Who has started losing again after ADDING more calories?



  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    It makes total sense that no one has gained. You have to eat MORE than you use to gain weight. If your TDEE is spot on (and I used the calculator on Scooby's site and it matched my Fitbit 100%), and you don't eat over your TDEE, you will not gain weight (excluding water weight, of course).

    Cardio is the devil to me. Seriously! Whenever I stall, my immediate reaction is to add in a run after weights or something. And it always makes things worse. I upped my cals from 1400 to 1875 and cut back on cardio to 2 days a week, strength training for an hour on the other 3 days. Been losing weight or been stable for a bit now (stable is ok, I'm at my goal weight so I'm looking to be more toned than anything!).

    Thank you!! :) and I'm trying cardio cut down
  • bayertablets
    bayertablets Posts: 213 Member
    Me too! I'm netting around my BMR everyday and losing at a healthy rate. Feed your body!
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    http://www.drbriffa.com/2011/12/05/what-should-we-eat-before-exercise-how-about-nothing/ talks about what to eat (or not) before exercise. He's an interesting guy - a medical Doctor - faced with a stall / plateau he would suggest trying out some Intermittent fasting, reduced carb eating or HIIE interval training.

    As a mum you'll appreciate the apparent time efficiency of interval training over steady state cardio.

    Another thought is that "intermittent dieting" can be at least as efficient as continuous calorie restriction :-

    https://healthyresearcher.wordpress.com/2012/06/11/part-time-dieting-a-new-strategy-for-weight-control/ - 2 weeks of diet, 2 weeks off did better.

    http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45587821/ns/health-diet_and_nutrition/t/cutting-carbs-just-days-week-can-spur-weight-loss/ - 2 days a week on low cals / low carbs with ad lib in between.

    This is awesome! So much infomation..I love it!!!...and I have no problems trying it all to see what works!! :) I have heard a lot about the diet on and off thing...I have been doing this since november! without waiver...cheat days...cheat meals..blah blah...its something to consider....Does my body need a time out? :)
  • AbbyCar
    AbbyCar Posts: 198 Member

    I'd like to know more about this, but can't read it all right now.
    I'm reading the New Rules of Lifting for Women and it says that I should eat ~1700 cals on non-lifting days and ~1900 on lifting days. However, a trainer at the gym told me I need to eat 1200-1500.
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member

    I'd like to know more about this, but can't read it all right now.
    I'm reading the New Rules of Lifting for Women and it says that I should eat ~1700 cals on non-lifting days and ~1900 on lifting days. However, a trainer at the gym told me I need to eat 1200-1500.

    That is MY LOVE BOOK :) Again..it stresses less cardio! and does your trainer know you will be lifting...heavy weights soon? I do squat presses(over head) of 100 pounds.. Sometimes they are trying...but you gotta give them more details on weight training...most women stay clear of that area.. :D
  • jenjam27
    jenjam27 Posts: 44 Member
    I keep hearing "up the calories" my issue, I have eat 1400 calories a day, but will burn about 600-700 with exercise, most times I am just not hungry enough to eat those calories back, I will try to eat a higher calorie item maybe an extra glass of milk or maybe sour cream as oppossed to fat free but I still am not hungry enough to eat them back....is this an issue, will I still lose by working it that way?
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I used to eat 1200 and my exercise calories and lost 10lbs then stalled for MONTHS. Then I slowly bumped up my calories 100 at a time now i'm at 1600 a day plus I eat most of my exercise calories back. I started losing again but it did take about 3 weeks before the scale started moving again after I changed my calories.
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    I keep hearing "up the calories" my issue, I have eat 1400 calories a day, but will burn about 600-700 with exercise, most times I am just not hungry enough to eat those calories back, I will try to eat a higher calorie item maybe an extra glass of milk or maybe sour cream as oppossed to fat free but I still am not hungry enough to eat them back....is this an issue, will I still lose by working it that way?

    you eat 1400 and burn 700 a day...so your body is running on 700 calories a day...will you still lose weight on that low of calories?

    Well..that is what I am trying to figure out myself... :) I wish I knew for sure what worked for everyone!! :(
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    I used to eat 1200 and my exercise calories and lost 10lbs then stalled for MONTHS. Then I slowly bumped up my calories 100 at a time now i'm at 1600 a day plus I eat most of my exercise calories back. I started losing again but it did take about 3 weeks before the scale started moving again after I changed my calories.

    I think skipping the scale for awhile is key...I think if we look..we will see a number we dont wanna see..and go right back to eating less...
  • jenjam27
    jenjam27 Posts: 44 Member
    Well..that is what I am trying to figure out myself... :) I wish I knew for sure what worked for everyone!! :(

