guns or no guns?



  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."

    Law-abiding folks will be defenseless.
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    Can you explain for me, then, why Canada, a country with strict gun laws, and virtually no hand guns in the public's hands, has 1/6th the rate of murders by gun per 100,000 people than the USA does? Murders by other means are lower, too. Nothing to do with population - I've already reduced it to a ratio to normalize the data.

    If you make a claim then you need to provide a source, otherwise it's just numbers that you made up. You can't really compare a frozen wasteland to America either, they're completely different.
  • Welshie_girl
    Welshie_girl Posts: 107 Member
    I am very pro guns... Guns don't kill people, people kill people.... I have a right to defend myself and I will if someone will break into my house. I will protect my baby , my husband and myself... It's my right and don't you dare take it away from me... Dictators take away right to bear arms because they like unarmed people ... easier to control unarmed crowd... Don't like smoking don't smoke ! Don't like drinking ? Don't drink. You don't like guns ? Don't buy them...
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member

    Can you explain for me, then, why Canada, a country with strict gun laws, and virtually no hand guns in the public's hands, has 1/6th the rate of murders by gun per 100,000 people than the USA does? Murders by other means are lower, too. Nothing to do with population - I've already reduced it to a ratio to normalize the data.

    Because we have Detroit Chicago NYC LA and Washington DC? All of which have the strictest laws in the country BTW.
  • MissC787
    MissC787 Posts: 175 Member
    Pro-Gun and Pro-responsible use and ownership of said gun.

    Should I be anti-fertilizer so that people can't make home-made bombs to blow the **** out of a building full of inncoent workers. Or would I be wrong because that is not fair to the farmers who use it as it is intended.

    Should I be anti-knife so that chefs can properly slice foods or butchers cut meat or even a boy learn to whittle from his grandfather. But wait, don't rapists tend to use knives on their victims?

    Should I be anti-bat so that we can't pay Barry Bonds millions of dollars to swing it at a baseball. Better not sell them at a store for some gang member may initiate another one in with a beat-down.

    Should I be anti-music/movie/video games-with-violent-themes? Seems those have been blamed for a lot of the rise in underage crime?

    Point is just about anything you touch can be used as a weapon. There are always going to be irresponsible people and criminals that are going to use stuff what it is not intended for. Educate yourselves and your family in the proper use of a firearm or any other weapon for that matter.

    Why don't we worry about something that would have more of a positive impact on our population? Un-employment? Food shortage? Homeless people?

    Instead we are worried about something that is a problem with maybe %0.5 of the population.

    Well said.
  • Can you explain for me, then, why Canada, a country with strict gun laws, and virtually no hand guns in the public's hands, has 1/6th the rate of murders by gun per 100,000 people than the USA does? Murders by other means are lower, too. Nothing to do with population - I've already reduced it to a ratio to normalize the data.

    If you make a claim then you need to provide a source, otherwise it's just numbers that you made up. You can't really compare a frozen wasteland to America either, they're completely different.

    +1 ROFL
  • mfp_junkie
    mfp_junkie Posts: 359
    Can you explain for me, then, why Canada, a country with strict gun laws, and virtually no hand guns in the public's hands, has 1/6th the rate of murders by gun per 100,000 people than the USA does? Murders by other means are lower, too. Nothing to do with population - I've already reduced it to a ratio to normalize the data.

    If you make a claim then you need to provide a source, otherwise it's just numbers that you made up. You can't really compare a frozen wasteland to America either, they're completely different.

    How about from the United Nations?

    If your counter argument is to paint an entire country as a "frozen wasteland" then I have nothing to argue about with you. I made zero comments about the US, its people or what it stands for. I simply asked why gun related deaths are lower in a country just to your north with strict gun laws. Apparently, you have nothing to add.
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    Can you explain for me, then, why Canada, a country with strict gun laws, and virtually no hand guns in the public's hands, has 1/6th the rate of murders by gun per 100,000 people than the USA does? Murders by other means are lower, too. Nothing to do with population - I've already reduced it to a ratio to normalize the data.

    If you make a claim then you need to provide a source, otherwise it's just numbers that you made up. You can't really compare a frozen wasteland to America either, they're completely different.

    How about from the United Nations?

    If your counter argument is to paint an entire country as a "frozen wasteland" then I have nothing to argue about with you. I made zero comments about the US, its people or what it stands for. I simply asked why gun related deaths are lower in a country just to your north with strict gun laws. Apparently, you have nothing to add.

    LOL, a wikipedia "source", now that's funny. Provide a source to a reputable website, not a website that I can go onto and change the numbers myself.

    You're comparing Canada that has 1/10 the population of the US. This is going to sound racist, which I'm not, but I wonder what the crime rate percentages would look like for just the minorities. With illegal immigrants spreading like wildfire a lot of these murders come from them. Which add to the total number of homicides in our country. I'm willing to bet that America has a lot more illegal immigrants than Canada does. Does Canada have Mexican cartels fighting their wars on your borders? I don't think so...
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    Ya because these shootings ONLY happen in the US.....

    They don't happen here! It's great. Only shootings in Ireland are drug dealers ****ing each other up
    But like I said, you're gonna have to put up with them because there are too many in circulation to get rid of them and people are too stubborn. They're useless for anything but killing, and if people can't control themselves enough over chocolate cake, I don't trust them with a gun.

