TEAM FIT in October Week 10th-16



  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    Good morning Team Fit! :flowerforyou:

    I did great on the food intake yesterday. 8 cups water, no exercise.
    (I wasn't feeling very good -allergies are kickin', so I didn't get my lazy self out of bed to go to the gym.)

    I feel better today.
    45 minutes exercise this morning. Already had 2 bottles of water. Will update remaining water tomorrow morning. Can't wait for the 30 day shred dvd to arrive!

    amm114 - I'm not doing very well on weekends with water either. Don't be too hard on yourself, you're doing great! Keep up the H20 consumption on weekdays and you'll be fine!

    aabelein - You're doing amazing! 33 lbs lost??? Wow! I can't wait to start seeing those kinds of numbers!

    jolinemm_07 - You're right. I would rather skip a weigh-in when things aren't 'normal' than to risk getting down with a slight gain. CONGRATS ON THE SMOKE-FREE!!! AWESOME!!! I'm a reformed smoker, so I know what it takes to overcome it! YOU CAN DO IT! :happy:

    Everyone else: KEEP IT UP - WE CAN DO IT! Have a great day! :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good Tuesday morning. It is dreary over here but there are great cloud formations in the sky. It feels like we should be in the middle of winter.

    Monday water total 12 glasses workout total 52 min
    Tuesday did my 25 min Burn It Off dvd this morning. Will check back later with the water total and any more exercise

    Hope everyone has a great day.
  • everyday
    everyday Posts: 127
    Hi all :smile:

    amm14 So sorry to hear about your co worker ((hugs))

    For Monday:

    Water 112 oz.
    W/O Zero :frown:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Good morning Team Fit! :flowerforyou:

    I did great on the food intake yesterday. 8 cups water, no exercise.
    (I wasn't feeling very good -allergies are kickin', so I didn't get my lazy self out of bed to go to the gym.)

    I feel better today.
    45 minutes exercise this morning. Already had 2 bottles of water. Will update remaining water tomorrow morning. Can't wait for the 30 day shred dvd to arrive!

    amm114 - I'm not doing very well on weekends with water either. Don't be too hard on yourself, you're doing great! Keep up the H20 consumption on weekdays and you'll be fine!

    aabelein - You're doing amazing! 33 lbs lost??? Wow! I can't wait to start seeing those kinds of numbers!

    jolinemm_07 - You're right. I would rather skip a weigh-in when things aren't 'normal' than to risk getting down with a slight gain. CONGRATS ON THE SMOKE-FREE!!! AWESOME!!! I'm a reformed smoker, so I know what it takes to overcome it! YOU CAN DO IT! :happy:

    Everyone else: KEEP IT UP - WE CAN DO IT! Have a great day! :flowerforyou: :smile:
    thanks downsizin!!! its been tough and i was on a plateau for almost 2 months, but i'm over coming that now and it wont be long! only 22 pounds to go!! and dont worry, keep up what youre doing and you will be there in no time! keep up the good work!! the 30 day shred dvd is awesome! its what has helped me over come the plateau! level 1 is tough, level 2 is hard, and i havent done level 3 yeat but i know its going to be hell! but i'm ready for it! and try to make sure to do it every day.... it sucks and i want to kill jillian michaels when im doing the work out, but when its done, i feel so happy that i did it! i missed a day, so that sucks, but i didnt have a choice. but you will love it!:laugh: :smile: :tongue:

    good luck today team!!:laugh: :glasses:
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    TEAM FIT Hello everyone
    last night i got 4 glasses of water in
    hopefully today will be better lol
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Tuesday total: 40 mins cardio, 1 hr yoga, 6 glasses of water.

    I might take tomorrow off.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    good morning team!!

    i only did 45 mins of exercise yesterday. My whole back is sore from level 2 of the 30 day shred so I just didnt feel like doing another 20 mins...... hopefully today wont be as bad. I did get all 8 glasses of water. Today 60 mins of exercise with 8 glasses of water!
    :tongue: :happy: :wink: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :love:

    Have a wonderful day team! Keep up the good work!!
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Hey Everyone:flowerforyou:

    Sorry I have been MIA the last couple of days. I took a mini vacation. I did manage to loose 3 pounds though. I can't believe I am 5 pounds away from my goal weight already. Well, I will be checking back later with my water and excersice.

  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Tuesday water total 12 glasses workout total 25 min

    Wednesday - workout 32 min this morning. Will check back with water and workout later

    Off to do an office training. Have a great hump day
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    Good morning all :smile: It's HUMP DAY! woo-hoo!

    tanya7712 - GREAT JOB! Vacation AND you lost??? Kudos! :happy:

    12 cups water
    45 min exercise

    I stayed up late last night helping my son study for exams so I was lazeeee this morning and didn't go to the gym. :yawn:

    Everyone have a great day! :wink:
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    yesterday last day off this week for exerzise and 4 glasses of water again

    well not much else to say i am gonna go do my workout for today while i am bored before i dont do it
    lol than kickball at 645 ooooh i gotta hurry lol :yawn:i feel lazy today
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    3 cups of water and
    1 hour of excersice for today
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    8 cups water
    GREAT on cals
    No exercise :noway:

    Will hit the gym around 5:00AM tomorrow. I'm ready to expand my workouts to include circuit training until I get the 30 Day Shred DVD (hopefully next week sometime).

    Everyone have a great night! :smile:
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    i just wanted to say that i am happy to be in a group it is really keeping me motivated to do my exersize
    thank you to everyone:flowerforyou: hopefully this week i will lhave lost something since its the only week i have actually kept to my goals for exersize:tongue: that would make me so happy
    chicken tonight dinner its in the oven and ohhhhh myyy goddd it smells so good not like when i normally cook chicken its just alright normally have a great night everyone and agreat day tommorrow:smile:
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Wednesday total: 5 glasses of water, 0 exercise (today and Saturday are my exercise days off).

    I think I probably went over on calories. I just don't know how to estimate calories in food that comes from locally owned non-chain restaurants.
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Wednesday total: 5 glasses of water, 0 exercise (today and Saturday are my exercise days off).

    I think I probably went over on calories. I just don't know how to estimate calories in food that comes from locally owned non-chain restaurants.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    good morning team!! hope you all had a good night last night! :flowerforyou:

    I drank 9 glasses of water and got in 65 mins of exercise.

    Going for the same today! I'm not as sore from level 2 of the 30 day shred so I'm hoping to be able to do good with it tonight. i mean, ive been doing it but my back was in pain so i couldnt ben down without bending my knees. so, i hope i can change that today. i feel better so *fingers crossed*!!!:glasses: :drinker: :drinker: :laugh: :tongue:

    Good luck today team! Keep it up!!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    HI EVERYBODY...I've missed you guys!! :flowerforyou:

    I'm back from my trip, and I think I did okay. Not great, but just okay. I stayed at this awesome hotel that had awesome was impossible to resist! I had two nice long workouts, and I drank a TON of water. But I know I went over my calories. This week will be a good week if I just don't gain any weight - definitely not expecting to lose any. :grumble: We shall see. Today I am going to work out really hard, drink lots of water, and eat really well in hopes for a good weigh-in tomorrow morning! :smile:
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    Hey Team Fit!
    Hope everyone is doing well today. Tomorrow is weigh in for most of us, so stay strong! :wink:

    Question: How much protein should I be consuming per day?

    I have been really watching the calories and I'm noticing that I am sleepy through the day, no energy, etc. Could this be from a lack of protein?
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    I gained 2 pounds this week...BOO!!! :angry: :mad: