do you weigh yourself EVERY DAY?



  • wsuduce
    wsuduce Posts: 68 Member
    I do. Every day. I do not stress the day to day change but just use it as information. I can look at averages, look at the foods that cause me to retain water. I figure the more information I have the better educated I am about my body... what can it hurt :)
  • Ambers92
    Ambers92 Posts: 8
    DON'T DO IT! My scale broke and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Weight fluctuates so much that there is really no accuracy in weighing yourself everyday. Plus, getting the body fat percentage down and gaining muscle is what is most important. I've started weighing myself every 2 weeks and measuring myself every 3 weeks, with measurements you are able to really tell if things are changing, where with the scale it could be water/muscle/etc.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I admit to doing exactly what you do more often than is healthy. Once a week is all a person needs to weigh and it should be in the morning only. As for the scales, it's sort of nice to see the tenths but not critical. In fact, some experts tell us to round off the ounces. But most people on here log even a tiny loss of 0.2, which is more than likely mere fluctuation and not a true loss. So, your scales are fine. But, if you want a change, I suggest you invest in scales that also show your bodyfat and, if you can afford it, other body composition numbers. Those numbers are more important than the weight.

    A measuring tape is by far the best way to monitor your fitness. Not the scales. Scales really are depressing.
  • inagaddadavegan
    inagaddadavegan Posts: 46 Member
    Yep. Multiple times.
    I have a wifi scale that charts my weight - I like to see the fluctuations. It's like I'm my own science project :)

    Right? I check in first thing in the morning... I'm trying to optimize an eating and exercise plan for myself. So I journal my food, how my workout went (was I energetic? was I not feeling it?), and what I weigh -- and watch for patterns.
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member
    I think this all depends on the person and their mindset. Currently, I'm weighing myself pretty much everyday. I switched back to that from once every few weeks a while ago because I found that 1) the anxiety leading up to the weigh-in was getting ridiculous and 2) if I had a "bad" weigh-in I was nearly inconsolable for a few hours. So, I switched to daily to take some of the power of the scale away; however, changing my outlook on a lot of things in general is what ultimately has taken away the scale's power: there's been no downward movement for a while, but rather than freaking, I'm now able to look at it objectively and think either "well, who cares, I'm doing everything right and feel great" or "well, if I'm really going to be honest with myself, I have been slacking on the fitness recently".

    I think we could all benefit from lightening up surrounding all of this weight loss business...
  • kbairdphillips
    kbairdphillips Posts: 275 Member
    I do, it keeps me accountable. It is sometimes frustrating to see the day to day fluctuations, but on days my weight goes up a few ounces I push myself a little harder physically and consume less sodium.
  • alex88carolina
    2-3 Times A Day.
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    At least twice per day. Always in the morning and then after workouts. Helps me track my weight against my diet, helps me to plan my cooking for the day. Don't listen to anyone who tells you weighing several times per day is an obsession.
  • Luvmyhubby222
    Luvmyhubby222 Posts: 149 Member
    I'm with most people-I weigh every morning, but don't freak out over little changes. The other morning I weighed myself, went back to sleep for two hours, and woke up and weighed again. Somehow lost two pounds just sleeping/!!!
    I find it interesting, but I only focus on my weekly weigh ins.
  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
    I weigh myself every day. Can't help it!
  • sashka1
    sashka1 Posts: 2
    Unfortunately everyday.
    If your having a good week and even the tiniest bit of weight loss each day then for me it becomes a stronger motivation. However when I start to gain weight and I continue to weight myself I get angry and frustrated, which has led me to fall into binges and giving up. Just in general puts me in a crappy mood.
    I think from now on I'm going to start weighting myself weekly.
  • ladyautodr
    HECK NO! I ONLY weigh myself once a week, Fri. mornings. I picked that day because it is the first day of my 5 day work week. I don't get back on the scale again.
  • beautsarah
    beautsarah Posts: 151 Member
    Thank God I feel normal. I wish I had the discipline to not weigh myself everyday. I try to stop but the most I can do is skip a day and next thing I know i'm standing on a scale first thing the next morning smh.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    I weigh myself first thing in the morning after I use the restroom and then again at night before going to bed. I know your weight can and will go up and down during the day but for me it is a way to stay accountable.

    Same here, but I will add that if the scale goes up a little I don't worry much. If it goes up like three days in a row I will try to figure out what's going on. The biggest thing for me though is that if I go a few days without weighing I stop thinking as much about what I put in my mouth.
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    I weigh myself every single day. However, I'm also aware that weight fluctuates and I don't let myself get freaked by the number. If I'm feeling better about myself, and I feel great, that's all that really matters.
  • GabyG69
    GabyG69 Posts: 213
    I used to weigh myself 2-3 times a week... sometimes every day. This month I decided that I wouldn't weigh myself for a month and I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised at the end :) Oh but believe me, it is hard to go from weighing myself so much to not at all..
  • learpilot74
    I weigh in once....maybe twice a week. Everyday is not only a horrible way to do it but fairly deceiving. Dehydration, womens' biological functions that cause bloating, and just various changes in water retention will cause 1-2lb fluxes easily day to day...sometimes more. The important thing isn't just weight but healthy living and relationships with food. If your trying to lose weight, your interested in the overall TREND of your weight. So once a week really is adequate! :)
  • cervezafred
    Before MFP, I weighed myself about once a month.

    After joining MFP, I weigh myself daily just hoping for some movement, preferably down. I'm tracking my daily food intake, might as well track the weight. :)
  • tmarie4
    tmarie4 Posts: 34 Member
    Yes I do but only "officially" weigh in and record once per week. However, the little fluctations are driving me crazy!!!! So I'm sticking my scale in the closet and going to try to weigh maybe once a week.
  • shrinkINme88
    I use to weigh myself everyday sometimes 2x a day. One thing that I noticed is that I would step on at night right before and I would be 2-3 lbs heavier than that morning!! That drove me nuts. :sad: I always felt discouraged and couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. :huh: I am now doing it once a week, the results that you see after a week of hard work let's you know that it is worth it and it pushes you to keep going!!