    Guns are useless for anything but killing which is not true. There are sports where guns are used where no one gets hurt, One example is skeet shooting. I know I LOVE going to the range for target practice - never with the intent to hurt or kill anyone. However, if it came down to them or me, it will be them going down, without thinking twice.
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    The reason we have guns is because of greed. Technology is where it is today because the need to expand. That need leads to conflict. That conflict leads to conquest. Conquest leads to progress. Stop being fcking greedy and maybe people wont need the guns.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    PRO GUN!
    You want it? Come get it :laugh:
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    The reason we have guns is because of greed. Technology is where it is today because the need to expand. That need leads to conflict. That conflict leads to conquest. Conquest leads to progress. Stop being fcking greedy and maybe people wont need the guns.

    So anyone who owners a firearm does so because of greed? So when I go to the shooting range out of enjoyment that means I'm being greedy, and when I go hunting with my bestfriends because we enjoy it and for food that makes us greedy, and when I carry a pistol on my hip in public to protect myself and anyone else that may need protection I'm being greedy? I'm glad I've learned something today, I guess I'm pretty greedy...
  • Welshie_girl
    Welshie_girl Posts: 107 Member
    I just wonder if that piece of crap was still alive if there was someone else in that movie theater with a gun....Bottom line is ... There are psychos like him all over the world and if guns were illegal , the only people who would be on the streets carrying would be criminals,,, Im done here... Im getting mad....
  • It_never_ends
    It_never_ends Posts: 105 Member
    I didnt get in the last thread so I'm sure its been said before..
    guns dont kill people, people kill people...


    This. Take away gun and people will still kill each other. You can't avoid it.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    So anyone who owners a firearm does so because of greed? So when I go to the shooting range out of enjoyment that means I'm being greedy, and when I go hunting with my bestfriends because we enjoy it and for food that makes us greedy, and when I carry a pistol on my hip in public to protect myself and anyone else that may need protection I'm being greedy? I'm glad I've learned something today, I guess I'm pretty greedy...

    Thankfully where I live, the "range" is my backyard, but a morning of paper homicide runs me about $200. That's greed for ya. Greedy AR15 paper murder.

    I think he might mean government greed. And that I kinda agree with. But as individuals owning guns for sport and protection, nah.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I am very pro guns... Guns don't kill people, people kill people.... I have a right to defend myself and I will if someone will break into my house. I will protect my baby , my husband and myself... It's my right and don't you dare take it away from me... Dictators take away right to bear arms because they like unarmed people ... easier to control unarmed crowd... Don't like smoking don't smoke ! Don't like drinking ? Don't drink. You don't like guns ? Don't buy them...

    My name is Betty and I approve of this message.
  • The Bill of Rights, and the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution is CLEARLY Pro Gun... The Pro Gun "intent" of the Framers of the 2nd Ammendment was to establish a Deterrent to Tyrannical Government. Hunting is not mentioned at ALL.

    Are you a Resident or Citizenof the US that does not Support, and Defend ALL of the Bill of Rights? If So, PLEASE, right now, drop what you're doing, and Leave This Country FOREVER. Any Citizen that does'nt defend the Rights of All Citizens is is either ignorant, or foolish.

    Citizens of other countries do not enjoy the same protections we are blessed with by the Constitution.

    Whether you are a citizen of another nation, or a "Liberal" Politician that wants to disarm my fellow Americans, You may not LIKE our freedoms, but thankfully you have no RIGHT to change them. If you care to try, just remember ALL THOSE GUNS will be here to deter you...
  • T_X_L
    T_X_L Posts: 140 Member


    Well this is a health and fitness site.
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    So anyone who owners a firearm does so because of greed? So when I go to the shooting range out of enjoyment that means I'm being greedy, and when I go hunting with my bestfriends because we enjoy it and for food that makes us greedy, and when I carry a pistol on my hip in public to protect myself and anyone else that may need protection I'm being greedy? I'm glad I've learned something today, I guess I'm pretty greedy...

    Thankfully where I live, the "range" is my backyard, but a morning of paper homicide runs me about $200. That's greed for ya. Greedy AR15 paper murder.

    I think he might mean government greed. And that I kinda agree with. But as individuals owning guns for sport and protection, nah.

    Damn, that's a lot of paper homicide, I wish I could afford a morning of murder like that. That's one reason I love my custom ruger 10/22, I can shoot up to 500 yards accurately for fun and the challenge, or I can put on the stock barrel and run through 200 rounds and it cost me next to nothing.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    The Bill of Rights, and the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution is CLEARLY Pro Gun... The Pro Gun "intent" of the Framers of the 2nd Ammendment was to establish a Deterrent to Tyrannical Government. Hunting is not mentioned at ALL.

    Are you a Resident or Citizenof the US that does not Support, and Defend ALL of the Bill of Rights? If So, PLEASE, right now, drop what you're doing, and Leave This Country FOREVER. Any Citizen that does'nt defend the Rights of All Citizens is is either ignorant, or foolish.

    Citizens of other countries do not enjoy the same protections we are blessed with by the Constitution.

    Whether you are a citizen of another nation, or a "Liberal" Politician that wants to disarm my fellow Americans, You may not LIKE our freedoms, but thankfully you have no RIGHT to change them. If you care to try, just remember ALL THOSE GUNS will be here to deter you...

    the constitution can be amended. is it possible the founding fathers couldnt dream of the weapons we have today? didnt guns of their day shoot 1 round a minute or so.