Tubal ligation



  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Had mine done during c-section 8 years ago.. have since had to have a hysterectomy BUT.. had way less effects from that then I ever did hormonal birth control. No hormone fluctuation = milder disposition :)

    Hysterectomies are becoming increasingly common among women who have it done in conjunction with a c-section.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    I had a tubal ligation done in August 2007 and it was by far, the best decision I ever made. No side effects whatsoever. I was in some mild pain and discomfort for a few days but that was it. I haven't gained or lost any weight because of it. Wish I had done it sooner, actually.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Not sure what exactly it is called but what about having just your uterus removed? Still leave the ovaries for the hormones. Just an idea/thought.

    A hysterectomy is not an elective procedure. It has to be a medical necessity.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    There's a procedure called Essure where your doctor inserts a metal coil into your tubes and the scar tissue builds up around it - it's much less invasive than a traditional tubal and, while uncomfortable when implanted, might be a better options.

    I did this. I was acutally surprised by the amount of pain I felt during this process but in the end it was worth it.
  • macsgirl526
    Not sure what exactly it is called but what about having just your uterus removed? Still leave the ovaries for the hormones. Just an idea/thought.

    A hysterectomy is not an elective procedure. It has to be a medical necessity.

    Yes I know that.I made a mistake and forgot to quote Amymt10.It was meant for her.Sorry.
  • bethira
    bethira Posts: 132 Member
    I'm allergic to the high doses of estrogen in birth control pills so after my third child I had my tubes tied. Even with three kids and having the issues with other sort of birth control the doctors were VERY hesitant to tie my tubes at 23, but it was great: bandaid on my belly button and no more kiddies! Almost 20 years later, still no issues.
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    There's a procedure called Essure where your doctor inserts a metal coil into your tubes and the scar tissue builds up around it - it's much less invasive than a traditional tubal and, while uncomfortable when implanted, might be a better options.

    I did this. I was acutally surprised by the amount of pain I felt during this process but in the end it was worth it.

    How long ago did you have Essure done? Any side effects? I'm scheduled to have it done in September.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I had Essure done last August...was back to normal workouts in a day but did get a lot of extra sleep for 2 days...no problems since, no weight changes, no cycle changes, no scars...the only mildly bad part was getting the 3 month check with a radiologist that I swear only looked a few years older than my oldest son...it was a bit awkward and made me feel my age...
  • bkw2488
    bkw2488 Posts: 190 Member
    My kids dad had a vascetomy done when I was prego with our 4th, it did not work, we had 2 more kids after that (he did not want to go in again and get it done) so after our 6th kids (all c-section) I had a tubal and I never had any issues with anything.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I don't know if it's been covered, but a tubal ligation should not affect your weight one way or the other. You will still have normal periods and symptoms, you just have a smaller chance of getting pregnant than if you were not using contraceptives. As of about ten years ago, the tubal process was about as effective as condoms at preventing pregnancy.

    I had it done when I was 23. It was an outpatient procedure, I only needed one day off work (the day of the surgery), and I have never once regretted it. I do find that I forget to track my periods and sometimes wonder "sh|t, when was my last cycle?" ... because I know a guy whose mother got PG with him ten years after he tubes were done.

    Other than that, YAY TUBAL LIGATION!
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    There's a procedure called Essure where your doctor inserts a metal coil into your tubes and the scar tissue builds up around it - it's much less invasive than a traditional tubal and, while uncomfortable when implanted, might be a better options.

    I did this. I was acutally surprised by the amount of pain I felt during this process but in the end it was worth it.

    How long ago did you have Essure done? Any side effects? I'm scheduled to have it done in September.

    I had Essure done about 16 months ago. I've had no side effects at all. You do have to carry a little card with you (I guess like if you go through airports??) that says you have a metal implant inside of you. The procedure was super easy. They go in vaginally and implant the coils. I was a bit crampy afterward, but returned to work the next day. My doctor put me under conscious sedation so I was asleep the whole time, but I think some doctors do it if you're awake too. The only down side to this is that you have to wait 3 months and go back in for an hsg procedure, where they put dye through you to make sure your tubes are blocked. So you have to be on birth control or use condoms during that time. I went with Essure because there was no surgery involved, and I love it.
  • Cinnamon0603
    Cinnamon0603 Posts: 149 Member
    I had mine tied after the birth of my last child, and though I love the freedom from worry about pregnancy, I have had horrible periods every since. I used to be one of those that never got a cramp, and had about 3 days of light flow and I was done. Now I have cramps for about 2 days that are so severe that I require prescription pain medication and my flow is out of control. Sometimes to the point that I am afraid to leave my house. I might be the exception to the rule, in fact I hope that I am, but that has been my experience. It's so bad that I joke with my friends that I can't wait for menopause. lol
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Had it done at the time of my c-section so I can't speak for the procedure itself, but as far as side effects, I would have to say none. That was 8 years ago. I have had a few ovarian cysts since then but since I have mild PCOS anyway, I highly doubt the tubal had anything to do with them. All the same hormomes still produce, the highway is just shut down!

