Are you and your family close to each other?



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    my family is extremely close...people can't believe that I call my mom every day and visit my parents every weekend. My sister is actually living with me this summer so she can work with me. I love being around my family. My fiance's family is no where near as close. It's somewhat strange, they are Chinese, and my experience with most of the Asian people I have known is a very very close knit family. His is quite the opposite. ALthough they live together, they are not involved in eachother's lives or have any kind of emotional connection. I am looking forward to us being married, and hopefully being very close to eachother and our future family :-) I think it is very important
    Both my parents and inlaws only live an hour away and we're usually visiting one or the other every other weekend. Sometimes both.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • lane823
    lane823 Posts: 41
    I just had to reply to this post. My family is the BEST! We love spending time with each other. Even though my brothers are 10, 12, and 14 years older than me and live a minimum of 3 hours away, we get along fabulously! We look for reasons to get together. And if one of us can't be there when the rest of us are together, we are bummed. And it extends into my nieces and nephews, too. I have people think I am crazy for WANTING to spend time with my family.
  • MMMendoza007
    MMMendoza007 Posts: 157 Member
    It's a mixed bag for me. I am estranged from one brother. He made the decision to disassociate himself from my parents. *shrug* I don't see him ever. I am extremely close to my Mom, Dad, and sister. My other brother, we have a fairly good relationship.

    I love my family. All of them. Even the one I never see.

  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    We put the D in dysfunctional.

    Seriously, I see everyone in my family pretty often. I talk to my parents at least 2-3 times a week if not more... but my parents have been divorced for 23 years and still can't be in the same room. My mom's parents and brothers have disowned her and are buddy-buddy with my dad and step-mom now. :huh: My stepmom refused to go to my high-school graduation because my mom would be there (Elliot Hall of music seats thousands of people) and my mom has been married and divorce 5 times since my dad.

    It's a mess.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I LOVE my family. I agree with your comment about rather spending time with them than friends. We are really close, and get together pretty regularly.

    I talk with my mom every day, see them at least once a week. Same with Gramma and the aunts/ uncles and cousins. We're extremely close and I confide in my mother about nearly everything. She's my rock.
  • Purplebfly333
    Purplebfly333 Posts: 32 Member
    Unfortunately not.....It seems as if there is a lot of angry from the past that keeps my family distant. I tried for many years to stay connected with my siblings only to find out that I was the only one who cared. I was told by my older brother that is my role to try to keep everyone together. Well the light bulb came on for me,even though I love my siblings, I stop playing that role. I've spent alot of time trying to create a since of family with them and it doesn't seem to matter. I've learn to let go and embrace my immediate family. Now I concentrate more on them and me......It's so refreshing to hear about strong, happy families. thanks for the topic and to see I'm not alone.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I just deleted my mom and sister on FB for posting racial/extremely right-wing political/religious nonsense. :indifferent:

    I love them, though, just their opinions are cray.

    .... I like my dad.:drinker:
    In my case, I put them under "restricted access" so they can't see my posts, pics, etc. plus I set myself as invisible in fb chat to them... They're overly religious & conservative that it gets on my nerves. Sorry but I think I have a right to my own privacy.
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    I am very close with my mother and my brothers (one brother more than the other) even though they live on the other side of the country. Love them and miss them everyday :(
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    Yes, we are all pretty close. I have dinner at my parents once a week with 2 of my 3 sisters, 1 lives too far but we usually skype with her.
    My in-laws live just about 2 hrs from us so we don't see them as often but I would still say we are pretty close.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I just deleted my mom and sister on FB for posting racial/extremely right-wing political/religious nonsense. :indifferent:

    I love them, though, just their opinions are cray.

    .... I like my dad.:drinker:
    In my case, I put them under "restricted access" so they can't see my posts, pics, etc. plus I set myself as invisible in fb chat to them... They're overly religious & conservative that it gets on my nerves. Sorry but I think I have a right to my own privacy.

