Are you and your family close to each other?



  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    No, not at all. Not because of abuse or drama or anything negative. It's a very formal, parent/child relationship where you never talk about anything personal or deep.

    I probably get along better with my in-laws than my own family.
  • bluegrasschica
    I am very close to my family. We get together at least twice a week. Some of us cousins go out and have fun. We get the whole family together for all the holidays. It's like 35 people on my moms side and keeps growing. We also go to the lake in the summer for a weekend and all hangout. It's a blast. we always have a fun time. My dads side is like 25 people and growing so we hae a huge family. It keeps things interesting that's for sure! :bigsmile:
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    I have four sisters. Two of which i talk to consistently and two that I choose to love at a distance. I come from a family that VC Andrews would cream to write about. Dysfunctional is too nice of a word to describe us. But alas, we cannot change where we came from but we can decide not to let it define who we are.

    That and seeking therapy.
  • poodlepaws
    poodlepaws Posts: 269 Member
    Sadly no. I have quite a few friends who are extremely close with their families and I have to admit it makes me extremely jealous. Unless it's a holiday or something like that, my family is rarely in the same place at the same time and the only time I see my brothers and their families.
  • rachey_v
    rachey_v Posts: 127 Member
    I am much closer to my Stepmum and her new boyfriend than I am to my real Dad... in fact we visit her often and tend to not let him know when we're up that way (they only live 8 miles apart) but if he can't be assed to make the effort, nor can I. Family doesn't always mean blood!!
  • gwduker
    gwduker Posts: 293
    I can emphatically say yes! My brothers/inlaws/cousins and I love spending time and hanging out together. In fact I'd rather hang with them, then friends. At get togethers we always have a blast and catch up and joke around, dance, etc. When my mom and MIL came to stay with us for a month (during my DW pregnancy) my "American" friends were perplexed and thought that it too hard for them to deal with. IT WAS GREAT! I didn't have to cook and clean as much and I had more "free" time to do stuff.
    I also believe that because of having a great family, there is lots of support in a positive manner which makes life much, much easier compared to having negative family support which can make it a much more difficult life to deal with.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    This. If it wasn't for my brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, I wouldn't know what to do. Camping, fishing, hunting, playing music in the band, holidays, ext. all spent with the family and it is great!
  • smkcx
    smkcx Posts: 69
    We used to be; We used to go to my grandma's every sunday for a family get together with all my cousins, aunts/uncles. It was nice, lots of food and a house crammed full of people.

    I dont know what happened, I guess we all grew up and they decided they wanted to do different things with their time (youngest cousin is now 17) ~ last family function was christmas dinner. Aside from me, my fiance & our son, it was just my grandma, my handicapped uncle and my grandma's 6mth old grandson shes raising. But it was still nice, I enjoy my grandma's cooking and company, more for me I guess.
  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    I am close with one of my sisters and one of my brothers. I am the youngest of 5 and they were all out when I was little. As adults, I am very close with my oldest sister who lives in Chicago. My other sister lives 20 minutes from me and if we were not sisters we would NOT be friends. Two very different people. My oldest brother was over my house every weekend for 2+ years until he moved to Maine. I miss him terribly. My other brother lives in Florida and we talk maybe once a year. As for my mother...not so much. We have our....issues.
  • UnderConstructionLuis
    No, not close with my immediate family (mom, dad and brother). However, my uncle (dad's twin brother) and his family and i are very close. He has 2 sons that i am pretty close to, 1 more than the other. I have another cousin from my dad's side who i am very close to as well. Other than that, not very close to any other people in my family. Too many reasons to list. For me, i have a handful of friends that i are closer to me than my family. I consider them just as important and the feelings mutual.
  • jboccio90
    jboccio90 Posts: 644 Member
    I am super close with my immediate family. I see them twice a week and talk to my mother almost daily, partially because i have a child and they want to be a major part of her life.

    I am however not close with my bio dad, as he is a d-bag but i was blessed with a step dad that i view 100 percent at my dad.
  • beautifulneah
    beautifulneah Posts: 32 Member
    Nope, I wish. I am more like the black sheep if any thing and hardly accepted.
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    My family and in-laws live about 12 miles from me at the most. Talk to my Dad and Mom every day and my brother a few times a week. Have giant cookouts at my in-laws around the pool and all my family come - Everyone is very supportive of each other and I love it!!:heart:
  • alpha1029
    alpha1029 Posts: 139
    I am very close with my mom's side of the family. Everyone on that side, including aunts, uncles, cousins, and even random floating friends that we have taken into the fold, are the most amazing people. We used to go bowling every week to catch up, but as people got busier we now settle for a game night every couple of months. But we are always connected and hanging out. My husband thought it was really weird how close my family was when he first started getting to know them, he had no idea that families could actually get along that well. He reminded me just how lucky I am.