    That said, I always recommend that the male in the relationship get a vasectomy over the woman having a tubal. It is much less invasive.
  • Psychoanalytic
    I had Essure done last August...was back to normal workouts in a day but did get a lot of extra sleep for 2 days...no problems since, no weight changes, no cycle changes, no scars...the only mildly bad part was getting the 3 month check with a radiologist that I swear only looked a few years older than my oldest son...it was a bit awkward and made me feel my age...

    I also had Essure instead of a tubal. Best.decision.ever. (Even despite having complications due to my "girly" history.) It was also a LOT cheaper with my insurance than a tubal was going to be. ($40 vs about $1500.)

    How long ago did you have Essure done? Any side effects? I'm scheduled to have it done in September.

    I had mine done several months ago. I opted to be drugged up instead of anesthesia. I felt pain simply because due to 3 miscarriages I had a LOT of scar tissue that had to be removed. (And by removed, I really mean he took this claw looking thing and picked it out like cotton candy lol.) Due to scar tissue already in my right fallopian tube, it caused my coil to bend just a little bit which ridiculously hurt for a few days. It ended up situating itself and I haven't felt a thing since then.
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    There are no side effects at all.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i had it done a year and a half ago and it was BRUTAL! i would get hubby done if you can,lol i had bad pain and couldn't get out of bed for 10 days! 2 weeks off of work and i still could of used a few more. I never thought it was going to be so bad especially from those that say it's a piece of cake! it sure wasn't for me and that surprised me a whole lot!. I had some bad pains for 4 days and then just normal pain for the next 5. I would never do it again and i tell others to get hubby done if they can, so much easier for them!
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    There's a procedure called Essure where your doctor inserts a metal coil into your tubes and the scar tissue builds up around it - it's much less invasive than a traditional tubal and, while uncomfortable when implanted, might be a better options.
    I've had this. I had it done 6 years ago, I think. Maybe it was only 5? Anyway, I had some cramping that sucked BADLY the day of the procedure, but beyond that, it was nothing. My doctor still put me under, because, as he put it "I figure you're there to be sterilized. If there's an issue with one of the tubes being blocked, making the insertion of the coil impossible, a traditional laprascopic tubal ligation will be the option." lol My periods really didn't change, but I hadn't been on any BC in years anyway.

    ETA: Oh, and at the time, it was completely covered by my insurance. I didn't have to pay anything other than the co-pay for my office visit consultation.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I had my tubes tied almost 14 years ago, and it was very smooth. Outpatient on a Friday, back to work on Monday.

    Afterwards my periods did get a lot heavier, though, like 'make sure you take an extra pair of pants to work with you' heavy.

    Several years later, my uterus was trying to push my bladder out (yes, OUT) and so for that reason I had a hysterectomy in 3 years ago. BEST DAMN DECISION I EVER MADE.
  • jmenglund03
    I had the Essure procedure done several years ago. It's a less-invasive procedure than the tubal one, and is still permanent. My insurance covered the procedure, I think I maybe had the standard office visit copay. They prescribed a muscle relaxer pill beforehand, but that was the only medication that was needed. It was an outpatient procedure, and I was awake through it. (not sure if the tubal procedure requires anesthesia??) but that was a concern for me). The procedure was a bit uncomfortable, but nothing compared to childbirth and its aftereffects.

    I know some have said that their husbands/partners have had vasectomies, but I wanted the confidence that I knew I was not going to be faced with a surprise at some point down the road. There's been many "oops" stories that go along with vasectomies - not for me.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    There's a procedure called Essure where your doctor inserts a metal coil into your tubes and the scar tissue builds up around it - it's much less invasive than a traditional tubal and, while uncomfortable when implanted, might be a better options.

    I did this. I was acutally surprised by the amount of pain I felt during this process but in the end it was worth it.

    How long ago did you have Essure done? Any side effects? I'm scheduled to have it done in September.
    I had it done March 2011. I had some pain/discomfort for about a week but it was just like bad cramps. I did have spotting for about a month. I remember thinking it was a problem and checked with my doctor but she did say as long as it wasn't severe bleeding it was common, everyone heals different. After that and stopping the pill my cycle was off and I had some cramps and my flow was heavier. So, after several months I decided to go back on the pill just for that.