Is smartphones killing your relationship?



  • Gunnarbear
    Gunnarbear Posts: 186
    I had a relationship and a smartphone. I kept the smartphone,
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    I don't know why... but this bothers me... lol

    "Is smartphones killing your relationship?"

    Should be:

    "Are smartphones killing your relationship?"

    Sorry, Thank you, and Continue =)

    I bet your fun to date. Im sure you probably never use slang or ever have grammatical errors. lol. The fact is I saw it and wanted to change it but it would not let me edit the title. They should fix that.
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I had a relationship and a smartphone. I kept the smartphone,

  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member

    A study just came out and it showed 8 percent will be on their phones during sex

    seriously?????? wow something is not right there!!!!!

    how can you have sex and be on the phone?
    apperantly someone isnt doing it right!!
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    A study just came out and it showed 8 percent will be on their phones during sex


    I must be having an entirely different level of sex.. My phone is the last thing on my mind..
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member

    A study just came out and it showed 8 percent will be on their phones during sex

    seriously?????? wow something is not right there!!!!!

    Referenciing the Kama Sutra on the webz?
  • kimimila86
    kimimila86 Posts: 424

    A study just came out and it showed 8 percent will be on their phones during sex

    seriously?????? wow something is not right there!!!!!

    :noway: I would slam that phone in his face if that were to happen to me!!!
  • PandaPants612
    I don't know why... but this bothers me... lol

    "Is smartphones killing your relationship?"

    Should be:

    "Are smartphones killing your relationship?"

    Sorry, Thank you, and Continue =)

    I bet your fun to date. Im sure you probably never use slang or ever have grammatical errors. lol. The fact is I saw it and wanted to change it but it would not let me edit the title. They should fix that.

  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member

    A study just came out and it showed 8 percent will be on their phones during sex

    seriously?????? wow something is not right there!!!!!

    how can you have sex and be on the phone?
    apperantly someone isnt doing it right!!

    Not necessarily. You can use the video function to record some of the fun :p
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I deactivated texting as well as the ringer and no longer even give out my cell number.
    Nobody is so important that they should interrupt my day.
    I shall remain happily DISCONNECTED.

  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I can see this being my last relationship we went out for dinner one of the last times.

    i resolved to put down my iPhone and just spend time talking to him and I told him this...he got VERY angry, slammed down his phone and then made the whole experience so embarassing and miserable that we left halfway through...

    then he went through a drive through, picked up a burger and took us home where he spent the rest of the evening in front of the tv while texting and eating a burger...then chips, then a whole pint of ice cream all while texting and half a$$edly watching TV.

    can we say unconscious eating at ALL?

    It was so upsetting and depressing.

  • ellenxmariex3
    ellenxmariex3 Posts: 165 Member
    I'm 19 and have already decided I'm never getting a smartphone, if that's possible with the way society is heading. I don't feel the need to be connected 24/7. I have a regular cell phone and that's good enough for me. Plus I never want to pay a data fee.

    When I'm away at school I text my boyfriend a lot and we talk on the phone every night. Now that we're living together for the summer I barely ever text or talk on the phone unless I'm talking to my parents. My friends and I don't really text. We prefer to just meet up and hang out.
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    Hm, I think these really extreme things happen only in really extreme cases.
    I only know one person that's on their phone all the time, and that's my brother. He is texting everyone constantly!!!

    I do text, of course, but not as much as some people seem to. I think I'm on my phone a lot more now that I have MFP, because i have to log my food every time I eat. So, I get on my phone every time I eat.

    I've read those shocking news stories about people who send hundreds of texts every day, but I'm not really sure that those people exist in our everyday lives. I have a smartphone, and it serves as my alarm clock, my watch, my way to communicate with people that are far away, my main email portal, and my MFP portal.

    Still, I don't think this means I neglect other areas of my life. Plus, I know many other people who use their phone for as many things as I do, and they don't seem obsessed with it.

