what started it all for you?



  • tammyandzach
    tammyandzach Posts: 922 Member
    The midwife said it was hard to find the heartbeat through all of the layers of fat. Thanks like I didn't know I was fat. As soon as the baby was out and I could I got started.
  • mbakken90
    mbakken90 Posts: 202 Member
    Saw a picture of myself...cried about it...was in the gym the next week! Oh also the dr told me i'm technically "obese" by the BMI chart and high blood pressure. I don't want that for myself!!
  • 57silverfox
    57silverfox Posts: 56 Member
    look at some pictures of me that did it
  • annasara21
    annasara21 Posts: 44 Member
    The feeling of dread the morning after I have been out with my friends on a big night out for the photos being tagged on facebook and looking like a hippo! And not being able to wear pretty clothes!

  • ThorneDust
    ThorneDust Posts: 189 Member
    I've thought for a while that it was all my idea, that I just woke up one day and just did it. But now that I think about it, I really think it's my daughter that made me start. She is 5, and she is so much like me she might as well be my clone. I have always had really terrible body image problems and a lot of self hatred. I realized that everything that I hate about myself, I love about her. She makes me want to be the best I can be! Both for me and for her.
  • camrunner
    camrunner Posts: 363
    I was 16. I ate a fairly typical, tremendous meal and I felt really terrible afterwards. Not sick, really, just painfully full. It hit me all of a sudden that it just didn't make any sense to overeat and not even enjoy it. The next morning, I started looking at food as fuel and I've never looked back. That was 150 lbs ago. :)
  • Diamond_angel20
    it all started for me when i felt bigger than my friends , not comfortable with some clothes and just not happy .. :( at that ties when i checked my bmi i was starting to be overweight and definitely knew it was time to be back on track :D
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    I kept talking about it but wasnt motivated enough to start. Then one day a friend of mine wanted to start a group on MFP, and have us all start together. I guess it just clicked or something because a bunch of us joined that day. I am happy I did. I am feeling more healthy and my endurance has grown. Still got a lot to lose, but am so glad I am living a healthier life style.
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    I was getting tired of not being able to breathe during our stretches in TKD class, because my gut was in the way, and also looking like a blimp in pictures. I signed up here almost two years ago, but didn't take it seriously. But i got my *kitten* in gear on June 18th, and i got down to business. And the rest is history.........
  • SavageRabidBeast
    SavageRabidBeast Posts: 481 Member
    I was basically tired of watching my belly grow, tired of feeling lazy, tired of being inflexible and not being able to touch my toes. So I kicked my *kitten* into gear and now I am more flexible, usually have more energy, belly is basically all gone. All after 24lbs dropped from beginning of January to the end of April!
  • choppie70
    choppie70 Posts: 544 Member
    In December I started having pain on my right side. I had my gal bladder removed in February - it was the size of a baseball! While I was going through this, one of my xrays showed that I had water on my kidney (hydronephrosis). I was sent to a specialist and had many tests done. They all came back negative. The nephrologist that I saw said the pain I was feeling ( I thought was kidney pain) could just be backache from my extra weight. I bought a pair of good sneakers on the way home and haven't stopped exercising since. And, the back pain is gone!
  • Cappicorn
    Cappicorn Posts: 83 Member
    I had a hard time breathing while I was bent over trying to tie my shoes because my stomach was in the way. I was also growing out of my work clothes.
  • Raven0909
    Raven0909 Posts: 3
    I realized that I wasn't really happy with myself and knew I needed to change. It got to the point that I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror. If I would I would literally feel horrible and disgusting and look away quickly. I miss how I used to look at myself when I was smaller. I had so much confidence and always held my head high. Now i'm always looking down and dont even want to look anyone in the face. I really started working out and doing better hard core after my boyfriends daughter asked me one day if I wished I could be skinny and pretty. That right there did it so I started doubling up my workouts and really watching what I was eating. I have lost about 10 pounds so far and a friend of mine actually referred me to this website and said it was helping her out and thought I should give it a shot. So...Here I am...And that's how it all started. And now i'll shut my mouth and go make dinner. hahaha
  • feliciapeters
    nmo looking in the mirror, no comments from a friend or relative
    no tight clothes, nothing in the usual way
    my daughter & bf wanted to join the gym
    neither has a credit card
    i put the monthly membership on my card
    2 weeks later they broke up
    I changed his name to mine on the membership
    & went three times before they got back together
    i KNEW it would annoy the hell out of me to see that wasted charge
    on my credit card every month
    so i started working out....and IMAGINE lol, i lost weight
  • suzywuzy90
    suzywuzy90 Posts: 20 Member
    For any of you who have been to Hawaii you probably noticed how fit and tan the locals are. I attribute it to very little fast food on the islands, so most of the diet is pretty clean. That and the only thing to do on the islands aside from drink is some form of physical activity.
    After seeing pictures of myself from my vacation in Kauai last February I decided it was time to change my lifestyle. That and all those beautiful Hawaiians really drove home the fact that I needed to change
    I'll be going there this fall. Thanks for the added motivation!
  • Promqueen_74932
    Promqueen_74932 Posts: 203 Member
    I was at my top weight of 265lbs with high blood pressure and pre- diabetic, smoking on top of all that with asthma! I didn't know anything about health, but knew that I had to start and SOON. Everyone in my family smokes/smoked, they eat whatever they like, etc. Lots of health problems... lots of UNNECESSARY health problems. Being totally clueless and having self conscious emotions, a friend and I joined the local gym. I started slow, then got a personal trainer, learned that I could READ BOOKS and understand what it took to get myself where I wanted to be. So I've been doing my best and have come a long way. I learned A LOT about nutrition, fitness, and overall health. I still have many more changes to make and many more stages to go thru to reach my goal!

    Good luck on your journey! Glad to see you here.

    Sara :flowerforyou:
  • geonbaeLeilee
    geonbaeLeilee Posts: 606 Member
    I knew I needed to lose weight for the longest time, I just didn't do it. I would start, feel discouraged, then stop. Then I looked at myself in the mirror, noticed how fat my face was and that I had no chin, and how rolly the rest of my body looked. :( Then a nasty neighbor was sending fitness magazines to me, so I knew it was time. I want to look good, feel good, and I didn't want to be made fun of anymore. :(
  • davidr730
    davidr730 Posts: 126 Member
    I had a heart attack 2/4/12. My cholesterol was 350 and I had a 100% blockage in one of my arteries and a 60% block in a second artery. I'm only 43 years old! I got a second chance to live and I'm not wasting it because I like hamburgers. Got my cholesterol down to 189 and I'm down eight lbs in the last 4 weeks. (that's when I started keeping track)
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    i was having problems getting up stairs without panting, and a young student came up and gave me a hug around my middle, and told me that she loved giving me hugs, cause I was all squishy.
    that did it.
  • danithegirl89
    danithegirl89 Posts: 203 Member
    This is so embarrassing but a couple people asked if I was prego... It made me cry. Then I bought a scale and almost passed out when I saw the numbers. I am glad I got a wake up call though. I am so much happier and healthier now :D