Tubal ligation

Clarisse0304 Posts: 77 Member
Hey everybody, I've been searching the possibility of getting my tubes tied and I am looking for opinions if anybody out there had the procedure done. I will like to know if you recomend it or not and why..What type of side effects have you experienced, including weight loss or gain.
Thank you.


  • sbernardy
    sbernardy Posts: 188
    Bump I was thinking of the same thing.. between me and my husband we have six kids.. really would like one together.. but I think we have enough... Love everyone of them...
  • dreamingchild
    dreamingchild Posts: 208 Member
    hubs got a vascetomy...easier, cheaper
  • JessigirlJb
    JessigirlJb Posts: 656
    I had it done! After two babies and I am very happy with it. I havn't noticed any excessive weight loss or gain. My lifestyle and having two babies contributed to the gain. I feel great, cycle is fine, and I can freely have sex with my hubby no worries. Its simple and I recommend it to anyone who feels like they are at that point in there life. :drinker: the biggest worry my doctor had was that I would regret it and want more kids.. but if you are sure you are sure.
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    I have not had any negative side effects from mine. I had them done during the C-section of my last child. The side effects from birth control pills were horrendous for me. My mood was crazy at best and belligerent at worst. And I had an extra 10lbs. that never budged the entire time.

    I would say my periods last a touch longer then when I was on birth control. BUT my cramps are better. Overall, I am VERY happy I got the procedure done. This was almost 7yrs. ago.

    Hope this helps. It really is lovely to be in a long term relationship and not worry about birth control.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    hubs got a vascetomy...easier, cheaper

    This is what mine is going to do once we decide whether or not we're having another baby.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    i had mine 13 years ago, so im sure things have changed, but i felt AWESOME after mine! No side effects, much better sex since you dont have to worry! and i didnt have any weight gain or loss.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    There's a procedure called Essure where your doctor inserts a metal coil into your tubes and the scar tissue builds up around it - it's much less invasive than a traditional tubal and, while uncomfortable when implanted, might be a better options.
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    My husband was going to get a vascetomy too but I had to have a c-section with our last baby so I told them to tie it up while they were in there...if I didn't tell them to do it I would never know they did...no difference now then before!!

    Good luck :)
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    Had one 21 years ago after birth of last child-never regretted decision at all-it was great not having to worry about getting pregnant again (Husband loved it too)
  • Positive_Energy73
    Positive_Energy73 Posts: 51 Member
    I had mine done almost 16 yrs ago after my third child and I haven't experienced any side effects from the procedure. Other than an initial tender belly, I had no complications and it was the best surgery I've ever had! :love:
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 783 Member
    I had a tubal after I had my daughter. No side effects. Hubby too scared to have Snip-Snip! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • supermom2002
    supermom2002 Posts: 180 Member
    Piece of cake, walk in the park, easy peasy. 2 tiny little scars you can barely see. Had it done on a Friday and was back to work on Monday. SooOOooo glad i had it done. No side effects, no weight gain--oh yeah, and the best part...no more babies!!
  • MrsSexton2013
    MrsSexton2013 Posts: 98 Member
    Had mine done during c-section 8 years ago.. have since had to have a hysterectomy BUT.. had way less effects from that then I ever did hormonal birth control. No hormone fluctuation = milder disposition :)
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    I had mine done when I had my last csection 3 years ago. My cycle has been completely messed up since!!! I have since been diagnosed w/endometriosis (sp?). I NEVER had any females issues what so ever before having it done. Now I have cramps 3 weeks out of the month, spotting ALL the time, severe bloating during ovulation (up to 10lbs). It has been crazy!!!! I cant take bc pills to help w/the cramps and bleeding becuase I have migraines. My dr suggested a hysterecmy (sp?), but I am only 35, I dont want to go straight into menopause just yet. After researching the tubal ligation causing endo, it can and does happen!!! If I had known this could happen my hubby would have gotten fixed!!
  • OSUalum
    OSUalum Posts: 449 Member
    Easy. Insurance covered. No side effects.
  • Brengild
    Brengild Posts: 127
    Piece of cake, glad I did it, no side effects!
  • NiSan12
    NiSan12 Posts: 374 Member
    Had mine done over 14 years ago after 3rd child. No side effects and you can barely see the stitch where they went in. If you seriously considering not having anymore children. It is one good direction to go.
  • amillerwvu
    amillerwvu Posts: 54 Member
    I had one...but out of necessity. My doctor performed an ablation and would not do so unless he did the TL as well. I guess with an ablation, there is to be little to no period after (for good). Unfortunately, that was not me...but then again, I have female issues.

    Some say an ablation would be the best way to go bc you're not "supposed" to get pregnant BUT there is a possibility you may (hence why I had to have the TL). There really is nothing to the TL...it's the other stuff that got to me. Good luck!
  • macsgirl526
    Have your hubby go and do it. Mine wishes now that he had it done instead of me. I was a rare case but I got a serious infection from mine. I had it done at the end Feb. 2011.By the 1st of April I had an abcess the size of a softball. They had to remove my left ovary. It was very intense and lengthy recovery. I did lose weight but that was b/c I was so very sick. Its easier on guys so just have him do it. :)
  • macsgirl526
    Not sure what exactly it is called but what about having just your uterus removed? Still leave the ovaries for the hormones. Just an idea/thought.

    edit-This was meant for Amymt10..lol