    Oh, and forgot to add: I'm in a long-distance relationship, and I talk on the phone to my boyfriend every night. This is when my phone gets used the most. I love my phone, because that's my main way of communicating with him.
  • SouthernSweetie74
    I was actually thinking about posting a similar topic. I guess great minds think alike. :wink:

    I love technology and think it has it's place. But the other day, I was looking around at my kids and the extra kids in my house. Most of them had a smart phone or an ipod or some type of electronic in their hands. There was NO INTERACTION between the kids. AT ALL. I was like, "okay... this has go to stop." So... I told them all to put their gadgets away, and we played games. Kids don't know how to do that anymore. I made up a scavenger hunt, picture scavenger hunt, organized a water fight, Truth or Dare, Hide n seek in the dark, charades... you get the idea... and they had a blast!

    I admit that my phone goes off all day long. I'm popular. What can I say. :tongue: But I do know how to put it on silent, put it down, and spend time with the people that matter in my life. And, honestly, if I had a SO that had a problem with my smart phone, and he wasn't just being a jerk, I would totally choose him over a freakin' phone.

    P.S. I am an English teacher. It is my job to see grammatical errors and spelling errors and such. But you know what... when I'm online with others and posting on the boards, I tend to overlook such things. Truthfully, sometimes I type in mistakes on purpose because if I wrote "formally" some people would think I was a weirdo. This is not a formal paper, people. And, yeah, I use slang and acronyms. I, personally, think it's rude to read a thread/post and only answer to "correct" someone. Just my two cents on that one.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I don't go overboard with my cell. I don't do a lot of texting. But I like getting Facebook updates from family and e-mail. I use it to add to my diary here when I am eating out. In fact my b/f did get mad at me when I was using it to post to my diary at his birthday dinner. I just said that recording my food is an important part of my weight loss, and did he have a problem with that? He didn't say anything more. I think he beginning to appreciate the results. ;D
  • Rayand22
    Rayand22 Posts: 18
  • Babymomakell
    Babymomakell Posts: 257 Member
    I bet your fun to date. Im sure you probably never use slang or ever have grammatical errors. lol. The fact is I saw it and wanted to change it but it would not let me edit the title. They should fix that.

    Yes, they should change that. The fact of the matter is, I was not the only person who noticed it. Regardless, it doesn't change anything about who I am or "how it is to date me." That is a ridiculous comment and was totally unnecessary. Just because you cannot handle a polite correction on a horrific grammar choice, is very immature. There is no need to make a personal attack. Just because you can hide behind your computer does not give you the right to throw meaningless assaults around on the internet. It was a polite correction, and I assume by your reaction that you are embarrassed of it, we all make mistakes, sure, but a grown and mature adult should be able to take ownership and not take low-blow stabs at an otherwise well meaning person (that they do not know!)

    LMAO, Thank you =)
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    I text a lot.
    I also get email on my phone and I do independent contracting work and it's important for me to respond to emails fairly regularly.
    Plus, honestly, the subway and bus is REALLY boring for 2 hours every day without my phone - for email, texting, and music.

    I wouldn't text during sex though.
  • SouthernSweetie74
    I can see this being my last relationship we went out for dinner one of the last times.

    i resolved to put down my iPhone and just spend time talking to him and I told him this...he got VERY angry, slammed down his phone and then made the whole experience so embarassing and miserable that we left halfway through...

    then he went through a drive through, picked up a burger and took us home where he spent the rest of the evening in front of the tv while texting and eating a burger...then chips, then a whole pint of ice cream all while texting and half a$$edly watching TV.

    can we say unconscious eating at ALL?

    It was so upsetting and depressing.


    OMG I think I dated the same jerk! LOL I was seeing a guy back in April that could NOT get off of his phone at all. It was so annoying. We could barely have a conversation. Then, he would come over to MY house and sit in MY recliner and watch MY televsion while I cooked for HIM and HIS kids. The only thing that wasn't mine was his phone, and that was glued to his hand.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member