    My dad's side of the family, not as much. I'd like to get to know them better but I've always been a bit of a black sheep on that side. I think that I am just too silly and none of them really go for silliness. All my little cousins love me though because we watch the same cartoons, like talking about superhero movies, and don't mind getting dirty playing outside.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    Yes very. Talk to my family daily via phone or text. Get together with aunts uncles and cousins for every birthday. It's a nice tradition we have. I love my family. I also love my husbands family. I am close with most of them too.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Yes. My brother and I have always been pretty close. His daughters are like my daughters. Knocking when visiting each others houses does not exist.

    The rest of my family (on my moms side) like cousins and my grandma....we can go months without talking and when we talk/see each other again it's like we just talked yesterday.

    Now my dad's family.....not so much.
  • buffybabe
    buffybabe Posts: 180 Member
    my family is extremely close...people can't believe that I call my mom every day and visit my parents every weekend. My sister is actually living with me this summer so she can work with me. I love being around my family. My fiance's family is no where near as close. It's somewhat strange, they are Chinese, and my experience with most of the Asian people I have known is a very very close knit family. His is quite the opposite. ALthough they live together, they are not involved in eachother's lives or have any kind of emotional connection. I am looking forward to us being married, and hopefully being very close to eachother and our future family :-) I think it is very important
    Both my parents and inlaws only live an hour away and we're usually visiting one or the other every other weekend. Sometimes both.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    yeah i think that is great! haha my inlaws don't really seem to care if i visit them or not...i'm not really their ideal daughter in law
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    I'm really close to my mom, as in in "friends" close. Haven't talked to my dad for a whole of 10 years this Christmas. Rarely see any of the extended family. I wish I had one of those "We stick up for each other" families, especially a good father, but it's not happening so yeah...
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    My family is a little bit dysfunctional and crazy all rolled into one! I was close to my family growing up, but when I got old enough to form my own opinions and views; the crap hit the fan.

    I've spent the majority of my adult life separated from my family, and we use to do EVERYTHING together. Every weekend we'd be at one family members house (cousins, uncles/aunts, grandparents), but when I turned 18 and started dating my hubby things changed. They didn't like the fact that I chose him over family, that I changed political sides, that I thought for myself instead of them thinking for me (kinda like a cult really).

    It wasn't until the past 5 years or so that my mother and I started getting along better. They've spent the majority of my 17 year marriage not wanting to get to know my husband and only in the past 8 months have they finally realized that I married a terrific man, wonderful father and loving husband. We're just now starting to go to family get together's again; but they are very trying given the craptastic events we've been through (can you say white trash brawls?).

    I had to resort to the fact that I will never have that traditional mother/daughter daughter/father relationship and I hope and pray to God that my children will never be treated the way that I was.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    We are all very close. We talk practically every day, whether via text, FB, or on the phone. We live in different cities in Texas, but we visit as often as we can. I love my nephews (I have no neices) as if they were my own children.
  • Long_and_Lean
    Long_and_Lean Posts: 175 Member
    Unfortunately not. I don't speak to either of my parents. My mom divorced my dad when I was 13, and she did it in kind of a ****ty way -- left while he and I were out of the country, didn't say a word, took all her stuff. I didn't speak to her for over 10 years, tried to get back in touch for a little while, but she since has a new life, new daughter (who is still in middle school), and is in complete denial about what happened. Takes zero responsibility and spends most of her time bashing my dad and treating me like a burden rather than a daughter, so I said eff that and stopped speaking to her. My dad, on the other hand, is still bitter about all of this over 15 years later, to the point where I can't have a normal conversation with him. He views everything through the lens of the past, and I have to walk on eggshells around him for fear of setting him off. After 15 years of this crap, I said enough is enough. I told him that i wish he would move on, and that even though I've tried to help him, it doesn't seem to make a difference. I told him how much it hurt me that nobody ever asked if I was ok when I was a kid, because the two of them were so wrapped up in their own drama. I told him that I've made a big effort to get past things and that it's much better now (I have a wonderful husband and in-laws whom I hold very dear and am close to), and that I wish he could embrace a new life with me. He stopped speaking to me after that. He's so full of anger that he can't see clearly. It makes me very sad and I think about it every day.

    /whiny rant. Sorry about that folks.