a special kind of fat that won't go with dieting...



  • Sepheara
    Sepheara Posts: 208 Member
    How did you manage to keep a straight face?

    It is sad though how many people are happy, almost proud, of having a label for a condition (correct or otherwise) so it becomes a burden they are so strong for living with rather than something they should work on to better themselves.
    I agree. been in a situation where I overheard two people having a sort of contest over who took more/stronger medications. as if it was some sort of game.

    Being ill doesn't make me proud. one should be proud of being healthy, but they aren't. they all want some sort of disease or another.
  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    LOL. Makes me think of Doctor Who "And the fat just walks away". The adipose look very cute in that

    lol same!!!
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    So after a little checking, there is condition called "Ectopic fat disposition" (The deposits of fat in non-muscle tissue ares, usually organs like the liver & pancreas). And, part of the causes are based on genetic and race. Both of which are out side of living a healthy life style.

    I would need to research more but this lady might actually have a medical condition that she cannot control or improve with diet and exercise.

    It still seems to me though that a healthy diet that is low fat would at the very least not hurt and perhaps help mitigate?

  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    I know a girl who actually has Lipedema... Her top half is normal size but the rest of her from the waist down is completely disproportionate...

    Was she extra pear shaped? It doesn't really cause fat above the waist...
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    How did you manage to keep a straight face?

    It is sad though how many people are happy, almost proud, of having a label for a condition (correct or otherwise) so it becomes a burden they are so strong for living with rather than something they should work on to better themselves.
    I agree. been in a situation where I overheard two people having a sort of contest over who took more/stronger medications. as if it was some sort of game.

    Being ill doesn't make me proud. one should be proud of being healthy, but they aren't. they all want some sort of disease or another.

    I think people do this type of thing for attention, so they can get a pat on the head and an "aww, how terrible for you"
  • zophiel67
    zophiel67 Posts: 181
    It does exist, although maybe the woman wasn't referring to Lipedema and was just trying to justify her behaviours.

    Thank you. Folks, please realize that there are medical conditions that can cause just about anything out there. That said, they're generally pretty rare. I knew a woman who was getting a medical degree who insisted her obesity (and I don't mean obese like me, I mean 300lb at 5'2") was due to her hypothyroidism. That can certainly cause weight gain, but she would also eat Snickers just about continuously through lectures. So just because someone has a condition doesn't mean they couldn't do better, either. But try to be nice and don't judge- she just might have been telling the truth.
  • redshoeshelley
    redshoeshelley Posts: 206 Member
    sounds like a serious case of "fatonmythigh".
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member

    really an injection? where do i sign up :bigsmile:

    :laugh: Yes, I definitely want this injection too...:laugh:
  • kathyd0829
    kathyd0829 Posts: 29
    You just made my whole day!!! I love people that find excuses for why they are the only ones on the face of the whole planet that just can't lose weight or get rid of that annoying fat!!
  • GemskiB
    GemskiB Posts: 95 Member
    Hey, I'm pretty sure there was an episode of Doctor Who (in fact I'm sure) about "adipose". What a load of rubbish! :)
  • StephTink76
    StephTink76 Posts: 334 Member
    LOL. Makes me think of Doctor Who "And the fat just walks away". The adipose look very cute in that

