men are evil!!



  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    i <3 u casper lol......i forget some people here know the situation......:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: and u were so very right about ditching him 3 months ago.....but in that time frame i cuilt up a debt of 2000 dollars :frown: buttttttttttt ive gotten it down to 200 and by friday ill be all set andddddddd have an extra 600 set aside :bigsmile: only 5 more months of dealing with this situation :bigsmile:

    Any family around you could move in with and still save your money up?
    I agree - you really need to get away from this toxicity. Let me tell you, if you get that cash saved up - I guarantee you he will sweet talk you into a vacation and everything will be forgotten - until he makes you a victim of your OWN circumstance...AGAIN.
    Get away NOW.
    And I meant - your kids are watching you be mistreated by this guy and are learning that it's okay to do this. It's not. So if not for you, then do it for your babies.
    he cant sweet talk me anymore...i can barely stand to even look at him now....but i do know what u mean...i just honestly have no place to go if i were to leave and i would rather put up with the abuse for a little bit than leave my children for a while but i do understand what u mean...and i can assure u in march if ure still on this site u'll see me single and by myself losing weight or hopefully by then maintaining lol :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    i <3 u casper lol......i forget some people here know the situation......:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: and u were so very right about ditching him 3 months ago.....but in that time frame i cuilt up a debt of 2000 dollars :frown: buttttttttttt ive gotten it down to 200 and by friday ill be all set andddddddd have an extra 600 set aside :bigsmile: only 5 more months of dealing with this situation :bigsmile:

    Any family around you could move in with and still save your money up?
    I agree - you really need to get away from this toxicity. Let me tell you, if you get that cash saved up - I guarantee you he will sweet talk you into a vacation and everything will be forgotten - until he makes you a victim of your OWN circumstance...AGAIN.
    Get away NOW.
    And I meant - your kids are watching you be mistreated by this guy and are learning that it's okay to do this. It's not. So if not for you, then do it for your babies.
    he cant sweet talk me anymore...i can barely stand to even look at him now....but i do know what u mean...i just honestly have no place to go if i were to leave and i would rather put up with the abuse for a little bit than leave my children for a while but i do understand what u mean...and i can assure u in march if ure still on this site u'll see me single and by myself losing weight or hopefully by then maintaining lol :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I hope so Hun.. I see it all too often - returning to an empty well. GL to you :flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    i <3 u casper lol......i forget some people here know the situation......:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: and u were so very right about ditching him 3 months ago.....but in that time frame i cuilt up a debt of 2000 dollars :frown: buttttttttttt ive gotten it down to 200 and by friday ill be all set andddddddd have an extra 600 set aside :bigsmile: only 5 more months of dealing with this situation :bigsmile:

    Any family around you could move in with and still save your money up?
    nope...and i wouldnt impose on any of my friends...they all have probs of their own :ohwell: i thought of that already the one family member near me i talked to...was just like sorry i cant have 2 kids runnin around

    Nah, that wouldn't be a better environment, just a different bad environment.
    Do what you have to do to make it through. Keep saving. (Make sure that money is not within his reach.)
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    i <3 u casper lol......i forget some people here know the situation......:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: and u were so very right about ditching him 3 months ago.....but in that time frame i cuilt up a debt of 2000 dollars :frown: buttttttttttt ive gotten it down to 200 and by friday ill be all set andddddddd have an extra 600 set aside :bigsmile: only 5 more months of dealing with this situation :bigsmile:

    Any family around you could move in with and still save your money up?
    nope...and i wouldnt impose on any of my friends...they all have probs of their own :ohwell: i thought of that already the one family member near me i talked to...was just like sorry i cant have 2 kids runnin around

    Nah, that wouldn't be a better environment, just a different bad environment.
    Do what you have to do to make it through. Keep saving. (Make sure that money is not within his reach.)
    nope its not...i already have a nice safe place set aside for it :flowerforyou:
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    then good luck to you, and keep yourself safe.
    Don't let anyone derail your plans with promises of help and love, especially those that don't have it to offer.
    good luck toyou and your kids
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    omg haisan girl, that is why i left here for a while. i broke up with my man of 5 years. we are trying to work things out now, but things were just too stressful, how do people not work things out after that long. love should be resonating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:explode:
  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member
    You know, my hubby was very controlling and selfish when we first got married. After about a year I was fed up and let him know that I was going to divorce him if he was not willing to act like he had a wife and another person to share his life and decisions with. I went back home for a weekend to my family and would not talk to him at all. My dad talked to him to let him know how serious I was about leaving him. When I came back from my "trip" he was completely different and changed for the better. It is a few years later and it is still the best it has ever been and just keeps getting better.

    You need to make sure that your guy(s) :wink: knows what you are feeling and that you are serious and mean business. My hubby is now the best hubby in the world!!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Just make sure you stay away from the married ex...dangerous territory there, and not somewhere you want to go. As for the guy you're with- if you want out, I wouldn't wait until there's "hopefully... someday... eventually" a good time, ya know?
  • jvollmer
    I just came across this thread this morning...and yes there are some men out there that are just not worth it....but take it from me, I spent 7 years with someone who didn't treat me right and I knew I should have left 2 years into it. Take some have obviously known for a while that he wasn't good for you... and whether or not you need to save money you should leave now...not! If he is being verbally abusive to you, I could just imagine how he treats his kids.

    Go to a friends place, your parents, wherever.....just get out. You need to start taking back you life. You can't be strong for your kids if someone is always there to knock you down. Plus your kids will see how their father treats you and they will start to think they can treat you like that.

    And to the married point...stay away from that....whether or not you broke up with doesn't matter anymore...he's married to someone else and you can't be involved past being a friend. You don't want to be a home wrecker. If the roles were reversed and he was your husband would you want some old flame coming back into his life...NO....
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I just came across this thread this morning...and yes there are some men out there that are just not worth it....but take it from me, I spent 7 years with someone who didn't treat me right and I knew I should have left 2 years into it. Take some have obviously known for a while that he wasn't good for you... and whether or not you need to save money you should leave now...not! If he is being verbally abusive to you, I could just imagine how he treats his kids.

    Go to a friends place, your parents, wherever.....just get out. You need to start taking back you life. You can't be strong for your kids if someone is always there to knock you down. Plus your kids will see how their father treats you and they will start to think they can treat you like that.

    And to the married point...stay away from that....whether or not you broke up with doesn't matter anymore...he's married to someone else and you can't be involved past being a friend. You don't want to be a home wrecker. If the roles were reversed and he was your husband would you want some old flame coming back into his life...NO....
    my point exactly.