    I guess I could've done that. It was suggested to me AFTER I had deleted them. I haven't finked with it enough to know, honestly. It was a little satisfying. I'm way too sarcastic and they misunderstand/take personally everything I say. :laugh: I was homeschooled growing up, and I described myself as having been locked in the closet for most of my life....... that didn't go over too well. :devil:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    For the most part yes, absolutely. I am close to all my immediate family and communicate with most weekly and some daily. But I come from a really big family with more than 50 first cousins. Many are like siblings, others I barely know.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Yes! My mom was my best friend (lost her 4 years ago to breast cancer) and I'm extremely close to my dad and brother.

    My inlaws are amazing and supportive. We don't agree on everything, but who does? My husband's parents were actually best friends with my mom and dad while in high school.

    I have a very large extended family that's close. I have two distant cousins who are my very best guy friends.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I would say we're very close on both my mom's side and dad's side, although in different ways. On my mom's side, we're all in Texas and see each other frequently, talk all the time, and if one person has a problem the WHOLE family knows in like 10 minutes. Kinda nice that everyone is so supportive, but also really annoying at times lol. Your very typical southern family.

    On my dad's side, we remain close via facebook. His entire side of the family lives in the Baltimore, MD area, and my sister, 1 of my brothers, and I all live here in Austin, so logistically it's tough to see everyone very often. But I have to say my family up there is amazing. They are some of the kindest, most caring people on Earth and I know if I ever needed anything, now that my dad has passed away, my aunt would be here in a heartbeat. We're hoping to make it up to MD next summer to take my son out to Ocean CIty with the rest of the family (they take an annual beach trip, the WHOOOOOLE family every summer). That side of the family is very traditional Catholic, but not in the condemning "feel like your being judged all the time" way, more like in the if you're ever in trouble they'll open their homes/arms to you and pray for you anytime you're struggling. I honestly could not ask for a better family, regardless of how spread out we are.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    I'm not close with my family other than my parents. We moved from Ohio to Mississippi when I was 3 years old. So, I was never around them for more than a week a year. If that. I don't have brothers or sisters either. I will say that my family, even though we aren't close and have very different views on life, is supportive and I know I could count of them for anything.

    My wife's family is very close. We see them often. They only live about 3 hours away. My parents only live an hour away.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I'm an American... and I am close to my family... be it my in laws, extended family or immediate family... We are definitely the type of people that only we can mess with each other... no one else can. I don't know what I would do without my family... I always tell my husband that if we move and we have a choice, I don't want to be more than 6 hours away from some type of family... whether that's his or mine, extended or immediate...
  • grum84
    grum84 Posts: 428 Member
    Nope. There are whole parts of my extended family that I just kind of came across. My family had never even spoken about them. When asked about the extended family, mine just said they don't talk to them. I am close with one of my grandmas, but have literally walked into my parents home and pissed them off in 30 seconds...shortest trip back home ever. I love hanging out with my friends that have the big, close families though. They always make me feel so welcomed, I am even unofficially adopted into a couple of them.
  • 4x4play
    4x4play Posts: 200 Member
    I am super close to my family. I have only one brother and he passed away back in 07 so it's been really hard not having him around to talk to. My mom and I talk everyday and well my dad.. God I love him. I never imagined my life without my brother so I find it very hard at times.

    I really can't express it enough for families to try to put things behind and get along. I know I don't know all the situations but if there was one thing I could do...I would have my brother back. He was my best friend. And not a day goes by that I don't miss him like crazy. So to me family is very important.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    I am very close with my parents. They actually gave us 3 acres next to them to build a house, so we are next door neighbors. My brothers live close. I talk with one of them more than the other. We are all three very different personalities. I have about 40 first cousins on my dad's side of the family. I'm close with several of them. Some of them are quite a bit older than me, so we aren't real close. All of my grandparents have passed, but I was close with all of them as well.
  • DaGsGirl
    DaGsGirl Posts: 194
    Nope, dont speak to anyone in my family and im FAR better off for it.