    Funny!! So happy I'm not the only one!!! :-D
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    this is kind of off topic... but lately i find myself seeing obese people and feeling really bad for them.. I've been getting an urge to carry little MFP cards and kindly slip them one and kind of try to in-a-nutshell-but-without-the-kindness- get them to WISE UP. THat's not what I mean out loud of course... I mean how do you kindly suggest someone could be happier with another view, another outlook, an option that's worked for me... without appearing negative, nasty, condescending or rude? I love the fact that there are old/fat/ partially crippled people at the gym trying to improve their health. The ones I see struggling to stay upright while waiting for a bus might be on a plan, or they might feel hopeless or not know an alternate plan exists and I have an urge to 'help.' I know I can't butt in like that, but I just wanted to put it out there that it's crossed my mind... So Kyle, I'm not sure I could have restrained myself... it would have depended on my mood (and probably on whether or not I'd had a few cocktails.) end of stray thought.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    this is kind of off topic... but lately i find myself seeing obese people and feeling really bad for them.. I've been getting an urge to carry little MFP cards and kindly slip them one and kind of try to in-a-nutshell-but-without-the-kindness- get them to WISE UP. THat's not what I mean out loud of course... I mean how do you kindly suggest someone could be happier with another view, another outlook, an option that's worked for me... without appearing negative, nasty, condescending or rude? I love the fact that there are old/fat/ partially crippled people at the gym trying to improve their health. The ones I see struggling to stay upright while waiting for a bus might be on a plan, or they might feel hopeless or not know an alternate plan exists and I have an urge to 'help.' I know I can't butt in like that, but I just wanted to put it out there that it's crossed my mind... So Kyle, I'm not sure I could have restrained myself... it would have depended on my mood (and probably on whether or not I'd had a few cocktails.) end of stray thought.

    Uhm, I would punch a stranger in the face if they told me they felt sorry I was fat and here's a random website that'll help you. So if you like your face, don't.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    In a curious way she's not wrong. Once we've been obese once, the newly accumulated fat cells never go away. They just stay there waiting to fill up with lipids again.
  • Jauryn
    Jauryn Posts: 73 Member
    LOL. Makes me think of Doctor Who "And the fat just walks away". The adipose look very cute in that

    That's always the only thing I can think of anymore whenever I hear the word 'adipose.'

    "I'm waving at fat!"
  • MSimm62385
    MSimm62385 Posts: 227
    this is kind of off topic... but lately i find myself seeing obese people and feeling really bad for them.. I've been getting an urge to carry little MFP cards and kindly slip them one and kind of try to in-a-nutshell-but-without-the-kindness- get them to WISE UP.

    Screw cards! I tell almost everybody I know about MFP. And I've gotten at least 7 or 8 people to join, too!
  • laus_8882
    laus_8882 Posts: 217 Member
    Wow... Can't say I'd ever condone violence (I like being able to tick the "no criminal record" box on visa applications!) but if some random tried to help me from my miserable prison of fat via business cards I'd be tempted to throw something at them.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    this is kind of off topic... but lately i find myself seeing obese people and feeling really bad for them.. I've been getting an urge to carry little MFP cards and kindly slip them one and kind of try to in-a-nutshell-but-without-the-kindness- get them to WISE UP.

    Screw cards! I tell almost everybody I know about MFP. And I've gotten at least 7 or 8 people to join, too!

    The key part being "everybody I know." I tell people I know about the site too, but I sure wouldn't walk up to random strangers and hand them a card telling them they are fat. WTF? If you are actually having a conversation with someone and discussing weight that's one thing, but just cold approaching someone on the street? Asking for a throat punch.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    this is kind of off topic... but lately i find myself seeing obese people and feeling really bad for them.. I've been getting an urge to carry little MFP cards and kindly slip them one and kind of try to in-a-nutshell-but-without-the-kindness- get them to WISE UP.

    Screw cards! I tell almost everybody I know about MFP. And I've gotten at least 7 or 8 people to join, too!

    He's talking about giving the cards to STRANGERS.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    this is kind of off topic... but lately i find myself seeing obese people and feeling really bad for them.. I've been getting an urge to carry little MFP cards and kindly slip them one and kind of try to in-a-nutshell-but-without-the-kindness- get them to WISE UP.

    Screw cards! I tell almost everybody I know about MFP. And I've gotten at least 7 or 8 people to join, too!

    The key part being "everybody I know." I tell people I know about the site too, but I sure wouldn't walk up to random strangers and hand them a card telling them they are fat. WTF? If you are actually having a conversation with someone and discussing weight that's one thing, but just cold approaching someone on the street? Asking for a throat punch.
