watching my families suicide



  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. My mother was a smoker and in our family that is a death sentence. Every single person in my family that smoked died of enphasema by the age of 65. Yet even as a nurse and after nursing her father and two uncles through this, she continued to smoke. Even as she developed severe symptoms like coughing all night, not being able to laugh without caughing and serious fits while driving, she continued to smoke. Even as we scolded, cajoled, manipulated, begged, she continued. I am thankful to say that 4 years ago she quit all on her own, and many of her symptoms seem to be reversing which is fantastic.

    Our relationship is so much better now. I think that subconsiously I was pulling away from her as I prepared myself for the inevitable. Now I know she's going to be here for so much longer, we are super close again. I hope the same happens for you.
  • jzsor12
    jzsor12 Posts: 69
    I'm sorry but you can only diet for yourself.
    Maybe if they see you lose weight they'll think different.
    Otherwise there's nothing you can really do. If they're happy the way they are, remember that.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    I was on a similar journey with my mother, although not weight related, she refused to do the things that would help her when she had health crises. Refused to answer the door when the taxi came to take her to physio, wouldn't adjust her diet for diabetes, wouldn't go out of the house, wouldn't see a therapist.

    It was very difficult to accept, but after talking to her doctor I started to understand that she was a free person who was free to make her own choices, whether I see them as the right ones is my problem. I really had made myself miserable at it affected a lot of areas of my life.

    Congratulations on taking care of yourself, the bottom line is if you are not going to love yourself, no one else love will ever be enough.