    Its very frustrating I know, I think its my experience you will get different views on this, I also feel like you when I do less cardio I seem to be able to eat them back, although part of me says doing an 1hr of cardio has to be good for something....there has to be a happy medium somewhere. I've never done strength training either, I'm not really afraid of it, but after doing an hr of cardio I really don't have the time to add weights....hmmmmmmm
  • Tropicalgirl3
    Tropicalgirl3 Posts: 37 Member
    I started working with a health and exercise coach and the first thing she did was up my calories. I was at 1200 and she upped it to 1500. She said she would have liked to up it more but knew that I would freak out. I agreed to give it a try and it worked!! I started losing consistently almost immediately. She said 1200 is barely enough for the lungs, heart, etc to just function. She still warns me never to go below 1400 (especially on good work out days) because my body will start rebelling!! Guess what...so far she has been 100% correct. The other key factor is to include lots of lean protein and fiber in that calorie total as well as watching your fat. So far so good, I plan to keep trying and see where it takes me.
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    I have now increased my calories a total of 4 times since Feb. I am 5'2" and currently weigh 98 lbs. I started my journey with 1200 calories a day. My goal now is 1828 calories a day. I lift weights 3x a week and bike outside 4x a week. And boy, do I need all those calories every day. I don't "need" all that cardio but I love to bike when the weather's warm, and biking is my thinking time.

    Upping/not upping calories for the purpose of weight loss is not a precise science; it's anecdotal at best so take everyone's experience here with a barrel of salt.
  • Tropicalgirl3
    Tropicalgirl3 Posts: 37 Member
    I started working with a health and exercise coach and the first thing she did was up my calories. I was at 1200 and she upped it to 1500. She said she would have liked to up it more but knew that I would freak out. I agreed to give it a try and it worked!! I started losing consistently almost immediately. She said 1200 is barely enough for the lungs, heart, etc to just function. She still warns me never to go below 1400 (especially on good work out days) because my body will start rebelling!! Guess what...so far she has been 100% correct. The other key factor is to include lots of lean protein and fiber in that calorie total as well as watching your fat. So far so good, I plan to keep trying and see where it takes me.
  • I'd been eating around 1200 calories for a couple of weeks and losing about .5-.8lbs per week. Then, last week, I had a busy week and ate out a lot. Despite the gain in calories, (approx. 1400 total per day) I lost 3.2lbs this past week!
    I think a lot of it depends on the exercise you do, but I haven't had any gains!
  • CurlDiva
    CurlDiva Posts: 33 Member
    How are you calculating your BMR because if you are working out 6 days a week there is no way you should only be eating 1200 a day. I was eating that when I was doing nothing (sendentary lifestyle). I am 5foot9 and now that I am working out 6 days a week doing insanity I have to eat a minumum of 1620 a day. I use the beachbody calculator http://www.teambeachbody.com/eat-smart/nutrition-tools/caloric-needs because I know my goal....with MFP I have a daily goal of 1400 then I earn eat back calories when I work out. I may have missed it but what are your current stats, height, age, weight?
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    You guys are soo helpful! Thanks for taking time out of your day to help!! :drinker:
  • Najay
    Najay Posts: 273 Member
    I have. I started eating some of my exercise calories back and my body started dropping weight again. It was stalled for 4 months. I think its the bodies way of saying it needed more food and my metabolism kicked back in.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    Please put my mind at ease..been stalled for 3 months...after looking into it..best option was to up calories(wasnt eating after exercise 1200 daily) I've gone with eating no less than BMR and if I exercise...I try to eat back that..shy of 100 calories....unless I go really high ..but that just doesnt happen with me!

    I've started..and I am just really paranoid :indifferent: Sucess stories?? :love:

    meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I was eating 1600 cals and working out 1hr a day 6 days a week and not dropping anything. I was so pissy I went to a nutritionist and she suggested I up my calories to 1800 since I'm working out so much and I dropped 3lbs within 2 weeks of upping. :)
  • jenjam27
    jenjam27 Posts: 44 Member
    I started working with a health and exercise coach and the first thing she did was up my calories. I was at 1200 and she upped it to 1500. She said she would have liked to up it more but knew that I would freak out. I agreed to give it a try and it worked!! I started losing consistently almost immediately. She said 1200 is barely enough for the lungs, heart, etc to just function. She still warns me never to go below 1400 (especially on good work out days) because my body will start rebelling!! Guess what...so far she has been 100% correct. The other key factor is to include lots of lean protein and fiber in that calorie total as well as watching your fat. So far so good, I plan to keep trying and see where it takes me.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I agree...this seems to go against everything that's been programmed. I currently net 1200 - 1400 per day and haven't lost a pound in months. I've been concentrating on eating really clean, adding more strength training, and increasing my protein intake. I will try to increase my cals to 1600 - 1800 to see if that makes a diff. Another question...i've been having a hard time meeting my protein requirements (approx 150 g per day). What are some of your best sources that are low in fat/cals??

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    Some people hate this...but here...I go.. ;) whey protein powder...I dont leave home with out it... cup of Fage greek yogurt...2 scoops choc powder...1tsp peanut butter...cup ice... walla! chocolate p.butter shake...and protein? could be close or over 70gm depending.. and I am picky.. body fortress is good.. the ice really makes it takes so good...blend it up..and go :)

    Thanks so much!!! I will definitely try...sounds yummy :)

    You may wanna go with a flavored vanilla greek yogurt..especiallly first starting out with the powder...I use plain now..but it might be a bit too...bland at first! and a little more p butter is cool too !

    I know people here log so this probably goes without saying but it's like a 525 calorie drink even before the little more PB. Just a heads up, for those who drink then log then realize they have to skip dinner or go run 5 miles. :happy: