes try to substitute with quinoa spaghetti noodles. Wean your body so that you aren't so sensitive to sugar.
    Sorry but I disagree with this one especially on the bolded part. We still need those starchy carbs such as brown rice, potato, corn, beans etc. & those are excellent post-workout meals especially after a weight lifting session to replenish lost glycogen in our muscles.

    FYI quinoa is also a starchy carb. The only difference is that it contains more protein than grains. You just mentioned replacing pasta with this one.
    You missed the memo. Carbs are the enemy!!
    Carbs aren't the enemy, sorry. That memo is full of ignorant s***.
    Fruits & veggies are also carbs. Does that mean they're the enemy now???

    I'm pretty sure he was being facetious...
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    1. Too much salt in your diet. Daily intake should be between 2 to 2.5 grams of salt. Sodium found in salt is an important electrolyte to our body functioning, but too much can cause of maintenance of water weight. When our bloodstream has too much salt in it then we need to drink fluids to dilute it to a normal balance. Likewise when you urinate the salt follows it. Hydrating well will help flush the high salt content out. Drinking too much water however in a short period of time can cause the opposite effect of too low sodium levels, also known as hyponatremia, which will cause dizziness, disorientation, and can lead to seizures. Our bodies sweat out salt as well. With marathon running, taking salt tabs every so often can help prevent this especially when drinking lots of water during the race.

    2. Rid your diet of gluten. Gluten is wheat, barley, and rye and found in many products. Essentially it destroys the villi in your intestines that absorb nutrients. When your body can't get the nutrients it needs, it goes it to starvation mode, and preserves its weight.

    3. Not consuming enough daily calories. Once again your body will go into starvation mode if you are not consuming enough calories. Sometimes you are consuming enough calories but the weight stays because it has got use to what you are eating. Consume 100-200 more calories for a few days to boost your metabolism, then go back to your regular caloric intake and see the pounds shed. Don't panic if you initially gain weight.

    4. Eating foods with a high glycemic index. People usually don't gain weight by ingesting fat, but from consuming too much sugar. Our bodies actually learn to store sugar as fat faster if we have sugar addictions, instead of metabolizing it. So stop with the starchy foods, alcohol, pastas, breads, and the obvious cookies and cake. If you must have pasta dishes try to substitute with quinoa spaghetti noodles. Wean your body so that you aren't so sensitive to sugar.

    5. Hormone supplementation such as birth control pills.

    6. Not drinking enough water. Think of water as the oil for your car, your body. If your body becomes dehydrated it can't function properly slowing fat burning. Dehydration begins way before the first thirst impulse. Water is needed to flush out the toxins, increases oxygen to your muscles needed for aerobic metabolism which is the ultimate burner of calories. A good rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces. 120lbs=60 ounces= 7.5 glasses of water/day.

    If you have any other experiences that cause plateaus please add it in the comment section and please add me as your buddy!!!!

    Why do you continue to post such nonsensical things?
  • afugua0002
    afugua0002 Posts: 27
    HAHA amen sister!