You have one million dollars...



  • JessMySize
    JessMySize Posts: 130
    1. Pay for my own & my sisters college
    2. Invest loads of money in exercise equipment
    3. Move down to the beach with my family and close friends.
  • gwduker
    gwduker Posts: 293
    Booze, fast women, and horses... the rest I would just waste.
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    Pay off bills.

    Set some aside in an interest bearing account etc so I can have some return off of it.

    Help my brother and his fiancee get back on their feet again, as well as my parents.

    Fix up our house and sell it then buy a larger one so we have room for my parents.

    Donate some to a charity(ies)

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    pleased to say we have no outstanding debt except our car payment :)

    1) Buy a new house with my dream kitchen and a nerd cave for the husband
    2) Buy a horse or two, some dogs, and necessary care equipment
    3) Put the rest into savings and live off the interest.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I have one million dollars.

    I pay 2/3 of it in taxes.

    I have $333K left.

    I invest it.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I have one million dollars.

    I pay 2/3 of it in taxes.

    I have $333K left.

    I invest it.
    The OP said "you TAKE HOME" $1 I think she meant that you actually "have" that much....
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    1: Pay off EVERYTHING
    2: Build my dream home (sell my fixer upper)
    3: Quit my job and raise my children myself!
  • Maude_Lewbowski
    Maude_Lewbowski Posts: 395 Member
    One million dollars is about the inflationary equivalent of winning at the $64,000 pyramid.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    1. buy a large vehicle...conversion van? bus?
    2. buy a trailer for my toys (bikes, guitars, skates)
    3. load up and drive. worry about bills and anything else tomorrow. maybe.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    1) Pay off all my debt and pay off my parent's and sister's debts
    2) Buy a brand new car (never owned one with 0 miles)
    3) Put it away (with interest bearing acct.) for a rainy day & retirement
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    1. Pay off everything
    2. Give it to my family to pay off their bills
    3. If there's anything left, give it to a local charity
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    1) Pay off my debts.
    2) Buy 2 small houses (one where I live now and one in California near my husband's family)
    3) Give some family and friends a little financial "boost."
    4) Invest the rest into a business/college fund.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Build a tree fort in our yard
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I have one million dollars.

    I pay 2/3 of it in taxes.

    I have $333K left.

    I invest it.
    The OP said "you TAKE HOME" $1 I think she meant that you actually "have" that much....

    ^^ This. I assumed you won much more than that, but had a million left after taxes.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    ok - so half goes to taxes for unearned income.

    pay off my mom's house & my bills - buy and fix up a used RV and a truck i can fix myself - take to the open road for a month. i can probably stretch it for that.

    but i this is why i don't buy a lotto ticket for less than 100M.
  • rebeccasedwards
    1. Pay off my debt/my kid's college debt
    2. Buy a house on the lake
    3. Save the rest
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    1. Pay off debts
    2. invest in cds.
    3. Eat supper at The Keg.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I have one million dollars.

    I pay 2/3 of it in taxes.

    I have $333K left.

    I invest it.
    The OP said "you TAKE HOME" $1 I think she meant that you actually "have" that much....
    Whether it's a million or a third of a million, I'd still invest it. Wouldn't touch a dime. I'd rather sit on a ton of money than sit on a ton of things that the money bought.
  • tishajo
    tishajo Posts: 146 Member
    1) Pay off debt
    2) Invest half of whatever is left
    3) Take a nice long vacation
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    1. Forget this weight loss stuff I can afford fake muscles now!!
    2. Get a boat with huge speakers and blare the SNL Song "I'm on a boat"
    3. Join a Country Club and show them how a real baller golfs.
