


  • kerricolby
    kerricolby Posts: 232 Member
    I put cinnamon in the basket with the grounds so my coffee smells and tastes even more awesome! I add a splash of organic half and half.
  • themichaelf
    i'm so addicted to my iced quad shot white mocha... but recently i have been trying to get myself off of it and go to "real man" coffee... just cannot find the right mixture... frustrating!!!
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I like my coffee like I like my presidents: Tall - Hot - Black.

    Yummy ;)
  • k011185
    k011185 Posts: 320 Member
    If it's just a cup in the morning, a couple tablespoons of cream and a teaspoon or two of sugar is only 70 cals, that's nothing to worry about in my books.
    I tend to drink teas, lot's of fruit ones that don't need anything added.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    My morning coffee ritual (for the past 6ish months):

    2 cups brewed coffee
    3T kerrygold butter (unsalted)
    15-28g MCT oil

    Blend. Consume.

    (But before this, I just drank it black.)
  • vishk2809
    vishk2809 Posts: 20 Member
    Also, at most fancy coffee places you can get flavoured coffee grounds, which you can make in a percolator / french press. a french press is only like $15 at wal-mart.

    for example, timothy's (canada) makes chocolate raspberry coffee. It has 2 calories per cup serving and is AMAZING with a dash of skim milk and 2 drops of stevia!! Practically a dessert in itself xD

    Also David's tea (also canada, i'm pretty sure) has the most amazing tea flavours..sugar cookie, chocolate, etc...and all 0 calories :)
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    I have a large espresso with foamed skim milk and no sweetener every morning.

    I managed to get unaddicted to two take out coffees with double sugar every morning at work about 15 years ago,

    If I go to a good restaurant (which might be twice a year) I might have a good coffee with sugar.
  • giftieetcetera
    giftieetcetera Posts: 96 Member
    Splenda - unlimited
    20 calories worth of fat free half/half (2 TBSP)
    cocoa powder
  • dawten
    dawten Posts: 61 Member
    I drink coffee every morning--- One 24 oz cup o'jo from my nearest gas station. I love it. I use less creamer and I use 2 Truvia packets of sweetener as it has no cals. It does have a small amount of carbs per packet (I buy the Truvia from my local grocery store in the baking can get it in packets or in container form) but it is over twice as sweet as regular sugar and doesn't taste like the normal artificial sweeteners like Equal or Splenda (YUCK!!). I have been using it for almost a year now. The carb count per serving is 3 grams which is about 1% of the daily need.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    How do you make your coffee where its not loaded with sugar and cream? Or if you don't drink coffee what do you drink in the mornings?

    I got myself an affordable and AMAZING espresso machine.

    I make two shots of espresso and froth 1/2 cup milk. I make myself a homemade latte (no flavor) every day. I love the taste of coffee so syrups and sugar has never been an issue for me. But splenda and sugar free syrups are good too.
  • deidresilva
    I was gonna say I like my coffee like I like my men- Tall - Dark - and Sweet ;D (But the Barack one was preeeeety hilarious!)

    -Or More seriously- Hot or Iced - Black with Sugar Free (fill in the blank flavor) syrup!! ((ZERO CALS BEEETCHES!)) :D
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Generally I drink coffee black, unsweetened. If I have it sweetened, it must be mostly milk and be flavored. So, what I do is I steam 1 cup of skim milk and pour a flavored coffee into it. That way, I get my dairy along with my coffee.
  • jlwbeans0823
    jlwbeans0823 Posts: 178 Member
    I take my coffee black. If I want to spice it up I may use a little bit of honey or a splash of soy creamer.
  • Sepheara
    Sepheara Posts: 208 Member
    skim milk/fat free milk and some flavor shots or a little honey/organic sugar.
    or iced with just the fat free milk
  • nc90
    nc90 Posts: 83 Member

    Although I can not speak to Barack's hotness: We can not deny that he is tall and black.

    :laugh: :drinker:

    :laugh: too funny

    For me, it's all about the beans. I like a good medium or dark roast with just a dribble of skim milk to lighten it up (can drink it black too!) but if it's this crap at work, you can guarantee that some cream and sugar are about to go in! It definitely is an acquired taste though, maybe experiment with some different roasts and see which ones you like?
  • suttercm
    suttercm Posts: 189 Member
    I drink tea. Either orange pekoe, or green.:drinker:
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    My husband drinks black coffee so sometimes after I make a pot for him, I'll have some.. and since I learned that black coffee has pretty much no calories, I tend to just drink it like that when I do drink it (although I really don't like it like that)

    But usually I just have a 0 calorie energy drink (such as monster or rip-it)
  • SusannO
    SusannO Posts: 27 Member
    I live in Seattle and am surrounded by coffee. =) Caramel breve lattes, just kill me know.

    About 2 years ago, I stopped adding sugar to my coffee. It takes about a month to get used to, but I truly do not miss it now. Perhaps give that a go. I drink 3 cups of coffee each morning, but I must have dairy in it. I highly recommend just going with the half and half and only adding 1 tbsp to each cup. The rationale I use is that the half and half is so creamy, that you don't need to add a half cup of dairy in order to get the creaminess. A half cup of skim milk is around 45 cals, half cup of 1% is 55 cals, and 2% is 70cals, while 1 tbsp of creamer is 20 cals. If you look at the color of your coffee, the creamer gives you way more bang for the buck on creaminess than milk. So my cup of coffee is around 25 cals total which is why I can allott myself 3 cups/day.
  • MarlaChandlerBarton
    MarlaChandlerBarton Posts: 141 Member
    Years ago when I was watching my cals, I learned to drink it black. I began after a short period to really love it black. Every once in a while though I will treat myself to sweet and blonde, but mostly..... black :drinker:
  • mommyrox05
    mommyrox05 Posts: 238
    Sugar free coffee mate cremer and truvia